France GFMD Fact Sheet Overview of Participation: COUNTRY BELGIUM 2007 PHILIPPINES 2008 GREECE 2009 MEXICO 2010 SWITZERLAND 2011 MAURITIUS SWEDEN 2012 2014 France x x x x x x x Representatives in the annual meetings: GFMD BELGIUM 2007 PHILIPPINES 2008 GREECE 2009 1 Delegate Position Organization BOURGUIGNON MarieChristine Responsable de dossier Ministry of Foreign Affairs AUROUSSEAU Marie Anne Academic Exchanges Attaché French Embassy in the Philippines CHESNEL Gerard Roland Ambassador of France Ministry of Foreign Affairs COHEN Patrick Euro-African Ministerial Conference French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development GRANDJEAN Caroline Adviser Permanent Mission of France in Geneva KELLAL Kacim Co-Head of French Delegation French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development LAHMANI Sarah Aimee Chargée de Mission Population et Développement French Agency of Development MARTIN Nicole Marie Advisor French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development ORTOLLAND Didier Pierre Deputy Head of Mission French Embassy in the Philippines TCHIKAYA Blaise Alphose Director of Legal Affairs High Council of Integration VENE Denis Co-Head of Delegation Ministry of Foreign Affairs VENE Denis Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs MARTIN Nicole Head of Mission French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development LAHMANI Sara Head of Mission French Agency of Development SEYTRE Jean-Paul First Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs TATTOLO Giovanna Writer Migration Ministry of Foreign Affairs MEXICO 2010 TATTOLO Giovanna Writer Migration Ministry of Foreign Affairs SEYTRE Jean-Paul First Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs KELLAL Kacim Co-Head of French Delegation French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development MARTIN Nicole Head of Mission French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development ROUSSEL Patrick SWITZERLAND 2011 MAURITIUS 2012 SWEDEN 2014 2 General Direction of Globalization and Development MARTIN Nicole Head of Mission French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development SEYTRE Jean-Paul Adviser Permanent Mission of France in Geneva ROBION Pierre Migration Desk Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs BERTHELOT Louis Head of Mission French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development KELLAL Kacim Head of Department French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Mutually Supportive Development ROBION Pierre Migration and Development Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs BOUGNOUX Natalie Head of Mission, Migration and Demography French Agency of Development DEJAEGHERE Murielle Head of Mission Ministry of Interior BERTHELOT Louis Head of Mission Ministry of Interior HURTUT Francis Head of International Affairs Ministry of Interior HEBERT Oriane Project Manager Ministry of Interior TROUYET Marc Executive Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development Development Directorate CAPORALI- PETIT Christelle Official from the Economic Immigration Office Ministry of Interior Immigration Directorate ROBION Pierre Policy Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development Directorate for Development and Global Public Goods WOODWORTH Nicole Attachée Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development Focal Points: CAPITAL Mr. Louis Berthelot Policy Adviser Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes 37, Quai d'Orsay 75007 Paris Tel: 01 72 71 68 81 Mob: 00 33 6 84 41 33 28 CAPITAL Ms. AnneFlorence Pouligo Civil Administrator Service de la Stratégie et des Affaires Internationales Direction Générale des Etrangers en France Ministère de l’Intérieur 3/5 rue Barbet de Jouy, 75007 Paris Tel: +33 1 72 71 68 80 Mob: +33 6 79 78 57 12 Fax: +33 1 53 69 43 85 CAPITAL Ms. Agnès Ameil Policy Advisor Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et européennes Direction Générale de la mondialisation 27, rue de la Convention Pièce MEN-329 CS 91533 75732 - Paris CEDEX 15 Tel: +33 1 43 17 6964 Fax: +33 1 53 69 43 85 GENEVA Ms. Natacha Tolstoi Counsellor Permanent Mission of France to the UN in Geneva Villa "Les Ormeaux", Route de Pregny 36 1292 Chambésy Tel : +41 22 758 91 56 Fax: +41 22 758 91 37 Participation in the Round Tables (RT): Philippines 2008: Government Team member for RT 1.2: “Empowering Migrants and Diasporas to Contribute to Development”. Government