Date and Place of birth : May 20 1960, Serres-Greece
Citizenship: Greek
Address: 13 Ploutarchou street, Athens GR - 106 75
Tel: +30-210-5831149
1978: Apolytirion of Lyceum - High School
Evangeliki Model School, Athens Greece
1986: Ptychion
Athens University Medical School, Greece
1999: Fellowship Certificate
Mayo Postgraduate School of Medicine, MN, USA
1992: Doctoral Thesis
University of Athens, Medical School, Greece
1997: State Recognition as Internist
Hellenic Ministry of Health and Welfare
2000: State Recognition as Diabetologist
Hellenic Ministry of Health and Welfare
1978-1986: Medical Student in Athens University Medical School, Greece
1983-1984: Scholar, Medical Student in Mount Sinai School of Medicine
State University of New York, New York, USA
1986-1989: Postgraduate Scholar of “A. Onassis” Foundation
2nd Department of Internal Medicine-Propaedeutic of Athens University
(Chairman Professor S.A.Raptis, MD), Greece
1989-1990: Mandatory Hellenic Army Service as Lieutenant Doctor
in the 2nd Batallion of Paratroopers
1990-1991: Mandatory Service as a State rural Doctor
in Proussos Village, Evrytania Prefecture, Greece
1991-1996: Resident in Internal Medicine
2nd Department of Internal Medicine-Propaedeutic of Athens University
(Chairman Professor S.A.Raptis, MD), Greece
1996-1997: Associate in Hellenic National Diabetes Center
Athens, Greece
1997-1999: Research Fellow in Endocrinology
Mayo Clinic MN, USA
1999-2002: Associate in Athens University, Greece
2002-2006: Elected in the Faculty of Athens Medical School
as Lecturer, “Attikon” Univ.Hosp.
2006-onwards: Elected in the Faculty of Athens Medical School
as Assistant Professor, “Attikon” Univ.Hosp.
Hellenic Vascular Association
Hellenic Diabetologic Association
Hellenic Transplantation Society
Hellenic Society of Internal Medicine
“A.Onassis” Foundation Scholar Association
International Hippokrates Foundation
Hellenic Society of Metabolic Syndrome
Hellenic Society of Obesity
Hellenic Society the “Pancreas”
Hellenic Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (Chairman)
Hellenic Society of Internal Medicine (Board Member for 3 consecutive terms)
European Association for the Study of Diabetes
American Diabetes Association
International Diabetes Federation (Life member)
Mayo Alumni Society
The Plummer Society of Internal Medicine
European Society of Internal Medicine
Scholarship of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA as a visiting
medical student
Scholarship of the “A.Onassis” Foundation granting the Doctoral Thesis
European Grant for research fellowship in Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
1st Research Award in the 13th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Society of Internal
Medicine, Athens 2007
Finalist (6 best abstracts) in the 9th World Congress of Insulin Resistance, Los Angeles
10 International and 16 National Meetings
14 International and 117 National Meetings
-Member of the International Peer Review Panel in Metabolism, The Danish Ministry for
Science, Technology and Innovation, 2011
- Reviewer in 2 medical journals
-Guest Editor, Hormone & Metab Res 1995
-Co-Editor, Experimental and Clin Endocrinol and Diabetes, 2001
-Co-Editor for the Greek version of the European Manual of the Int. Medicine, 2005
-Reviewer of the National Institute for Postgraduate Studies
-Abstract reviewer in 5 National Congresses
-In Internal Medicine
-In Diabetology
-Department of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, USA
-Department of Electronic Engineers, National Polytechnic School
-European Project in the FP7 HEALTH 2012-2.4.3-1
7 International & 8 National Congresses
(General Secretary-Treasurer)
-Ethics Committee of the General University Hospital “Attikon”
-Board Member as the representative of all doctors in the General University Hospital
4th year, 6th year and Dental School medical students in the subject of Internal Medicine,
Clinical Endocrinology and Clinical Pharmacology
Residents in Internal Medicine, ICU, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Obstetrics and Cardiology
in Diabetology
Postgraduate students in Diabetology, Metabolism and Endocrinology
-9Articles in peer reviewed journals
-1 Chapter in an Endocrinology Textbook
-2 Chapters in an Internal Medicine Textbook
-7 Chapters in Proceedings
-48 abstracts in International Scientific Meetings (26 as 1st author)
-207 citations (self citations not included)
