Unit 3 Daily Writing

3rd Grade Daily Writing (Unit 1): Each mini-lesson is approximately 10-15 min.
Unit 3, Week 1, Day 1
Unit 3, Week 1, Day 2
Unit 3, Week 1, Day 3
Unit 3, Week 1, Day 4
Unit 3, Week 1, Day 5
(skip during short weeks)
Block 1 (30 min)
 Action and Linking Verbs
Writing Mini-Lesson
 Fiction (375e)
Literacy Station Ideas
 Spell words with consonant
digraphs: sh, th, ch, tch, ng
 Independent reading
Conventions & Handwriting
 D’Nealian (375d)
 Spelling: Contractions (387c)
 Action/Linking Verbs (387c)
 Spelling: Contractions (395e)
 Action and Linking Verbs
 Action and Linking Verbs
 Spelling: Contractions (403c)
Writing Prewrite
Writing: Let’s Write It!
Writing: Let’s Write It!
Writing: Revise
 Fiction (387d)
*Evidence from text should be
used to add details to the
fiction story
Literacy Station Ideas
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Fiction (396-397)
Literacy Station Ideas
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Fiction (396-397)
*Additional Day to draft
Literacy Station Ideas
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Action and Linking Verbs
 Spelling: Contractions (403o)
 Adding (403d)
*Students may use this day to
finish the draft or they may
begin revising
Literacy Station Ideas
 Independent writing
 Identify the main idea and
details in expository text
Writing: Weeks 1 and 2 are allowed to write one piece. Teachers may choose to assign the fiction writing from week 1, the play from week 2, or allow
the students to choose between the two genres.
Trait: Voice
Assessment: writing conferences
Unit 3, Week 2, Day 1
Unit 3, Week 2, Day 2
Unit 3, Week 2, Day 3
Unit 3, Week 2, Day 4
Unit 3, Week 2, Day 5
(skip during short weeks)
(409d )
Writing: Revise
 Adding (403d)
Literacy Station Ideas
 Handwriting: practice
previous week’s letters
 Independent reading
Conventions & Handwriting
 D’Nealian (409d)
 Spelling: Prefixes: un-, re-,
mis-, dis- (417c)
 Main & Helping verbs (417c)
 Spelling: Prefixes: un-, re-,
mis-, dis- (425e)
 Main and Helping verbs
 Spelling: Prefixes: un-, re-,
mis-, dis- (437c)
 Main and Helping verbs
Writing: Proofread
Writing: Proofread
Writing: Publish & Present
Writing: Publish & Present
*Students have two days to
publish and/or present their
fiction stories or plays.
*Students have two days to
publish and/or present their
fiction stories or plays.
 Correct Verb Usage (403p)
*Students may use this day to
finish editing or begin
 Correct Verb Usage (403p)
*Students may begin to
publish their pieces on this day
as appropriate
 Spelling: Prefixes: un-, re-,
mis-, dis- (437o)
 Main and Helping verbs
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Identify and pronounce
 Independent writing
Writing: The genre started during week 1 should be continued week 2 to allow time for the piece to be taken through the writing process.
Trait: Sentences
Assessment: Fiction or Play
Block 1 (30 min)
 Main and Helping verbs
3rd Grade Daily Writing (Unit 1): Each mini-lesson is approximately 10-15 min.
Unit 3, Week 3, Day 1
Unit 3, Week 3, Day 2
Unit 3, Week 3, Day 3
Unit 3, Week 3, Day 4
Unit 3, Week 3, Day 5
(skip during short weeks)
Conventions & Handwriting
 Spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 Spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/
 Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing: Introduction
Writing: Prewrite
Writing: Draft
Introduce an Explanatory
Paragraph to the students Using
Writing to Sources p. 79 & the
rubric on p. 81
Prepare to write by rereading the
story selection (See Writing to
Sources p. 79) and collecting the
evidence from the text.
Using the prompt on p. 78 of
Writing to Sources, have the
students draft an explanatory
Block 1 (30 min)
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 D’Nealian (443d)
Literacy Station Ideas
 Handwriting: practice
previous week’s letters
 Independent reading
Literacy Station Ideas
 Determine the meanings of
unknown words (438h)
 Write a Formal Letter (460461)
 Spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/
 Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing: Revise
Have the students revise their
paragraphs using the rubric on
p. 81 as a guide.
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Write a Formal Letter (460461)
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Write a Formal Letter (460461)
 Identify characters, setting,
and plot in a book (438i)
 Independent writing (460461)
 Spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/
 Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing: edit
 Have the students edit their
paragraphs using the rubric
on p. 81 as a guide.
