Define personification. Give one example of personification. Define

Define personification.
Give one example of personification.
Define verb.
What is the difference between an action & a linking verb?
Supply examples for each in complete sentences also.
What are the four different types of conflicts PLUS a real life
example for each?
Define dependent clause. Give one example.
Define independent clause. Give one example.
Define simile in a complete sentence.
List five different prepositions.
Define metaphor in a complete sentence.
What is plot?
Give one example of a simile.
What is setting?
Give one example of a metaphor.
Generate and label correctly a skeleton plot diagram.
Do prepositional phrases have objects?
Define alliteration.
Give one example of alliteration in a complete sentence.
Objects in prepositional phrases are which two parts of basic
speech? Then create an example sentence that contains a
prepositional phrase.
Define hyperbole.
Define adjective.
Give one example of a hyperbole in a complete sentence.
Define onomatopoeia.
A prepositional phrase contains an object; which part or parts of
speech would that object be?
Give three unique examples of an onomatopoeia.
True/False: “to + a verb” is not a prepositional phrase?
List four different linking verbs.
True/False: “to + a preposition and a noun/pronoun” is a
prepositional phrase?
Compose a complete sentence that correctly uses a linking
Compose a complete sentence that correctly uses an action
List four different action verbs in four different complete
Define Direct Characterization. Then, directly characterize a
Define Indirect Characterization. Then, indirectly characterize a
What are the four different TYPES of characters? What is the
difference among them? Explain well.
What are four different types of nouns?
What/who is a protagonist?
Define conflict.
What/who is an antagonist?
Direct and Indirect Objects of a sentence can only be which two
parts of speech?
Provide a personal pronoun. Put that personal pronoun into a
Complete the following: “Symbolism is … … … …”
Direct Objects answer which questions?
Why is a thesis/claim statement important?
Indirect Objects answer which questions?
Where in an essay does the thesis/claim statement belong?
(REMEMBER: there are two places.)
What is the correct difference between Transitive and
Intransitive Verbs?
Generate a complete sentence on the board that properly
contains a direct object. Explain your sentence.
What does MLA stand for when following specific writing rules?
__________ are words that connect paragraphs in an essay.
What is the setting for The Diary of Anne Frank?
Generate a complete sentence on the board that properly
contains an indirect object (REMEMBER: it must then have a
direct object too!)
During which world event were the Franks hiding? Be specific.
Generate a complete sentence on the board that properly
contains a transitive verb. Explain your sentence.
Detail well the difference between active and passive voice
verbs to your peers?
Generate a complete sentence on the board that properly
contains an intransitive verb. Explain your sentence.
Decide if the following contains an active or passive voice verb:
“Kim happily decorated her garden.”
List three different prepositions. Now, put one of those three into
a complete sentence correctly.
Decide if the following contains an active or passive voice verb:
“Her reply was screamed through the phone.”
What is conflict?
What purpose does an outline serve? Justify.
Tell the class the four different types of conflict with a real life
example for each.
What does AGD stand for when used in an essay?
Why were the Franks and friends in hiding?
Tell the setting for The Outsiders.
Plot is define as what? Create plus label a skeleton plot
What is the relationship between pronouns and antecedents?
Know these two!
Define a pronoun?
Who wrote the novel The Outsiders?