1. Raptis S., G. Dimitriadis, A.Ε. Raptis, A. Mitrakou, E. Hatziagelaki, P.
Halvatsiotis : Effects of a new Long-Acting α-Glucosidase Inhibitor (BAY-1248)
on Glycaemic Control in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. 20th Congress of
EASD, London - U.K., 12-15 September 1984. Diabetologia, 27, 2, 323A, 1984
2. Raptis S., G. Dimitriadis, A.Ε. Raptis, A. Mitrakou, E.Hatziagelaki,
P.Halvatsiotis: Evaluation of two new glucosidase inhibitors in the treatment of
insulin-dependent diabetics,using the Artificial Endocrine Pancreas. First
International Workshop on Glucosidase Inhibitors BAYm 1099 and BAYo 1248.,
Duesseldorf - Germany, Steigenberger Parkhotel, November 29 - December 1
3. Raptis S., D. Hadjidakis, G. Dimitriadis, A.Ε. Raptis, A. Mitrakou, E. Hatziagelaki,
P. Halvatsiotis, E. Diamantopoulos: Artificial Endocrine Pancreas (AEP)
applications in estimating insulin doses and monitoring IDDM patients on open
loop systems or intensified insulin therapy.,4rd Workshop of the EASD Study
Group on Artificial Insulin Delivery Systems and Pancreas and Islet
Transplantation.,Abstract Book p.68-69, Igls - Austria, 3 -5 February 1985
4. Raptis S., E. Hatziagelaki, G. Dimitriadis, A. Mitrakou, A.Ε. Raptis, P.
Halvatsiotis, S. Ladas, I. Hillebrand : Der Einfluss von zwei neuen αGlukosidase-Hemmern auf den Blutzuckertagesverlauf und den Insulinbedarf bei
Diabetikern, gemessen mit Hilfe des Kuenstlichen Endokrinen Pankreas. 20 te
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft, Mainz - Germany, 16-18
May 1985., Actuelle Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel 2, 6, 103, 1985
5. A.Mitrakou, C.H.Bartsokas, D.Hadjidakis, D.Papachristou, P.Halvatsiotis,
A.Souvatzoglou, S.Raptis: The reclassification of GH-deficiency by GRF
application., 28emes Journee Internationales Henri-Pierre Klotz d’Endocrinologie
Clinique (Paris France) 6 June 1985
6. Raptis S., D. Hadjidakis, G. Dimitriadis, A.Ε. Raptis, A. Mitrakou, E. Hatziagelaki,
P. Halvatsiotis, E. Diamantopoulos : Artificial Endocrine Pancreas (AEP),
application in estimating insulin doses and in monitoring IDDM patients on open
loop systems or intensified insulin therapy., XII Congress of the International
Diabetes Federation, Madrid - Spain, 23-28 September 1985. Diabetes Research
and Clinical Practice, Suppl.1, 462, 1985
7. Dimitriadis G., S. Raptis, A.Ε. Raptis, A. Mitrakou, E. Hatziagelaki, P.
Halvatsiotis, S. Ladas, I. Hillebrand : Evaluation of two new α-glucosidase
inhibitors (BAY-1248 and BAY-1099) in the treatment of patients with insulindependent diabetes mellitus using the Biostator. XII Congress of the International
Diabetes Federation, Madrid - Spain, 23-28 September 1985., Diabetes
Research and Clinical Practice, Suppl.1, 137, 1985
8. Hatziagelaki E., G. Dimitriadis, P. Halvatsiotis, A.Ε. Raptis, E. Katoulis, M.
Mitrakou, V. Komesidou, I. Hillebrand, S.Raptis: Therapeutischer Effekt von zwei
neuen α-Glukosidasehemmern bei insulinpflichtigen Diabetikern nach
vierwoechiger applikation. , 21te Jahrestagung der Deutschen DiabetesGesellschaft, Paderborn - Germany, Mai, 1986.
