Class: Second Grade [2L] Teacher: Mrs. Levin Sept. 29-Oct. 26, 2014 Times 7:558:40 Monday Morning activity Tuesday Review Unit 1 test Wednesday Review Unit 1 Test Thursday Unit 1 Chapter Test Attendance Lunch count Change gym shoes Social Studies Scholastic News: News: Elephant Friends CC I.2.6, RI2.5, RI2.1, RL2.10 [Leveled-Reading audio] BL & OL Objective Learn how elephants comfort each other & learn how children can be good friends. VOCABULARY: herd, chirping, comfort, caring Friday Read Aloud Cursive Handwriting p. 71-72 Lesson 2.3 Hands-On Model 3-digit Number Essential?: How do you show a 3-digi Objective: Use concrete and pictorial ENGLISH text p.32-35 OBJ: Children will identify and discuss examples of a personal narrative. RTI – Reading CH-BS-LB-WN Lesson 21 RTI – Math BS-CH-LB-JR Lesson 22 RTI – Reading CH-BS-LB-WN RTI – Math BS-CH-LB-JR RTI – Language LB-WN-JR-PR Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25 Combination [ur] 8:409:20 NOTE PE /Music PE/Art PE /Music PE/Art PE /Music Teacher Plan Time Teacher Plan Time Teacher Plan Time Teacher Plan Time Teacher Plan Time 9:209:40 Reading Daily 5 Reading Daily 5 Reading Daily 5 Reading Daily 5 Reading Daily 5 9:4010:00 100010:20 10:2010:40 10:4011:00 **SEE*** class web-site AGENDA POSTED Spelling Phonograms [ack] and add [ock] Reading: Sequence Sequence/Summarize Language: Writing Dialogue… Speech bubbles Rotation continue on next day to follow day off. Spelling Phonograms [ack] and add [ock] Reading: Sequence/Summarize Language: Writing Dialogue… Speech bubbles Spelling Phonograms [ack] [ock] Reading: Sequence Sequence/Summarize Language: Writing Dialogue… Speech bubbles Spelling Phonograms [ack] [ock] Reading: Sequence Sequence/Summarize Language: Writing Dialogue… Speech bubbles 1:1011:45 11:4512:10 12:101:10 Lunch/recess Lunch/recess Lunch/recess Lunch/recess Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud Cursive Handwriting p 63-4 [H,h] Cursive Handwriting p. 65-6 [K,k][ Chapter Test Cursive Handwriting p. 67-68 [I,u] Cursive Handwriting p. 69-70 [e] Lesson 2.1 Group10’s as 100s Will use Chapter test to assess students overall progress. .OBJ: The each group of Lesson 2.2 Explore 3-digit number Essential Question: How do you write a 3-digit number for a group of tens? . Summative Assessment I will use the Chap. Review/Test to assess children’s progress in Chapter 1 Essential Question How do you use place value to find the value of numbers & describe the numbers in different ways. *How do you know the value of a digit? * What are the different ways you can show a number * How do you count by ones, tens, and hundreds? Introduce : Chapter 2 NUMBER TO 1,000 Show What You Know p. 72 Grab N’ Go Differentiated Centers 0 correct= Intensive interventions Skill 6 User Guide Activity 2 Pl Val.1 correct= Strategic Intervention Skill3 Comp 2-digits (1)= Strategic intervention Skill 4zzzzzzzzzzzz ten tens is equal to 1 group or flat of 100. LANG OBJ: Children use MathBoards to write the steps for how to group tens as hundreds. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What happen when you exchange 1 ten for ten ones? How many ones does it take to make 100? How many tens does it take to make 100? LEARNING ACTIVITY: What happens to a hundred when you exchange it for ten tens? LITERACY: Have children represent the number 245 using base ten blocks. Then exchange a 100 flat for ten tens and write what happens to Objective: Write 3-digit number that are represented by groups of tens. Explore: Listen & Draw the value of the number. 1:201:50 1:50 1:502:40 2:402:50 LIBRARY Computers Science: Simple Machines Science: Simple Machines Machine Sort Activity Machine Build Activity Phonics 21 Phonics 22 Phonics 23 Phonics25 End of day activity End of day activity End of day activity Daily End of day activity Daily Journal writing Daily Journal writing Journal writing Daily Journal writing Lunch/recess Early Release 2:503:00 Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal 2:55 car riders and walkers 3:00 bus rooms 3:10 bus departure 2:55 car riders and walkers 3:00 bus rooms 3:10 bus departure 2:55 car riders and walkers 3:00 bus rooms 3:10 bus departure 2:55 car riders and walkers 3:00 bus rooms 3:10 bus departure