Team member for RT 2.2: “Managing Migration and Minimizing the Negative Impacts of Irregular Migration”. Government Team member for RT 3.2: “Regional and Inter-regional Processes and Fora”. Co-chair for RT 3.3: “Regional Consultative Processes (RCPs), Inter-regional Consultative Fora and Regional Organizations and Economic Integration Processes at the Interface of Migration and Development”. Greece 2009: Government Team member for RT 1.1: “Mainstreaming migration in development planning—Key actors, key strategies, key actions”. Government Team member for RT 1.2: “Engaging diasporas and migrants in development policies and programs—Their role? Their constraints?” Government Team member for RT 2.2: “Reintegration and circular migration—effective for development?” Government Team member for RT 3.2: “Regional and Inter- regional Processes and Fora”. 3 Mexico 2010: Co-chair for RT 1.1: “Partnerships for more regular and protected migration”. Government Team member for RT 3.1: “Assessing the impact of migration on economic and social development, and addressing its cause-effect relationship”. Government Team member for RT 3.2: “Assessing the relevance and impact of climate change on migration and development” Switzerland 2011: Member of the GFMD Assessment Team Mr. Kaçim Kellal, Head, Department of International Affairs and Solidarity was General Rapporteur of Cluster 3: “"Tools for Evidence-based Migration and Development Policies". Government Team member for RT 3.1: “Mainstreaming migration into development planning/migration profiles”. Government Team member for RT 3.2: “Impact Assessments of Migration and Development Policies” Co- chair of the Cluster 3.2: “The Contribution of Migrant Associations to Development” (September 2011, Taroudant). Mauritius 2012: Member of the GFMD Assessment Team Government Team Member for RT 1.1: “Beyond-the-Border Skills and Jobs for Human Development”. Co-chair for RT 1.2: “Supporting Migrants and Diaspora as Agents of Socioeconomic Change”. Sweden 2014: Government Team Member for RT 1.2: “Framing migration for the MDGs and the Post- 2015 UN Development Agenda” Rapporteur of RT 2.2: “Facilitating positive development impacts of diaspora engagement in skills transfer, investments and trade between countries of residence and origin” Participation in the Thematic Meetings (TM): Switzerland 2011: Co- chair of the Cluster 3.2: “The Contribution of Migrant Associations to Development” (September 2011, Taroudant). Sweden 2014: Government Team Member in the 1st Thematic Meeting “Operationalizing Mainstreaming of Migration in Development Policy and Integrating Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda” (Geneva, May 2013) Government Team Member in the 4th Thematic Meeting “The Role of Business in International Migration Engaging the private sector as partners for positive development outcomes”, Breakout Session 3 “Financial services: Aligning identification requirements and migration policies to ensure access to financial services for migrants” (Geneva, March 2014) Financial contributions to the GFMD: France has offered financial contributions to the GFMD as follows: Mexico 2010: Mauritius 2012: Sweden 2014: 4 USD 32. 852 for organizational expenses EUR 15.000 for organizational expenses (Min. of Foreign and European Affairs) EUR 75.000 – non- earmarked (Min. of Interior) USD 3.464 for organizational expenses Participation in the PFP (Platform for Partnerships): France has contributed with 12 practices and policies: Migration and Development (France - Mali) Senegal - France Cooperation Agreement on Health Bilateral seasonal migration program between France and Morocco Co-Development Project between the Central African Republic and France Partnership Agreements between France and Mauritius Regard to the Circular Migration of Professionals Research program “Reducing the costs of migrant remittances to optimize their impact on development- financial tools and products for the Maghreb and Franc zone” SenExpertise - Database on Human Expertise and Senegalese Centers of Excellence The Economic Initiatives and Migration Programme (Programme Migrations et Initiatives Economiques) Co-development through French Youth Associations FORIM - International Solidarity on Migration Organizations Forum Programme to Support the Solidarity Initiatives for Development (Programme d’Appui aux Initiatives de Solidarité pour le Développement -The Co-Development Programme Date completed: 21 November 2014 5