
Minutes of the Meeting
15 August 2013
(via WebEx Telecon)
These minutes were approved during the 16 September 2013 EAB Teleconference.
(Privileged Information, Subject to Confirmation)
43. Call to Order. The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) met on 15 August 2013 via Web Ex
telecon. Dr. Michael Lightner, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities and Chair, Educational
Activities Board (EAB), called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. (EDT). A member quorum was
confirmed and attendance was as follows:
Michael Lightner, Chair
Eleanor Baum
Joseph Hughes
James Irvine
J. Keith Nelson
John Orr
S.K. Ramesh
Edward Rezek
Saurabh Sinha
Yatin Trivedi
Kristi Brooks
Elizabeth Burd
Tariq Durrani
Ashutosh Dutta
Elya Joffe
Mini Thomas
T. L Prasanna Venkatesan
Sorel Reisman
Burt Dicht, Director, University Programs
Fern E. Katronetsky, Manager, EAB Administration & IEEE-HKN
Sharon Strock, Project Administrator
44. Vice President’s Remarks. Vice President Lightner advised of the purpose of the WebEx telecom,
which is to review the changes proposed to the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology) Constitution, and provide a recommendation to the IEEE Board of Directors for their
September Board telecon.
45. Confirmation of E-mail Ballot on Proposed Revisions to CETAA Program Criteria. Received
Confirmation of the E-mail Ballot on the Proposed Revisions to CETAA Program Criteria which
officially records for the minutes the action taken on this item. (Reference Agenda Item # 5)
Unapproved Minutes of the
IEEE Educational Activities Board
15 August 2013
Via WebEx Telecon
Page 2 of 2
46. Proposed Revisions to the ABET Constitution. Dr. Saurabh Sinha introduced the item that was
submitted to EAB regarding proposed changes to the ABET Constitution. (Reference Agenda Item
# 6)
It was noted that if the ABET items are approved, as submitted, changes to IEEE Bylaw I-108.6 would
need to be modified since it currently limits IEEE to only U.S. Accreditation. It was requested that a
review of IEEE Bylaw I-108.6 be reviewed, and an item be added to the November EAB meeting
agenda for discussion to address this. It was pointed out that the change in the ABET Constitution
says nothing about non-US accreditation. Rather, it changes ABET society membership
It was also noted that IEEE needs to be made aware of interests from non-U.S. organizations who
may be interested in accreditation. Although none exist at this time, if there are, the changes to the
ABET Constitution will allow the ABET Board of Directors to grow in size which may become
cumbersome at times. In addition, it may dilute IEEE’s representation on the ABET Board, which
currently allows for three (3) IEEE representatives. Further, as the ABET Board of Directors might
increase in size, a look into the assessment of IEEE’s U.S. members will need to undergo review at
some point in time.
It was moved to call the question, and the following actions were taken:
It was moved and seconded that EAB recommend to the IEEE Board of Directors that the
proposed changes to the ABET Constitution as outlined in Appendix C, as submitted, shall
be approved. The motion passed.
b) It was moved and seconded that EAB recommend to the IEEE Board of Directors that the
proposed changes to the ABET Constitution as outlined in Appendix B, as submitted, shall
be approved. The motion passed.
c) It was moved and seconded that EAB recommend to the IEEE Board of Directors that the
proposed changes to the ABET Constitution as outlined in Appendix D, as submitted, and
which is a combination of Appendix B and Appendix C together, shall be approved. The
motion passed.
47. Old Business. No Old Business was discussed.
48. New Business. A number of items were raised during the course of discussion above and are to be
covered as part of the EAB agenda for the next meeting in November.
49. Next Meeting. The next face-to-face meeting of the IEEE Educational Activities Board will be on
Saturday, 23 November 2013 at the Hyatt Regency – New Brunswick in New Brunswick, New Jersey,
USA, which will be preceded by the IEEE EAB Awards Ceremony on Friday evening, 22 November
50. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. (EDT).
Submitted by,
Douglas Gorham, Ed.D.
Managing Director& Secretary
IEEE Educational Activities