Syllabus MN 5522 Marriage and Family Counseling Spring Semester, 2013 Instructor: Larry L. Cornine, EdD, PhD Home Phone: 816.795.0612 Office Hours: By Arrangement Email: LCornine@mbts.Edu Cell Phone: 816.529.3811 Class Meeting: 8:00-12:25 T (Break: 10-11 Chapel) COURSE DESCRIPTION This course equips students to identify and understand the causes of marriage and family dysfunction and to select and apply treatment strategies to correct the dysfunction. COURSE PREREQUISITES MN 5501 Counseling Theories suggested but not required. COURSE OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able: Objective 1: To identify various causes of marriage and family dysfunction Objective 2: To diagnose accurately marriage and family dysfunction Objective 3: To identify and apply evidence based treatment strategies to correct marriage and family dysfunction Indicator for Objective 1: The student demonstrates by written analysis of case studies and through class discussion the ability to identify the causes (background issues) that create relationship dysfunction within a marriage and a family. Indicator for Objective 2: The student demonstrates by written analysis of case studies and through class discussion the ability to identify the presenting symptoms of a dysfunctional marriage and family. Indicator for Objective 3: The student demonstrates by analyzing case studies and through class discussion, the ability to select and apply appropriate evidence based treatment strategies to correct dysfunctions within a marriage and a family. FINAL GRADE A AB+ 98-100% 96-97% 92-95% BC+ C 1 85-87% 82-84% 73-81% B 88-91% C- 70-72% REQUIRED TEXTS 1. Gilbert M, Roberta, M.D. The Eight Concepts of Bowen Theory, A New Way of Thinking About the Individual and The Group Leading Systems Press, 313 Park Avenue, Suite308, Falls Church, Virginia 22046, 703 532-3823, Note: Check the bookstore for copies. You may need to order directly from the publisher. 2. Cornine, Larry L. EdD, PhD, Marriage Counseling Guide for Pastors. Didasko Inc, P O Box 1945, Lee’s Summit, Mo 64063. Order directly from 3. Cornine, Christopher K, PhD, Cornine, Larry L. EdD, PhD, How to Counsel Families in Distress, Didasko Inc, P O Box 1945, Lee’s Summit, Mo 64063. Order directly from 4. Healing The Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness GENERAL INFORMATION This course equips the clinical counselor with skills to counsel individuals experiencing marital and family distress. The equipping process includes two treatment models. One model is Bowen’s Systemic concepts for identifying the origin marriage and family problems. This is a popular approach used in secular and ministry clinical settings. The second is the Didasko Model for diagnosing and treating marriage and family issues. This model is a clinically descriptive and biblically prescriptive treatment process. Both approaches equip the practitioner with skills to provide in either a ministry or private clinical setting “standard of care” treatment for individuals in distressed marriage and family situations. Attendance is important and taken daily. Please be aware that the attendance policy requires students to attend at least 75% of the class sessions to receive credit. Failure to attend 75% of class sessions will result in the student receiving a failing grade for the course. (See the Current Academic Catalog). *NOTE: This is for accreditation purposes for the MBTS library. The student turns in a separate bibliography of all books and articles consulted and cited for producing the paper to include a copy of the paper title page. 2 Confidential Internet-Based Assessment of Learning for Each Classroom Experience To assist Midwestern in the on-going assessment of student learning and achievement, students are asked to complete the confidential, internet-based assessment of learning for each classroom experience. Course assessment(s) may be accessed at and are made available at the end of each semester or term. Students have the option of completing the online course assessment after the end of the semester or term and then being able to retrieve the grade(s) for their course(s). Students who do not have internet access may obtain access and/or assistance in Midwestern Library. Students having difficulty accessing their online course information should contact Information Technology department at (816) 414-3763 or COURSE ORGANIZATION Readings for the course are from three texts and one paper on an internet site. (See the Required Texts of the syllabus). You are required to write a reading summary for each chapter of the Gilbert text and a reading summary for each session in the Marriage Guide and Family Guide. For each Bowen Concept, identify one scripture that you believe supports the concept. The format for the Reading Summary follows the Course Organization section of this syllabus. Submit your Reading Summary for each chapter or session via BlackBoard by the date and time given. There are 10 points for each summary. There is a 2-point deduction for each day after the deadline. There is a 50point midterm and final examination. Date In Class Assignment January 29 Review Syllabus Questions Introduction to Systems Theory Gilbert Text: The Nuclear Family Emotional System Marriage Guide Session 1 