AP French Language and Culture Syllabus Mme Barton Room 306 Marie.Barton@mercerislandschools.org Course Description AP French Language and Culture is a college-level course intended for students in their fourth year of French. There is a strong emphasis on the use of French for active communication during class. Students will be provided opportunities to continue to develop all four skills of language proficiency: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn language structures in context and use them to convey meaning. In addition to further developing French language skills, contemporary, Francophone cultures will be studied through authentic materials and projects. Students are encouraged to take the AP French Language and Culture exam at the end of this course. Units 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Orientation - Francophone World Global Challenges The Family Science and Technology Personal and Public Identities Beauty and Aesthetics Contemporary Life Culminating Activities Required Materials Student workbook – AP French Notebook/binder with pockets for French only a pencil, pen, and red pen access to the internet (links to French related sites are available via my school web page) Grading Criteria Your grades will reflect your proficiency in writing, speaking, reading, listening, cultural learning, and participation. Writing 15% Reading 15% Speaking 15% Listening Comprehension 15% Projects/Presentations 20% Participation/Preparation 20% Class participation will be graded on the following criteria: stay attentive and on task speak French be prepared with necessary materials volunteer regularly and be an active member of activities and discussions contribute positively to the group by being respectful and supportive of others which includes not being disruptive attend class regularly and arrive on time clean up after yourself and respect school property ask questions to increase your learning do NOT be afraid to make mistakes and take risks Homework Homework will be assigned regularly. Doing your homework ensures that you are interacting with the language on a daily basis and that you understand the material. Learning language is a process of building on existing knowledge thus skipping homework assignments will make consequent ones more difficult. Homework is due when you walk into my class. You will NOT receive credit for homework finished in class unless otherwise stated. All homework should be completed so that it is legible and include a proper heading: Last name in caps, French name: Assignment: Date: Period: JANDOT, Anne Page 213, ex. A and B le 7 sept. 2012 or 07.09.12 classe 2 *If you use computer translators to complete any assignment, it is not your original work; therefore, you will receive a 0 for that assignment. Assessments Assessments in the form of quizzes, tests, compositions, dialogs, and projects will be given regularly. They will focus on specific topics as well as skill/s (writing, reading, listening, speaking). Make-up Work All make-up work must be arranged within two days of an absence. A student is allowed two days for each excused absence to make up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time to do so. If the student does not do so within two days of his/her return or is a no show for the scheduled make-up time, a 0 will be recorded for the missed work. If a student has a planned absence the day before a previously announced assignment, quiz or exam, the student will be expected to turn in the assignment or take the quiz/exam with the class. I do not offer extra credit assignments. Grading Scale 93 – 100 90 – 92 87 – 89 83 – 86 A AB+ B 80 – 82 77 – 79 73 – 76 70 - 72 BC+ C C- 69 – 60 59 – 0 D F NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES INCLUDING CELL PHONES, IPODS, IPADS, LAPTOPS, ARE ALLOWED OUT DURING CLASS TIME UNLESS I GIVE PERMISSION! IF I SEE ANY OUT, I WILL COLLECT IT FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. IF I SEE ANY OUT DURING AN ASSESSMENT, A 0 WILL BE GIVEN FOR THAT ASSESSMENT. AP French Syllabus Agreement Mme Barton Period:___________ I/We, ______________________________________________________________________, and our child, (parent) _____________________________________________________________________, have read, understand and accept the (student) classroom expectations as outlined in the AP French Syllabus. Parent signature __________________________________________________ Date__________________ Student signature __________________________________________________ Date__________________ AP French Syllabus Agreement Mme Baron Period:___________ I/We, ______________________________________________________________________, and our child, (parent) _____________________________________________________________________, have read, understand and accept the (student) classroom expectations as outlined in the AP French Syllabus. Parent signature __________________________________________________ Date__________________ Student signature __________________________________________________ Date__________________