Southeast Asia Human Geo. PPT Notes

Southeast Asia Human Geography PPT Notes
Physical Geography of Southeast Asia
South of China, East of India, North of Australia
Two main chunks – ____________________ and __________________
_____________________________ – chains of islands
Many small seas
__________________, wet climate
Part of _____________________________.
Human Geography of Southeast Asia
Historical ___________________________ source for Europe
Rice-paddy agriculture
Main religions – Hinduism, __________________, ________
Influenced by India, China, and Europe
All but East Timor are members of ASEAN: “Association of ___________________ ______________
Economies of region all affected by “______________________________”, the international spread
of trade and industry from rich countries to developing countries.
Populations of Nations of Southeast Asia
Indochina Peninsula
Cambodia – 15 million
Laos – 6 million
Myanmar – 51 million
Thailand – 63 million
Vietnam – 85 million
Malay Archipelago
Indonesia – 222 million
Philippines – 85 million
Brunei – 380,000
Malaysia – 27 million
Singapore – 5 million
East Timor – 1 million
Overview of the Malay Archipelago
_____________________ – Enormous nation of islands with diverse cultures and religions,
largest nation in region.
_______________________ – Wealthy, stable Muslim country with British-influenced
government. Strong economy due to international trade, regional banking
___________________ – Tiny Muslim nation run by a Sultan. Extremely wealthy due to oil
and foreign investment.
____________________________________ – Large nation of islands, Spanish-influenced,
Roman Catholic. Large population, mostly poor. Formerly a US possession.
________________________________ – City-State, former British colony, now an extremely
wealthy microstate, Chinese population with very strict laws.
_________________________________ – Former Portuguese colony, annexed by Indonesia
in 1975, now an independent country.
Overview of Indochina
________________________ – Buddhist country, formerly run by Khmer Rouge; “Killing
Fields” massacres
__________ – Poor Buddhist country, mostly subsistence agriculture, hasn’t recovered from
recent wars.
_________________________ – Also called Burma, run by military dictatorship.
_________________________ – Independent Buddhist monarchy, large population and
rapidly improving economy based on industry and tourism to Bangkok.
_____________________________ – Communist country, dominant state in Indochina, site
of the Vietnam War (1954-1975)
Vietnam War Pt 1 – 1945-1954
• After WW2, France ruled Vietnam as a colony.
• France driven out by Viet Cong (Communists), led by __________________, in 1954.
• Geneva Accords (1954) created North Vietnam (Communist) and South Vietnam
(Democratic), but Ho Chi Minh wanted a united Vietnam.
• ____________________________________ – fear of spread of Communism – US sends
troops to stop Viet Cong.
Vietnam War Pt 2 – 1954-1975
• Escalation (1964-1969) after _________________________________ – US sends in
more troops, up to 500,000 at any time.
• Viet Cong shuttle supplies in along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
• Tet Offensive (1968) – Vietcong surprise attack on New Years holiday, changed public
perception of war.
• “____________________________________” (1969-1973) – US shifts load to South
Vietnam, starts pulling out of Vietnam. North Vietnam enters war openly.
• Fall of South Vietnam (1973-1975) – North Vietnam wins, unifies Vietnam.
Aftermath of Vietnam War
• Vietnam became a ___________________ country, but “Domino Theory” never
• Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, “Killing Fields” of Cambodia
• Refugees fled region – “_______________________” came to US and other SE Asian
A Brief History of The Khmer Rouge - By Dan Fletcher Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2009
The Khmer Rouge took root in Cambodia's northeastern jungles as early as the 1960s, a guerrilla group driven
by communist ideals that nipped the periphery of government-controlled areas. The flash point came when
Cambodia's leader, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, was deposed in a military coup in 1970 and leaned on the
Khmer Rouge for support. The prince's imprimatur lent the movement legitimacy, although while he would
nominally serve as head of state, he spent much of the Khmer Rouge's rule under house arrest. As the country
descended into civil war, the Khmer Rouge presented themselves as a party for peace and succeeded in
mobilizing support in the countryside.
