Chapter 3 Study Guide

Academic Chemistry
Name _____________________________
Chapter 3 Study Guide
Block/Day __________________________
79 Points
Date Due ___________________________
1. A measurement is a quantity that has both a ______________& a ____________.
2. In chemistry, the measurement system we use is the _________________ system.
3. How is scientific notation written? ____________________________________________
4. Why is scientific notation necessary in science? _________________________________
5. Scientific notation includes a coefficient that is equal to or greater than __________ and less
than _____________.
8. What is the sign on the exponent for numbers with a value that is less than one?
9. What is the sign on the exponent for numbers with a value greater than one?
10. To evaluate the accuracy of a measurement, what must you compare it to? ___________
11. The correct value based on reliable references is called the _______________________
12. The measure of how close a measurement comes to its true value is called ___________
13. Precision is _____________________________________________________________
14. The value of something measured in the lab is called the _________________________.
15. How do you calculate error? ____________________________________________.
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16. How do you calculate the percent error? ____________________________________.
17. Measurements that report all certain digits and one estimated digit are called
18. Non-zero digits ___________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________Example __________
19. “ Sandwiched” zeros ________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Example __________
20. Zeros to the left ___________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________Example __________
21. Zeros to the right _________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________Example __________
22. Conversion factors, counting numbers and precisely defined quantities (constants i.e. the
speed of light) _______________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________Example __________
23. The answer cannot be _________________ than the least precise measurement used in the
24. To place your answer in the correct number of significant figures you ______________.
25. To "round off" a number, you must first decide ________________________________.
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26. After deciding how many significant figures your answer should have, going from left to
right, if the first number you discard is less than 5, you should _______________________.
27. After deciding how many significant figures your answer should have, going from left to
right, if the first number you discard is greater than 5, you should ____________________.
28. When adding and subtracting, your final answer should be rounded to
29. In multiplication and division, your final answer should be rounded to ______________
30. When making measurements, it is important to assign the correct _________________.
31. All SI units are based on the number ________________________________________.
32. What is the origin (predecessor) of the SI System? _____________________________.
33. ___________________________________ 34.________________________________
35. ___________________________________ 36. _______________________________
37.___________________________________ 38. ________________________________
39. __________________________________
40. Place a star beside the five base units commonly used by chemists.
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41. Weight is defined as ______________________________________________________________
42. Mass is defined as _______________________________________________________________
43. The basic SI unit for mass is the ___________________________________________.
44. What instrument is used to determine mass? _________________________________.
45. The relationship between an object's mass and its volume is called _______________.
46. What is temperature? ___________________________________________________.
47. What does the temperature of an object determine? ___________________________.
48. The two equivalent units of temperature are degrees ___________________ and the
49. The Celsius temperature scale sets freezing temperature of water at ______________
and the boiling temperature of water at ________________.
50. The Kelvin temperature scale sets the freezing temperature of water at ____________
and the boiling temperature of water at ________________.
51., What is meant by the term absolute zero? ___________________________________
52. The units of energy are the _________________________ and the
______________________. Circle the unit that is part of the SI System.
53. A ____________________ _________________ is a ratio of equivalent measurements.
54. Give an example of a conversion factor. _____________________________________
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55. When a measurement is multiplied by a ___________________ ______________ the
numerical value is generally ___________________, but the actual size of the quantity
measured remains the _________________.
56. ______________________ _________________ is a way to analyze and solve
57. Problems in which a measurement with one unit is converted to an equivalent
measurement with another unit are easily solved using ___________________
58. Qualitative measurements state results in the form of __________________________.
59. Quantitative measurements state results in the form of _________________________.
60. Density is a(n) ______________________ ____________________ that depends only
on the composition of a substance, not the size of the sample.
61. What is the formula for density? ___________________________________________
62. the density of a substance generally ___________________________ as its
____________________________ increases.
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