Canterbury Public School

Canterbury Public School
P&C Meeting
Wednesday 15 May 2013 at 7.30pm
School Library
Present: Lynne Scouller, David Lewis, Natalie Bishop, Amanda Barker, Suzanne Trimmer,
James Iliffe, Lisa Haller, Connie Emmington (Relieving Principal), Annabel Kain, David
Taffa, Glenn Smith, Nerida Chedra, Anne Tidermann, Jonathon McLeod, Paul Scouller,
Cathy Miller, Emma In der Maur (minutes)
Meeting opened: 7:30 pm
If you could do one thing for your school this year what would it be?
Welcome to new parents and citizens
Minutes from previous meeting
Revision of Thank You Certificates (Lynne Scouller)
Fete Report (Annabel Kain)
Playground Refurbishment and other proposals (Glenn Smith)
Stage 3 Class Parent Reps (Lynne Scouller)
School e-news and school communications policy (Annabel Kain)
Principal’s Report: (Connie Emmington)
Committee reports (5 minutes);
Indigenous Projects (Alexis Joseph)
Garden: (Nerida Chedra)
Music: (David Lewis)
Fund Raising: (Suzanne Trimmer)
Canteen: (Lynne Scouller)
Agenda Item
Welcome to new
parents and friends
Glenn Smith
Jacqui C, Jacquie K-R, Philippa T, Linda, Mel B, Sascha, Anne T
Minutes from previous The minutes from the previous meeting were adopted.
meeting and Matters
Thank you to Bryony Heath for keeping Gonski issues at the
Correspondence/Tabled CPS Homework and School Discipline Policy (also available on
school website), Fete Report (Annabel Kain)
Thank you certificates
These will be updated. James I and John T volunteered to review
the design. Glenn and Lynne S to review wording.
Stage 3 Class Parent
The Stage 3 Class email list will be sent to Lynne for P&C
communication purposes.
Fete Report
refurbishment and
other proposals
A fete report was tabled by Annabel and discussed in detail. CPS
Teachers have offered to hold an afternoon tea on June 26 by way
of thanking the school community for their contributions on the
day and in the lead up to the fete. A P&C thank you function is also
proposed at some stage over the next few months. The fete was an
excellent community day.
Discussion over spending options for the P&C preceded a round
table canvassing of opinion. Options agreed to purse are: drafting
of a playground master plan staged over several years with a view
to installing and upgrading equipment in the near future and
lighting in the school playground and near entrances. To this end
Anne T will co-ordinate a group of interested and qualified parties
to look at the playground and P&C to approach a parent with
particular skill set to review lighting.
The SRC are to survey students for their preferences.
School e-news and
communications policy
Connie Emmington presented a request from the school executive
for additional funding for Learning Support staffing. An
expenditure of $2,500 for the 2013 calendar year was sought to
provide teaching assistance in the classroom.
Moved David Lewis, Seconded Suzanne Trimmer.
School e-news is designed to reduce the number of paper notes
distributed and provide reliable, timely delivery of information to
parents. As a safety net, there is a set of current notes next to the
white notes box near the school office and another planned near the
library to catch ACEBASC parents.
The aim is to end hard copy distribution by Dec 2013 and attach all
class notes on the website calendar.
Principal’s Report –
Connie Emmington
(relieving Principal):
The P&C have requested progress reports at each meeting for the
next few months on school e-news uptake.
Restorative Practices will be on the June agenda. The homework
policy is up for a regular review that will include a community
survey. Teachers are preparing information and statistics for further
discussion in the community.
Committee reports
Canteen Report
Cathy M has filled the vacancy left on the canteen committee. The
canteen committee successfully applied for State Government
Music: (David Lewis)
Upcoming meetings
Meeting concluded
funding and are planning to upgrade water systems in the canteen
and continue with the planned purchase and installation of an oven.
Engadine Band Fest on 26 June.
Next P&C is scheduled for Wednesday 19 June 2013 at 7.30pm