Historical Fiction Book Project

Name ________________________
Historical Fiction Book Project
Possible Points
Journal Entry 1
Journal Entry 2
Final Project
Total Project
25 points
25 points
50 points
100 points
September 11
September 18
September 26
Step 1 – Students will choose a historical fiction novel and get it approved by Miss
Hughes. It must be a historical fiction book that is also realistic.
Step 2 – Students will complete two journal entries for chapter summaries.
Each week students will complete the journal handout. They must describe what is
happening historically in the novel, describe the story in detail, and show what they are
thinking while they are reading. These reflections should be at least 6 sentences. Also,
identify and define (using a dictionary) a minimum of three unfamiliar words used in the
novel. Each journal will be checked for completeness on each due date. This will help
keep everyone on track for completing their novels in a timely manner.
Journal Rubric
Entry contains summary,
reflection, history, and
vocabulary. Entry is well
organized, and
Opinions are well
supported with evidence
from the book.
Connections are made.
The summary includes
the characters, the
conflict, and the setting.
Information is detailed
and accurate.
Name and date are on the
project, and it is on time.
Entry is organized
but is missing one of
the four
Entry is not well
organized and is
missing two of the
four elements.
Entry is poorly done, and
only answers one of the
four requirements.
Opinions are clearly
stated, the book is
mentioned, but no
connections are
Reading is
summarized, but
some important
details are left out of
one of the three.
Information is
The journal is one
day late, or missing
name or date.
Opinion is general,
little or no evidence
from the book, no
connection is made.
There are no details, and
a generic statement is
given, i.e. ‘I like this story’.
The summary does
not have two of the
three requirements.
The summary does not
really give any
meaningful information
about the story.
May contain one or
two inaccuracies.
The journal is two
days late, or missing
both name and date.
Contains many
The journal is three days
* Students will be given 5 points for being in the correct place in their novel: half
way by Sept. 11th and finished by Sept. 18th.
Name ________________________
Step 3 - Historical Fiction Project Instructions
Below is a list of projects that students may choose to complete for the project portion of
the historical fiction novel project. Refer to the rubric for scoring requirements.
1. Acrostic Poem
a. At least a 10 letter word or multiple small words equaling at least 10 letters
should be used
b. The acrostic must be written in sentences that create meaning
c. Describes a main character or major event in your novel
d. A minimum of 4 pictures or clip art that illustrates your poem
e. Mounted on construction paper and typed or neatly written in ink.
f. Shows specific details about the novel that you are reading.
2. Cartoon Summary
a. 6 -8 cartoon frames
b. summarize a chapter or major event in the book
c. cartoon must be drawn clearly with captions explaining what is happening
in each of the frames.
d. Drawings must be colored and presented neatly (not lined paper!)
e. Mounted on construction paper
3. Timeline
a. The timeline should cover the beginning, middle and end of your novel
clearly labeled with dates.
b. Include quotes from the book as examples that were mentioned, or events
that have significant dates to remember.
c. The events should all be labeled.
d. It should be at least 18 inches long, be colorful,
e. It should include at least 3 important dates.
4. Newsletter
a. Produce a Newsletter in Microsoft Word.
b. Create a newsletter that describes events taking place at the same historical
time as your novel.
c. Include who, what, where, when, and why.
d. Include scenes from your book (clip art is fine here!) for illustration
e. Newsletter should be neat, colorful, typed and printed.
5. Play or Re-enactment
a. Create/write a minimum of 15 line script.
b. Cast some of your classmates if needed
c. Act out scenes from your novel
d. Include character names, and any props that will help create the scene
e. Use phrases from your novel in your dialogue.
Name ________________________
Historical Fiction Final Project Rubric
Directions on the
handout were
followed exactly
and all of the
elements are
The project
demonstrates a
knowledge of the
Project is
presented reflecting
creativity and a lot
of thought
Project is
interesting and
Materials are
complete and
Presentation has a
sequence and a
Information is
accurate and well
Project is turned in
on time: 10 points
Project is missing
one requirement
Project is missing 2
Project is missing
three requirements
The novel
demonstrates a
good knowledge of
the novel.
The project
demonstrates some
knowledge of the
The project
demonstrates very
little knowledge of
the novel.
Good effort, project
is neat and shows
evidence of time
spent on it.
Some attempt made
to add color and
originality. Project
is acceptable.
Project is
interesting and
Materials are
complete and
Some parts of the
project are
complete and
Little attempt to
add color or
originality. Project
has sloppy
Project is not
interesting, not tidy.
Materials are
incomplete and not
Information is
accurate and
Information has
misconceptions and
provides little or no
Information has
Project is one day
late: 8 points
Project is two days
late: 5 points
Three or more days
late: 2 points
The project rubric score will be doubled, and added to the timeliness score to equal
a total of fifty possible points.