Page 1 of 4 Class Rules and Guidelines: Student and Parental Notification Mr. I. Alex. Harris- Language Arts Academic Year 2015-2016 (Day 7:20-2:20) Miami Lakes Educational Center 305-557-1100; xt 2361 TeacherWeb.Com or Email: Please send Mr. Harris email using the site. The Email icon is on the lower, left-hand side of the page. Please clearly identify yourself, name, ID#, class and period. If you’re a parent or guardian, please include your daytime and home contact telephone. Also clearly identify the name and ID of your child. Please send EMAIL through the TeacherWeb.Com website. Dear Students and Parents or Guardians: Kindly review the class rules and guidelines for either English III or English II and sign the separate “Receipt of Class Rules Acknowledgement” page. Please return this “Acknowledgement Page” to Mr. Harris with your child. Grade Scale: A= 90 to 100%= 3.51-4 pts. B= 80 to 89%= 2.51-3 pts. C= 70 to 79%= 1.51-2.50 pts. D= 60 to 69%= 1.0-1.50 pts. F= 59% or lower= 0-.90 pts Important 5-Point Rule Reminder: a student must have an average of 5 points for the last two marking periods (3rd and 4th quarters and final exam) for this class to pass for the year. Attendance: Each block period is approximately the equivalent of two class meetings; your attendance is “doubled.” Students who are absent or tardy to class must present an excused admit to class. Unexcused absences or unexcused tardies result in unsatisfactory academic grades. Ten or more unexcused absences in this class will result in a student not receiving credit for this class. A student who has four (4) or more UNEXCUSED absences in class will receive a failing grade for that class. A student who has four (4) or more UNEXCUSED tardies will have his/her academic grade lowered by two (2) letter grades; additional UNEXCUSED tardies will result in the academic grade being lowered one grade for each unexcused tardy. Parents and students have the obligation of informing Mr. Harris about any absence for which the student will miss more than one class. Parents and students have the obligation of contacting Mr. Harris and/or Miami Lakes Educational Center to arrange for work missed by a student for an extended absence. Students and parents Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 4 are aware of class assignments and information posted on TeacherWeb.Com for their child’s language arts class. A student may not be absent or tardy to class due to another class or event without prior approval of Mr. Harris; exceptions are for approved field trips, counselors or administrators. The student has the obligation to arrange for make-up work and keeping up with the class. Students who have an EXCUSED absence or tardy must request and arrange makeup work with Mr. Harris upon returning to class. Students must submit an approved admit to class no later than the class following his/her return to school. Exceptions to this deadline are by administrative approval. Make-up work or assignments must be completed and submitted to Mr. Harris by the next class following the student’s return or by arrangement with Mr. Harris. All make-up work that has been approved must be completed at least one week before the end of a marking period. IF YOU ARE ON CAMPUS ACCORDING TO FIRST BLOCK ATTENDANCE—YOU ARE PRESENT IN SCHO0L AND REQUIRED TO EITHER SUBMIT ANY ASSINGNMENT DUE FOR YOUR PERIOD CLASS OR MAKE AN ARRANGEMENT BY CONTACTING MR. HARRIS. Students are advised to consider setting up a “buddy system” or classmate contact to keep informed about class in the advent of an absence and/or if access to TeacherWeb.Com is not available. Parents and students have the obligation of knowing the academic status of a student through checking the Pinnacle Grade Book on the MiamiDade County Public Schools Student Portal and /or by contacting the teacher or academic counselor. Daily Requirements; Class Behavior; Dress Code and Personal Hygiene Students are required to be in class on time and in their seat when the tardy bell rings. Additional daily requirements are as follows: bring the required text; bring pen and paper; maintain daily class notes; maintain a daily writing journal or research journal. When advised by Mr. Harris, at the beginning of the week, students may be required to printout their weekly assignments found on Teacherweb.Com; if Internet access is not available, students should make a best effort to know about assignments and work either by contacting a classmate or Mr. Harris. USE OF ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR CELL PHONE IN CLASS IS ONLY BY PERMISSION. UNAUTHORIZED CELL PHONE WILL BE TAKEN BY TEACHER AND HELD FOR PARENTAL CONTACT AND PICK UP ARRANGEMENT. Page 2 of 4 Page 3 of 4 STUDENTS SHOULD COME WITH APPROPRIATE HYGIENE SUPPLIES SUCH AS TISSUES AND OR HAND SANITIZER. FEMALE STUDENTS SHOULD ALSO HAVE THEIR OWN EMERGENCY HYGIENE SUPPLIES. Student behavior should comply with Miami Dade County Public School guidelines. Students are required to wear and to have their photo ID. A student who disturbs or disrupts the class may incur a penalty in his or her academic and conduct grades. Students are required to follow the MLEC dress code protocol. Cell phones and electronic devices are not permitted for use during class without permission from Mr. Harris. Food and beverages---except water---are not permitted in class; selling food is not permitted during class. When advised, students will be required to submit writing assignments using <Turnitin.Com.> Students who do not have their own Internet access are advised to use the resources of the Media Center; however, students who must rely solely on the Media Center, must plan ahead and are responsible for submitting their work ontime. (Students should find a study partner or classmate who might assist in printing out assignments.) Please note that students will have a required outside reading assignment---usually a novel---in addition to the in-class readings. Students will have a a designated amount of time to acquire a text---either from the school library or public library or by purchase---and have the assigned novel in class by the required due date. Usually, an e-text version of the novel may be used; however, students should inquire with Mr. Harris before making anypurchase. Students and parents, kindly sign the “Receipt of Class Rules Acknowledgement” on the next page and return to Mr.Harris. Parents or Guardians are encouraged to provide their own EMAIL ADDRESS for Mr. Harris’ contact. If you have any questions, please telephone Mr. Harris or send an email via TeacherWeb.Com. Thank you and best wishes for a successful year! PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO TEACHER Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIVING CLASS RULES AND GUIDELINES I/We have received and acknowledge the Class Rules and Guidelines for (circle) Honors / Regular English 3 (11th-grade) Regular English II (grade 10) with Mr. Harris. Student’s Name (Print first and last)____________________________________ Student’s ID No.___________________________; Period_________; Section:( Honors or Regular)______________; Address:_________________________ Student’s EMAIL Parent’s or Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________ Contact Mailing Address:_____________________________________ Parent or Guardian’s Daytime telephone _________________________________ Parent og Guardian’s Email address:________________________________________ Evening telephone number______________________ PARENT’S OR GUARDIAN’S EMAIL ADDRESS:______________________________________________ STUDENT’S SIGNATURE_______________________________________________________ PARENT’S OR GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE____________________________________________DATE______ Page 4 of 4