9. Dimitriadis G., S. Raptis, E. Hatziagelaki, A.Ε. Raptis, A. Mitrakou, P.
Halvatsiotis, S. Ladas, V. Komesidou, E. Katoulis, I. Hillebrand: Improvement of
glucemic control after prolonged administration of two new α-Glucosidase
inhibitors in patients with Insulin Dependent Diabetes. 46th Annual Meeting of
American Diabetes Association, 21-24 June, Anaheim California - USA, 1986. ,
Diabetes, 35, Suppl. 1, 67A, 1986
10. Hatziagelaki E., G. Dimitriadis, P. Halvatsiotis, A.Ε. Raptis, E. Katoulis, M.
Mitrakou, V. Komesidou, I. Hillebrand, S.Raptis: Therapeutischer Effekt von zwei
neuen α-Glukosidasehemmern bei insulinpflichtigen Diabetikern nach
vierwoechiger applikation. , 22te Jahrestagung der Deutschen DiabetesGesellschaft, Aachen - Germany, 28-30 Mai, 1987., Aktuelle Endokrinologie und
Stoffwechsel 2, 8 ,82, 1987
11. D.Hadjidakis, P.G.Halvatsiotis, Y.Ioannou, S.Raptis: The effects of somatostatin
analogue SMS 201-995 on carbohydrate homeostasis of type I diabetics as
assessed by the Artificial Endocrine Pancreas (AEP) 47th Annual Meeting of
American Diabetes Association, 7-9 June, Indianapolis IN - USA, 1987. ,
Diabetes, 36, Suppl. 1, 124A, 1987
12. S.Raptis, A.Mitrakou, P.Halvatsiotis, E.Hatziaggelaki: Normal glucose tolerance
test after 3 years of cyclosporine treatment in nondiabetic patients. 49 th Annual
Meeting of American Diabetes Association, 3-6 June, Detroit MI - USA, 1989. ,
Diabetes, 38, Suppl. 1, 155A, 1989
13. Mitrakou A, Hatziangelaki E., Raptis G., Halvatsiotis P., S.A.Raptis: Normal
glucose tolerance test after 3 years of cyclosporine treatment in nondiabetic
patients, Sir Roy’s Calne’s European Forum on Immunosuppression in Organ
Transplantation, 6-8 November 1990, Athens, Greece
14. Halvatsiotis P., K.Delli, S.Droufakou, A.Yalouris, S.A.Raptis: Association of time
and storage in evaluation of glycosylated haemoglobin using High Performance
Liquid Chromatography., 15th International Diabetes Federation Congress, 6-11
November 1994, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Suppl.1, 222, 1994
15. P.Halvatsiotis, A.Papadopoulou, V.Haviaras, E.Anagnostou-Kakara, A.Yalouris,
C.Sotiropoulos, S.A.Raptis: Comparison of the reliability of three different
methods for the estimation of the glycated hemoglobin, 13th Congress of the
European Association of Internal Medicine, 4-9 October 1995, Athens Greece,
European Journal of Internal Medicine, Vol 6, Suppl.1, p133,1995,
16. Raptis A., Tountas N., Yalouris A., Halvatsiotis P.: Therapeutischer Effekt von
Glibenclamid in einer fixen Kombination mit Metformin oder Phenfhormin in
NIDDM Patienten, Diabetes Dreilaender-Tagung, 15-18 Mai, Basel, Switzerland
17. P.Halvatsiotis, C.Makropoulos, S.A.Raptis: The National Diabetes Computed ,
Νetwork in Greece, 4th Meeting for the Implementation of the St-Vincent,
Declaration, 26 February- 1 March 1997, Lisbon Portugal
18. P.G.Halvatsiotis, D.Turk, A.Alzaid, S.Dinneen, R.A.Rizza, K.S.Nair: Discordant
metabolic actions of insulin on leucine and glucose metabolism in type II
diabetes, 80th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, June 24-27, 1998, New
Orleans-LA, USA, June 24-27, 1998
19. Halvatsiotis P., Raptis A.E., Kantartzis K., Makropoulos C., Raptis S.A.: The
National Diabetes Computed Network in Greece. Computers in Diabetes 1998,
Barcelona- Spain, September 1998, Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism Clin and
Exp, Vol.11, N.1,52, Feb 1998
20. Halvatsiotis P.G., K.Short, M.Bigelow, K.S.Nair: Leucine metabolism in type II
diabetes mellitus., 5th International Symposium on Amino Acid/Protein
Metabolism in Health and Disease: “State of the Art at the Turn of the
Millennium”, 23-25 September 1999, Perugia -Italy