Writing: Formal Letter has been skipped and can be done during literacy stations. This week the students will write an explanatory
paragraph from Writing to Sources.
Trait: Conventions
Assessment: Writing to Sources Rubric p. 81
Unit 3, Week 4, Day 1
Unit 3, Week 4, Day 2
Unit 3, Week 4, Day 3
Unit 3, Week 4, Day 4
Unit 3, Week 4, Day 5
(skip during short weeks)
Block 1 (30 min)
 Present, Past, and Future
Tenses (473c)
 D’Nealian (485c)
Writing: Introduction
 News article(473e)
Literacy Station Ideas
 Handwriting: practice
previous week’s letters
 Independent reading
Conventions & Handwriting
 Spelling: Suffixes –ly, -ful, ness, -less (437c)
 Present, Past, and Future
Tenses (485c)
 Spelling: Suffixes –ly, -ful, ness, -less (493e)
 Present, Past, and Future
Tenses (493e)
 Spelling: Suffixes –ly, -ful, ness, -less (501c)
 Present, Past, and Future
Tenses (501c)
Writing: Mini-Lesson
Writing: Research
Writing: Revise
 News article(485d)
Allow students time to read news
articles online as mentor text and to do
research for their own news articles
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Write a thank you letter
 Independent reading
 Write a formal letter
Identify & pronounce words with
these sounds and consonants: /j/
spelled with g; /s/ spelled with c;
/k/ spelled with k, ck, or ch
 News article(494-495)
 Spelling: Suffixes –ly, -ful, ness, -less (501o)
 Present, Past, and Future
Tenses (501o)
 Clarifying
News article(485d)
Writing: This week the students will write a news article. The genre may need to be extended into week 5 to allow time for research.
Trait: Sentences Assessment: writing conferences
3rd Grade Daily Writing (Unit 1): Each mini-lesson is approximately 10-15 min.
Unit 3, Week 5, Day 1
Unit 3, Week 5, Day 2
Unit 3, Week 5, Day 3
Unit 3, Week 5, Day 4
Unit 3, Week 5, Day 5
Block 1 (30 min)
(skip during short weeks)
 Irregular Verbs (507d)
Conventions & Handwriting
 D’Nealian (507d)
 Spelling: Consonant Patterns
wr, kn, gn, st, mb (517c)
 Irregular Verbs (517c)
 Spelling: Consonant Patterns
wr, kn, gn, st, mb (529e)
 Irregular Verbs (529e)
 Spelling Consonant Patterns
wr, kn, gn, st, mb (537c)
 Irregular Verbs (537c)
Writing: Edit
Writing: Read Like a Writer
Writing: Introduce
Writing: Let’s Write It!
Writing: Proofread
Proofread News article for Verb
 Compare/Contrast
Composition (507e)
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
 Read aloud at an
appropriate rate (502i)
 Independent reading
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Practice spelling words
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Effective Word Choice
 Independent writing
 Handwriting: practice
previous week’s letters
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Compare/Contrast
Composition (517d)
 Compare/Contrast
Composition (530-531)
 Spelling: Consonant Patterns
wr, kn, gn, st, mb (537o)
 Irregular Verbs (537o)
 Effective word choice (537d)
 Independent writing
Writing: The news article may need to be extended into week 5 to allow time for research.
Trait: Word Choice
Unit 3, Week 6, Day 1
Assessment: writing conferences
Unit 3, Week 6, Day 2
Unit 3, Week 6, Day 3
Unit 3, Week 6, Day 4
Unit 3, Week 6, Day 5
(skip during short weeks)
Block 1 (30 min)
 Review Action and Linking
verbs (UR 15)
 Spelling Review Contractions
 Review writing process
Literacy Station Ideas
 Handwriting: practice
previous week’s letters
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Main and Helping Verbs (UR
 Spelling Review
Prefixes un-, re-, mis-, dis(UR24)
 Subject-Verb Agreement (UR
 Review Spellings of /j/, /s/,
/k/ (UR 34)
 Past, Present, and future
Tenses (UR 45)
 Spelling Review Suffixes –ly,
-ful, -ness, -less (UR44)
 Steps of writing process
 Steps of writing process
 Steps of writing process
 Irregular Verbs (UR 55)
 Spelling Consonant Patterns
 Steps of writing process
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
Literacy Station Ideas
 Independent reading
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Independent reading
 Independent writing
 Independent writing
Week 6 have students select one piece of writing that was drafted during unit 1 to develop through all of the steps of the writing process.
Trait: Organization
Assessment: Writing Conferences & Published Piece for Unit 3
3rd Grade Daily Writing (Unit 1): Each mini-lesson is approximately 10-15 min.