Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design Per the college’s eLearning Standard Policy1, eLearning courses will be peer-reviewed for adherence to the college’s faculty-approved eLearning Course Standards. This checklist will be used by the review team. Required Standard2 1a. All eLearning course components must meet all required Section 508 regulations. Per this standard, a course must: NOTE: Requirements for meeting this standard are still under review. Hence courses not meeting this requirement (1) will be able to go forward (2) will be flagged for further review and (3) should be corrected as soon as possible when feasible. 1b. All eLearning course components must meet copyright laws inclusive of the TEACH Act and Fair Use guidelines. NOTE: It will be helpful to review http://www.utsystem.edu/OGC/In tellectualProperty/copypol2.htm before initiating the review process. 1 Provide alternate means of access to course materials for the visionimpaired or hearing-impaired student (e.g. audio lectures include text transcripts; video clips, images, or animations are accompanied by text transcripts; embedded images include alternate text descriptions) Met? Notes: Yes No Internet links have meaningful names and include alternate text along with useful descriptions of what students will find at the linked sites Icons used as links have alternate text associated with them or an accompanying text link Course materials from outside sources are properly cited using MLA-, APA-, or Chicago-style citation Faculty has proper documentation (that is, signed written agreement) if he/she has uploaded resources from publishers that include a software licensing agreement Materials posted do not include the transmission of textbook materials or materials "typically purchased or acquired by students” Yes No The eLearning Standard Policy is available on the intranet at http://intranet.lfcc.edu/documents/policies/Policy%20%2351006%20eLearning%20Standards%20Policy%202009-01.pdf 2 Standards listed in this column come directly from LFCC’s faculty-approved eLearning Course Standards (http://intranet.lfcc.edu/documents/Office%20of%20Learning/processes/LFCC%27s%20eLearning%20Course%20Standards% 20(January%202009).pdf) Page 1 Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design Required Standard2 Per this standard, a course must: 3a. All eLearning courses must start in Blackboard. 3b. All eLearning courses must include a navigation scheme that makes it easy and intuitive for students to find necessary information. If a link takes students outside of Blackboard, students are able to return to the Blackboard site in no more than 3 steps 4a. The Blackboard course shell must contain an announcements content area. Include an Announcements link or button in the course menu Course starts in the Blackboard course shell provided by the Instructional Technology Office for the given semester Yes Hyperlinks included in the course are in working order Yes Link or button has NOT been renamed (that is, the link or button is left as named: "Announcements") At a minimum, include a welcome announcement in the content area 4b. The Blackboard course shell must contain a faculty information content area. Met? Include a Faculty Info link or button in the course menu Link or button has NOT been renamed (that is, the link or button is left as named: "Faculty Info”) At a minimum, include contact information, office hour information, and a brief professional biography (reference standard #10 below) in the content area 4c. The Blackboard course shell must contain a syllabus content area. Include an Syllabus link or button in the course menu Link or button has NOT been renamed (that is, the link or button is left as named: "Syllabus") 5. A complete course syllabus for the eLearning course must be directly linked to the Syllabus button on the Blackboard course menu. Provide a link to the Syllabus either directly through the Syllabus menu link/button or provide easy access to the course syllabus in the associated content area Page 2 No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Notes: Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design Required Standard2 Per this standard, a course must: 7a. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include an explanation of any technical software and/or hardware requirements of the course, including having a reliable Internet connection. Provide an explanation of any technical software and/or hardware requirements that are specific to the course materials 7b. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include an explanation of any physical location requirements. Include a statement that makes it clear to students the location of the proctored activities. Met? Yes No Emphasizes the need for a reliable, preferably high-speed, Internet connection If the course requires special software and/or hardware, describe the minimum, courseNOTE: Information on the technical specific technical skills expected of software and/or hardware the student requirements for all eLearning These statements must be clear and courses is located in the Help & easy to locate in the course Syllabus Support content area included in content area. all Blackboard course shells. Hybrid courses: Include a statement that makes it clear to students that the course includes both online and face-to-face components/activities Hybrid courses: Specify any/all requirements for participation in the face-to-face portion of the course Hybrid courses: Include a statement that explains where and when students should participate each week. These statements must be clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area. Page 3 Yes No Notes: Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design Required Standard2 Per this standard, a course must: Met? 7c. In addition to following the State the instructor's preferred college's standard syllabus method of student-instructor template format, eLearning course communication syllabi must also include an Include both a primary (preferred) explanation of how students will and secondary method of studentcommunicate with the instructor. instructor communication At least two methods must be established by the instructor and State the time frame for responding to students clearly explained in the syllabus. These statements must be clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area. Yes 7d. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include clear standards with respect to the response times students can expect for communication and feedback on assignments. State the time frame for providing feedback on assignments and posting grades. Yes 7e. