Open Letter to the Golfing Membership June 13, 2014 Dear Fellow


Open Letter to the Golfing Membership

June 13, 2014

Dear Fellow Golfers:

There are a multitude of wonderful attributes that make the James River

Country Club the special place that it is to all of us: swimming; tennis; dining facilities; a world class golf museum; our waterfront location. Arguably, however, the most important asset that we have, the one that drives membership recruitment and retention and thereby sustains us financially, is our golf course. Without a wellconditioned golf course the opportunity to showcase our facilities to prospective new members falls short, and the reputation of JRCC as an elite country club in our region becomes tarnished.

It is therefore incumbent upon all of us as golfers that we not only enjoy our golf course, but that we also serve to protect and preserve it from carelessness and negligence that is detrimental to its health and condition. It is easy to criticize and assign blame when course conditions fall short of expectations due to inclement weather or occasional human error. Circumstances can always arise to negatively affect course conditions that are beyond our control. What is in the control of each of us, however, is the choice to respect our cart policies and those rules and regulations enacted by your committee that are designed to enhance the well being of our course.

Unfortunately, we continue to observe and receive reports of numerous infractions of our cart policies by recidivists who cannot utilize the argument that they are unaware of these regulations. Oftentimes these same individuals are among those who are the most indignant about the condition of the golf course. Among the more flagrant violations that we are experiencing are: driving carts off of the paved cart path within thirty yards of a green; parking on grassed areas next to greens and bunkers; leaving the path to drive closer to a tee box; and, “cutting corners” over grassed areas when it would be no more complex than to direct all four tires over

the paved path with very little extra effort. Perhaps the regulations that need the most reemphasis are that at NO time is a cart allowed off of the cart path on Hole

#5, and at NO time are carts allowed off of the paths on ANY of our Par 3s.

Your greens and golf committees are mindful that a multitude of roped off areas is distracting and unattractive. On the few occasions when it has become necessary in order to save the grass (such as the recent roping redirecting foot

traffic on the front of #4) it is amazing how quickly the grass can rebound. Likewise,

Hole #5 was a dustbowl seemingly incapable of sustaining growth until cart traffic was banned on it a few years ago. I would also challenge all of us to pay attention to browning areas susceptible to cart “shortcutting” on your next round and picture what a healthy stand of green grass would do for the aesthetics of our course in those areas. Your club does a great job within the constraints of its budget consulting with

USGA agronomists and similar experts, and repetitive cart traffic over vulnerable areas is consistently one of the most frequently expressed concerns by these consultants that negatively affect the health and appearance of our golf course.

It has been said many times by this chairman and our professional staff that it is not a desire to embarrass a valued member or inhibit golfing privileges for repeated violations of cart policy. In an effort to ensure the best possible course conditions for the entire membership, however, the respective committees and professional staff are resolved to renew their initiative to educate and, when necessary, reprimand those who fail to observe club policy. We encourage those who witness inappropriate cart driving or parking and are comfortable doing so to offer a gentle reminder to their fellow members at the time of the infraction if practical to do so. In the absence of that comfort and in the spirit of harmony among the membership, simply call the pro shop to report the infraction and the staff will notify that member, deal with it accordingly, and maintain your anonymity.

I encourage all golfing members to refer to Section II of the James River

Country Club Golf Course Rules & Regulations, and implore each of us to reexamine our respective cart driving patterns for the greater good of the golf course. Our course cannot discern a player’s age, ability, athleticism, frequency of play or any other presumed entitlement that internally justifies a member’s avoidance to adhere to the rules and regulations of play. It becomes damaged by the negligence, carelessness, and apathy of anyone who willfully chooses to not follow these basic principles of etiquette and care. The overwhelming majority of our golfing members do a great job with these policies, and it is my hope that others who sometimes fall short of compliance will now become a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem.

A good friend and regular member of my golfing group is prone to yell when within earshot of an offending member, “Feel free to wear out the cart path!” Perhaps this mantra can be used more frequently to educate fellow members for the betterment of our course conditions and the enjoyment for all.

Randy Bryant, Chair

JRCC Golf Committee