21. P.G.Halvatsiotis, S.Meek, M.Bigelow, K.S.Nair: Dose dependent effect of
insulinadministration on IGFs & IGF-BPs serum levels in healthy people at a
postabsortive phase, 20th Congress of EASD, Brussels - Belgium, 28 September2 October 1999., Diabetologia, 0753, 1999
22. Halvatsiotis
S.A.Raptis:The Hellenic National diabetes network and the diabetes healthcare
medical record., 7th DOIT (EASD Study Group) Workshop, 12-14 May 2000,
Gubbio Italy
23. Raptis A.E., Dimitriadis G., Yalouris A., Mitrakou A., Kantartzis K., Sotiropoulos
C., Halvatsiotis P., Poulsen U., Raptis S.A: Is the electronic medical record a
step towards optimal management of diabetic patients? International Symposium
on Computer and Diabetes Care, Rochester-U.S.A., 8-10 September 2000
24. Raptis A.E., Dimitriadis G., Yalouris A., Mitrakou A., Kantartzis K., Sotiropoulos
C., Halvatsiotis P., Poulsen U., Raptis S.A: Is the electronic medical record a
step towards optimal management of diabetic patients? Symposium on
Computers in Diabetes 2000, Herzliya-Israel, 14-16 September 2000., Diabetes
Nutrition and Metabolism Clin and Exp, Vol.13, N.4,231, August 2000
25. Halvatsiotis P., Raptis A.E., Anastasiou E., Tsapogas P., Boutati E., S.A.Raptis
(on behalf of the Board Members of the Hellenic National Diabetes Center,
Athens, Greece): Hellenic National Diabetes Network and Diabetes Healthcare
Medical Record., Symposium on Computers in Diabetes 2000, Herzliya-Israel,
14-16 September 2000., Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism Clin and Exp, Vol.13,
N.4, 247,August 2000
26. Short K.R., P.Halvatsiotis, M.Bigelow, K.S.Nair: Muscle fatiguability but not peak
muscle strength or VO2max is altered in type II diabetic subjects.Annual Meeting
of the American Sports Medicine Society, Indianapolis-IN, USA 2000.,
Med.Sci.Sports Exer. 32: S176, 2000
27. Sreekumar R., P.Halvatsiotis, K.Sreekumaran Nair: Gene expression profile in
skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic patients – A study using GeneChip array, 60th
Annual Meeting of American Diabetes Association, 9-13 June, San Antonio-TX,
USA, 2000. Late Breaking Research Abstracts LB-2
28. Halvatsiotis P., Raptis A.E., Anastasiou E., Tsapogas P., Boutati E., S.A.Raptis
(on behalf of the Board Members of the Hellenic National Diabetes Center,
Athens, Greece): Hellenic National Diabetes Network and Diabetes Healthcare
Medical Record, International Symposium on Computer and Diabetes Care,
Rochester-U.S.A., 8-10 September 2000
29. Halvatsiotis P., K.Short, M.Bigelow, K.S.Nair: Whole body leucine metabolism
and muscle protein synthesis in type 2 diabetes, 60th Annual Meeting of American
Diabetes Association, 9-13 June, San Antonio-TX, USA, 2000.Diabetes, 49,
Suppl. 1, A84, 2000
30. Raptis S.A., P.G.Halvatsiotis, E Boutati, A.E.Raptis: A National Diabetes Service
– the Greek experience, 3rd HbA1c International Symposium “Diabetes Mellitus:
Time for a change”, Marrakech – Morocco, February 22-25, 2001
31. Short K.R., P.Halvatsiotis, M.Bigelow, K.S.Nair: Muscle mitochondrial and
sarcoplasmic protein synthesis rates in type II diabetic patients Annual Meeting of
Experimental Biology, Orlando-FL, USA March 31-April 4 2001
32. Raptis, A. EYalouris. A., Dimitriadis G, Halvatsiotis., P.,. Hatziagelaki, E Boutati,
E.. Raptis S. A: The beneficial effect on metabolic parameter on type 2 diabetic
patients through the use of the electronic medical records18th International
Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris-France, 24-29 August 2003
33. Halvatsiotis P.G., Stefanopoulou S., Kotanidou A., Orfanos S., Martinos C.,
Roussos C., Economopoulos T., Raptis S. A.: The relation of thyroid hormone
levels and reduced insulin sensitivity to survival of patients with septic shock 22nd