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include an explanation of how the student will communicate with other students. At least one method must be established by the instructor and clearly explained in the syllabus. Include a statement that is clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area that states how the students will communicate with other students Yes 7f. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include an explanation of how assignments will be turned in to the instructor. Include a statement that is clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area that provides instructions on how to submit assignments Yes 7g. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include an explanation of how feedback on assignments will be provided. Include a statement that is clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area that provides instructions on how students can access grades for the course assignments Yes Page 4 No No No No No Notes: Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design Required Standard2 Per this standard, a course must: 7h. In addition to following the college's standard syllabus template format, eLearning course syllabi must also include an explanation of how participation will be assessed if class participation is an assessed component of the course experience. Include a statement that is clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area that articulates the instructor's expectations with regard to student participation Met? Yes No Clearly define the requirements for the nature of the required participation and expectations for frequency and quality of the student's responses Where appropriate (for instance, for individual task descriptions that involve student-student interaction), include a rubric detailing how student interactions will be evaluated, including reading and responding to the instructor's and classmates' threads/posts 8. All online courses must have a direct link to an activity that gives students and opportunity to reflect and assess whether or not an online course is appropriate for them. Include an activity that gives students an opportunity to think critically about the requirements of an online course Yes Include a brief description of professional experiences Yes 10. All eLearning courses must include the instructor's short professional biography and a welcome message. Include a welcome message in the Announcements area; this message should be available on the first day of semester and remain available throughout the first week of the class. 12. eLearning courses must be current and in good operating condition. Hyperlinks included in the course are in working order Posted due dates must be current Page 5 No No Yes No Notes: Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design Required Standard2 Per this standard, a course must: 13. All eLearning courses must have a minimum of one proctored assessment. Include a statement that is clear and easy to locate in the course Syllabus content area that specifies the details of the proctored assessment, when and how it will be administered, and how it will be weighted relative to the overall course grade NOTE: The College's Instructional Leadership Team recommends that the proctored assessment account for at least 10% of the student's overall grade in the course to ensure that students take the assessment seriously and complete it as directed. (Optional) Additional Reviewers’ Notes: Course Reviewed: Date of Review: Signature of Course Instructor: Signatures of Peer Reviewers: Page 6 Met? Yes No Notes: Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design The standards included below must be checked off by the appropriate program lead, associate dean, dean, or associate vice president. Required Standard1: Met? 6. All eLearning course content must be based on the same course content summaries that are used for traditional courses. Yes 7. eLearning course syllabi must follow the college's standard syllabus template format. Yes 11. All eLearning course faculty must respond to eLearning students' communications in a timely manner. Yes Course Reviewed: Notes: No No No Date of Review: Signature of Course Instructor: Signature of Supervisor: Standards listed in this column come directly from LFCC’s faculty-approved eLearning Course Standards (http://intranet.lfcc.edu/documents/Office%20of%20Learning/processes/LFCC%27s%20eLearning%20Course%20 Standards%20(January%202009).pdf) 1 Page 7 Lord Fairfax Community College Checklist for eLearning Course Design This table includes suggested best practices. Although these aspects of course design are not required, the Faculty Instructional Technology Committee and the Instructional Technology Office encourages faculty to include them in their course design so as to enhance retention and student success rates in the eLearning Courses offered by Lord Fairfax Community College. Best Practices: Things to look for… 2. Faculty should adhere to the applicable NOTE: This document is still in the draft stages. Once approved, it guidelines and best practices documented in the will be made available through the college's intranet and the “Guidelines & Best Practices for the applicable annotations will be added to this table. Development and Use of eLearning in the VCCS” 3b. Faculty who maintain their own Web pages and who link out of Blackboard to those Web pages should follow best practices of Web design personal design preferences Web pages designed and maintained by faculty should be reviewed by the college's Webmaster for adherence to the best practices of Web design If course materials contain links to sites outside of Blackboard, linked pages open in a new browser window or tab Include information about the College’s disability policies and procedures. (related to required standard 1a – ADA / Section 508 compliance) Reference and/or include a link to LFCC's policy regarding accessibility and ADA compliance Include information that tells students how to gain access to LFCC's disability support services Include a reference or link to Blackboard's ADA compliance statement If special tools and software (other than Blackboard) are used to deliver the course, documentation stating their degree of ADA compliance should be included Appropriate font, color, and spacing is used to facilitate readability and minimize distractions for the student Foster meaningful interaction between the instructor and student, among students, and between students and course materials (related to required standard #7e listed above) Include a learning activity that fosters student-student interaction Faculty information should include a picture of the instructor (related to required standard #9 listed above) Page 8