Aleix Arnau Soler Master in Bioinformatics Population Genomics Theory 25 November 2013 Exercise: Adaptive evolution and population size The purpose of this exercise is to generate the fitness distribution of fixed mutations for a population of variable size and discuss the relation between adaptive evolution and population size. To achieve this goal we will assume a fitness distribution for new mutations arising in the population and will use the formulae for the probability of fixation and the rate of evolution that have been provided in the classroom to generate the results with the help of Microsoft Excel. Graph the fitness distribution of new mutations arising in the population: Fitness distribution of new mutations N = 500 and Ne = 50 30 proportion (%) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) Graph the fitness distribution of mutations fixed in the population: Fitness distribution of mutations fixed in the population N = 500 and Ne = 50 40 proportion ( %) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) Aleix Arnau Soler Generate the corresponding graphs and compare the five distributions you have generated: new mutations, mutations fixed with population size N = 500 and Ne = 50 (point 10), mutations fixed with population size N = 10000 and Ne = 1000, N = 500000 and Ne = 50000, N = 10000000 and Ne = 1000000. Fitness distribution of new mutations N = 500 and Ne = 50 proportion (%) 30 20 10 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 0,000001 0 -0,000001 -0,00001 -0,0001 -0,001 -0,01 -0,1 -0,5 0 Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) Fitness distribution of mutations fixed in the population N = 500 and Ne = 50 Fitness distribution of mutations fixed in the population N = 10000 and Ne = 1000 40 proportion (%) 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 0,000001 0 Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) Fitness distribution of mutations fixed in the population N = 500000 and Ne = 50000 Fitness distribution of mutations fixed in the population N = 10000000 and Ne = 1000000 30 25 Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 0,000001 0 -0,000001 -0,00001 0 -0,0001 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 0,000001 0 -0,000001 -0,00001 -0,0001 -0,001 -0,01 -0,1 0 10 -0,001 5 -0,01 10 20 -0,1 15 -0,5 proportion (%) 20 -0,5 proportion (%) -0,000001 -0,5 Fitness class s (fitness coefficient) -0,00001 0 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 0,000001 0 -0,000001 -0,00001 -0,0001 -0,001 -0,01 -0,1 -0,5 0 10 -0,0001 10 20 -0,001 20 30 -0,01 30 -0,1 proportion ( %) 40 Aleix Arnau Soler Which conclusions can you derive about the relationship between adaptive evolution and population size? Looking at the first graph, it shows the fitness distribution of new mutations in a population size of 500 individuals with an effective population size (Ne) of 50. We can see that the highest proportion of new mutations appears when the fitness coefficient (s) is 0. It coefficient give us information about the advantage or disadvantage of one mutation. It’s also important to make attention in the little deviation into the negative side of the fitness coefficient where the proportions of mutations are higher than in the positive side. Moreover, there are a peak in these mutations whose s = -0.5. We can explain it because usually, most of the mutations that appear are neutral (it can be a mutation in the third position of a codon or in a non-coding site). They don’t give an advantage or drawback to the specie. So, the highest proportion of mutations will be when s = 0 or near it, where the mutations don’t provide a significant advantage or drawback. Another thing to explain is that if all works right in the genome, when a mutation appears, it’s often a drawback (the protein can become unfunctional, it can break a pathway, etc. You are changing something that worked correctly) or it can be deleterious. So, for that reason we see a deviation to the negative side of the fitness coefficient. Although the more frequent mutations are neutral, when they aren’t, they are often very disadvantageous. It explains the peak in s = -0,5. In the second and third graphs we see a similar fitness distribution with the difference that here the peak in s=-0,5 has disappeared. Because here, these graphs show the fitness distribution of fixed mutations, then mutations which provide a big drawback or that are deleterious will never be fixed in the population. Deleterious mutations will be removed quickly from the population without fixing. Only mutations which provide an advantage to the survival of the specie or those which give an insignificant drawback will tend to be fixed. We also see that, bigger the population size is, smaller the proportion of disadvantageous mutations is, too. So, we note that the population size have an important role in the fixation of some mutations and consequently in the evolution of species. If the population is bigger, there will appear more mutation due to the bigger number of individuals contributing. Also, when the population size increase, it’s very difficult for the disadvantageous mutations (and for all mutations in general) to be fixed because not only the frequency of appearance of a mutation is important for its finally fixation. Here what is also very important to keep in mind is the natural selection or positive fitness of the mutation that will tend to fix these mutations which provide an advantage to the species after one or some generations. So, if the population size increase, the probability of appearance of advantageous mutations will increase too. So, these species with a bigger Ne will be expected to have a more adaptive evolution after generations because of more advantageous mutations will be effectively selected and fixed, due in part to the natural selection. Then, looking at the fourth graph we see how the proportion of advantageous mutations has increase significantly and basically those which are more positive, more attractive for the natural selection have been fixed. It’s necessary a minimum number of individuals in an effective population size for note an adaptive evolution after some generations. But it doesn’t mean that always all advantageous mutations are fixed, there are some of them which are lost on the way but they are more sensitive to be selected and then fixed. The same happens with negative mutations, it’s possible to some of them be fixed due to genetics drift or chance but this probability will be reduced with the increase of the Aleix Arnau Soler population size. Finally at the last graph we can see how in very big population sizes only the mutations which have provided a really advantage to the specie have been fixed after generations due to an adaptive evolution. The natural selection tends to keep and fix these mutations which provide an advantage for the survival of the specie after generations. On the other hand, there isn’t any disadvantageous mutation that has been fixed. After all that, something that can be also interesting is to compare population size and the rate of evolution as it’s done in an article which I have read published in cell press called “Population size and the rate of evolution” by Robert Lanfear, Hanna Kokko and Adam Eyre-Walker whose abstract is it: Does evolution proceed faster In larger or smaller populations? The relationship between effective population size (Ne) and the rate of evolution has consequences for our ability to understand and interpret genomic variation, and is central to many aspects of evolution and ecology. Many factors affect the relationship between Ne and the rate of evolution, and recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown some surprising and sometimes counterintuitive results. Some mechanisms tend to make the relationship positive, others negative, and they can act simultaneously. The relationship also depends on whether one is interested in the rate of neutral, adaptive, or deleterious evolution. Here, we synthesize theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding the relationship and highlight areas that remain poorly understood. You can read it here: 13/Population-size-and-evolutionary-rate_TREE2013.pdf