The pacifist talk belied a sinister agenda, one that would remain hidden to the outside world for years. When the
Khmer Rouge succeeded in capturing the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh in 1975, they evacuated the entire
population of the city — more than 2.5 million people — to camps in the countryside. Similar evacuations took
place every time the Khmer Rouge took over a new city.
Simultaneously, the Khmer Rouge were planning the steps necessary for a radical shift to an agrarian society.
During the Khmer Rouge's nascent days, the movement's leader, Pol Pot, had grown to admire the way the
tribes on the outskirts of Cambodia's jungles lived, free of Buddhism, money or education, and now he wanted
to foist the same philosophy on the entire nation. Pol Pot envisioned a Cambodia absent of any social
institutions like banks or religions or any modern technology. He sought to triple agricultural production in a
year, absent the manpower or means necessary. On a visit to China in 1975, two Khmer Rouge members
bragged they would "be the first nation to create a completely Communist society without wasting time on
intermediate steps."
It was deadly arrogance. With the cities emptied and the population under Khmer Rouge control, Pol Pot's
means of implementation was to begin exterminating anyone who didn't fit this new ideal. He declared that he
was turning Cambodia — now renamed the Democratic Republic of Kampuchea — back to "Year Zero," and
intellectuals, businessmen, Buddhists and foreigners were all purged. "What is rotten must be removed," read a
popular Khmer Rouge slogan at the time, and remove they did, often by execution but sometimes simply by
working people to death in the fields.
It's impossible to tally the total number dead with any precision, but it is generally assumed that the Khmer
Rouge killed between one million and two million people during their reign. Thousands more died of
malnutrition or disease, and the upper classes of Cambodian society were all but wiped out. The killing
continued unabated until Vietnamese troops, tired of border skirmishes with the Khmer Rouge, invaded in 1979
and sent the Khmer Rouge back to the jungles.
Pol Pot continued to lead the Khmer Rouge as an insurgent movement until 1997, when he was arrested and
sentenced to house arrest by his own followers after killing one of his closest advisers. He died in 1998 in a tiny
jungle village, never having faced charges.
Now, five leaders of the Khmer Rouge will face charges in a tribunal backed by the United Nations. The first,
Kaing Guek Eav — known better by his nom de guerre, Duch — ran the Tuol Sleng prison camp in Phnom
Penh, where out of 17,000 Cambodians who were imprisoned, fewer than 20 survived. Pol Pot's second-incommand, Nuon Chea, will also face charges, as well as the Khmer Rouge's former foreign minister and head of
But some are already questioning the integrity of the tribunal, which was tasked only with bringing those "most
responsible" for the genocide to justice. Many victims' families say limiting the blame to these five alone is not
enough, and human rights experts say that more comprehensive trials may help a country desperately in need of
healing. End of Article
Cambodia and the Killing Fields
• After the Vietnam War, Cambodia was taken over by an extreme communist group
called the __________________________, led by __________________, from 1975
to 1979-1980ish.
• They wanted make Cambodia into a ________________ ________________where
everyone lived on collective farms.
• To do this, they tried to wipe out their enemies, anyone who didn’t go along with
the plan.
• They killed about _______________________ people, ½ of Cambodia. The bodies
were buried in mass graves, called the “_______________________________”.
Conflict in Spratlys and Paracels
• _______________________ in the South China Sea
• Claimed by China, but also claimed by Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, and Malaysia.
• These countries all have military forces in the islands, and occasionally they fight.
• Why? _____________________________________!
2004 Christmas Tsunami
• December 26, 2004 – ______ _________________________ off the
coast of Indonesia triggered a ____________________.
• ___________________ swept around the Indian Ocean, killing almost
250,000 people.
• Later, there was an _______ ___________________ in the same place,
but luckily no tsunami formed.