February 5 The Nuclear Family Emotional System Marriage Guide Session 1 Gilbert: Text The Differentiation of Self Marriage Guide Session 2 February 12 The Differentiation of Self Gilbert: Text 3 Additional Information Complete Reading Guides for Nuclear Family Emotional System and MG Session 1 Due February 4 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides for The Differentiation of Self Marriage Guide Session 2 Due February 11 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Marriage Guide Session 2 Triangles Marriage Guide Session 3 February 19 Triangles Marriage Guide Session 3 Gilbert Text: Cutoff Marriage Guide Session 4 February 26 Cutoff Marriage Guide Session 4 Gilbert Text: Family Projection Process Marriage Guide Session 5 March 5 Family Projection Process Marriage Guide Session 5 Gilbert Text: Multigenerational Transmission Process Marriage Guide Session 6 March 11-15 Spring Break March 19 Multigenerational Transmission Process Marriage Guide Session 6 Gilbert Text: Sibling Position Marriage Guide Session 7 March 26 Sibling Position Marriage Guide Session 7 Gilbert Text: Emotional Process in Society Marriage Guide Session 8 April 2 Emotional Process in Society Marriage Guide Session 8 Marriage Guide Session 9 Families In Distress Session 1-2 4 Guides for The Triangles Marriage Guide Session 3 Due February 18 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides: Cutoff Marriage Guide Session 4 Due February 25 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides: Family Projection Process Marriage Guide Session 5 Due March 4 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides Multigenerational Transmission Process Marriage Guide Session 6 Due March 18 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides: Sibling Position Marriage Guide Session 7 Due March 25 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides: Emotional Process in Society Marriage Guide Session 8 Due April 1 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides: Marriage Guide Session 9 Families In Distress April 9 Marriage Guide Session 9 Families In Distress Session 1-2 Marriage Guide Session 10 Families In Distress Session 3-4 April 16 Marriage Guide Session 10 Families In Distress Session 3-4 Marriage Guide Session 11-12 Families In Distress Session 5-6 April 23 Marriage Guide Session 1112 Families In Distress Session 5-6 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness Marriage Guide Session 13-14 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness April 30 Marriage Guide Session 1314 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness Marriage Guide Session 15 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness May 7 Marriage Guide 15 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness May 13-16 Finals Week 5 Session 1-2 Due April 8 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guides: Marriage Guide Session 10 Families In Distress Session 3-4 Due April 15 by 11:58PM Complete Reading Guides: Marriage Guide Session 1112 Families In Distress Session 5-6 Due April 22 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guide: Marriage Guide Session 1314 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness Due April 29 by 11:59PM Complete Reading Guide: Marriage Guide Session 15 Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness Due May 6 by 11:59PM READING GUIDE Student Name _________________________ Name of Guide: Circle MG FD MG= Marriage Counseling for Pastors FD= Families in Distress Session # _____ Session Focus: _________________________________________________________ Three concepts that would help you in counseling 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ Select from the three listed the most important concept. # ______ Rationale for the selection ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ READING GUIDE EXAMPLE Student Name John H. Counseling Student Name of Guide: Circle M G FD MG= Marriage Counseling for Pastors FD= Families in Distress Session # 8 Session Focus: Identifying Love Languages Three concepts that would help you in counseling 1. There are many ways to show love 2. Everyone has a primary love language 3. Use of the primary love language is critical Select from the three listed the most important concept. # 3 Rationale for the selection If you want your spouse to feel loved, identify his or her primary love language and use it. 6 Bowen Concept EXAMPLE Student Name Mary M. Counseling Student Concept: Triangulation In order to understand triangulation, one must understand what a dyad is. A dyad is a relationship between two family members. Bowen suggests that a dyad is an unstable system. It is unstable because unresolved problems produce tension. In order to relieve tension, one member of the dyad tells a third party about their relationship problems. This is triangulation. Triangulation occurs when one person in a dyad talks with a third party about their relationship problems. This relieves tension; however, it is unhealthy for the dyad relationship. Scripture: "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. Matthew 18:15. Within a systems context this scripture directs a person to speak first directly to their counterpart rather than talking privately and secretly to a third party. 7