Symposium of the International Danube-Symposia on Diabetes Mellitus – 2nd
Central European Diabetes Congress, Kos Island, Greece, 7-9 June 2007
34. P. G. Halvatsiotis, S. Stefanopoulou, A. Kotanidou, S. Orfanos, C. Martinos, C.
Roussos, T. Economopoulos, S. A. Raptis: Insulin resistance in sepsis and
mitochondrial dysfunction as markers for the outcome of a septic shock., 43rd
EASD Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, 17-21 September 2007
35. P. G. Halvatsiotis, K. Patsouras, E. Delatola, E. Boutati, G. Salamalekis, E.
Salamalekis, T. Economopoulos, S.A. Raptis: Dysfunction of placental
mitochondria in gestational diabetes, 44th EASD Annual Meeting, Rome, 8-11
September 2008
36. P.G. Halvatsiotis, K. Patsouras, G. Salamalekis, E.l Salamalekis,
Th.Economopoulos, S.A. Raptis: Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function in
Advanced Pregnancy with Gestational Diabetes. 68th Scientific Sessions, San
Francisco - CA, June 6-10 2008
37. P. G. Halvatsiotis, K. Patsouras, E. Delatola, G. Salamalekis, E. Salamalekis,
Th. Economopoulos, S. A. Raptis: Skeletal Muscle Heavy Chain (MHC)
Transcripts in Gestational Diabetes (GDM). 69th Scientific Sessions, New Orleans
- LA, June 5-9 2009
38. P. G. Halvatsiotis, K. Patsouras, M. Vythoulka, G. Salamalekis, M. Tsilika, E.
Salamalekis, Th.Economopoulos: Oxidative Load and Antioxidant Enzyme
Capacity in Gestational Diabetes., 70th Scientific Sessions, Orlando - Florida,
June 25-29 2010
39. P. Halvatsiotis, C. Patsouras, L. Batalias, M. Tsilika, P. Dimakou, B. Sioulas, D.
Kassanos, G. Dimitriadis: Skeletal myscle myosin heavy chain isoform gene
transcript levels in advanced pregnancy with gestational diabetes., 6th
International Symposium on Diabetes & Pregnancy, Salzburg-Austria, March 2426 2011
40. P.Panagopoulos, P.Halvatsiotis, A.Likakis, Ch.C.Christodoulaki, E.Maratou,
Z.Drakopoulou, D.Kassanos, G.Dimitriadis. Pre-eclampsia risk factors in the
Greek population, Chicago, IL, USA, 9-11/9/2011,
41. P.Halvatsiotis, P.Karakitsos, K. Patsouras, M.Alepaki, L. Batalias, B. Sioulas, D.
Kassanos, G. Dimitriadis: Circulating Vascular Endothelial growth factor receptor1 (SVEGFR-1) and receptor -2 (SVEGFR-2) in euglacemic gestational diabetes.
47th EASD Annual Meeting, Lisbon, 12-16 September 2011
42. P.Halvatsiotis, P.Karakitsos, K.Patsouras, E.Maratou, M.Tsilika, M.Alepaki,
L.Batalias, Ch.Chrelias, Z.Drakopoulou, E.Maratou, D.Kassanos, G.Dimitriadis:
Circulating cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules in euglycemic
gestational diabetes, 9th World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and
Cardiovascular Disease, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 3-5/11/2011
1. Dimitriadis G., S. Raptis, A. Raptis, E. Hatziagelaki, A. Mitrakou, P.
Halvatsiotis, S. Ladas, I. Hillebrand. : Effects of two new α-Glucosidase
Inhibitors on glucemic
control in patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Klinische Wochenschrift 64, 405-410, 1986 (ΣΥΝ 18)
S.A.Raptis.: The effects of the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on
carbohydrate homeostasis of insulin-dependent diabetics as assessed by
the artificial endocrine pancreas.
Diab.Res.Clin.Pract 5: 91-981988 (ΣΥΝ 19)
Raptis A.E., N.B. Tountas, A.G. Yalouris, P.G. Halvatsiotis, S.A. Raptis:
Therapeutic effect of glibenclamide in a fixed combination with metformin or
phenformin in NIDDM patients.
Hormone Metabolic Research 28,89-94, 1996 (ΣΥΝ 20)
P.G.Halvatsiotis, D.Turk, A.Alzaid, S.Dinneen, R.A.Rizza, K.S.Nair
Insulin effect on leucine kinetics in type II diabetes mellitus
Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism 15:136-142, 2002 (ΣΥΝ 21)
R,Sreekumar, P.G.Halvatsiotis, J.C.Schimke, K.S.Nair
Gene expression profile in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetes and the effect of
insulin treatment
Diabetes 51:1913-1920, 2002 (ΣΥΝ 22)
VI) P.G.Halvatsiotis, K.Short, M.Bigelow, K.S.Nair
Synthesis rate of muscle proteins, muscle functions, and amino acid kinetics
in type 2 diabetes
Diabetes 51:2395-2404, 2002 (ΣΥΝ 23)
VII) Jaleel A, Halvatsiotis P, Williamson B, Juhasz P, Martin S, Nair KS
Identification of Amadori-modified plasma proteins in type 2 diabetes and the
effect of short-term intensive insulin treatment.
Diabetes Care. 2005 Mar;28(3):645-52 (ΣΥΝ 24)
VIII) Theodossiadis P, Rouvas A, Nakopoulou L, Halvatziotis P, Magkou C,
Vergados I: Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor , OPHTHALMOLOGY 2007, 114 (7):
1421-1422 2007