SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Chemical constituents from Piper wallichii Yan-Ni Shi,a,b Lian Yang,a Jin-Hua Zhao,a Yi-Ming Shi,a,b Yan Qu,a Hong-Tao Zhu,a Dong Wang,a Chong-Ren Yang,a Xing-Cong Li,c Min Xu,a,* and Ying-Jun Zhang a,* a State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, People's Republic of China b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, People's Republic of China c National Center for Natural Products Research, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, Mississippi 38677, United States Chemical constituents from Piper wallichii Fifteen known compounds, including four triterpenoids (1–4), one sterol (5), one diketopiperazine alkaloid (6), and nine phenolics (7–15) were isolated from the stems of Piper wallichii. Their structures were elucidated by means of spectroscopic analysis, and acidic acid hydrolysis in case of the 2-oxo-3β,19α,23-trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (1). The structure of compound 1 was fully assigned by 1D- and 2D-NMR experiments for the first time. All isolates were tested for their antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiplatelet aggregation bioactivities. Keywords: Piper wallichii; triterpenoid glycoside; miscellaneous constituents Pa ge General experimental procedures 1 Plant material 1 Extraction and isolation 2 3 Acid hydrolysis of compound 1 Antibacterial and antifungal bioassays 3 Anti-inflammatory bioassay 4 Antiplatelet aggregation bioassays 4 5 Physical-chemical properties of compound 1 1 5 Figure S1. H NMR spectrum of compound 1 13 6 Figure S2. C NMR spectrum of compound 1 6 Figure S3. HSQC spectrum of compound 1 7 Figure S4. HMBC spectrum of compound 1 1 1 7 Figure S5. H- H COSY spectrum of compound 1 8 Figure S6. ROESY spectrum of compound 1 8 Figure S7. ESI spectrum of compound 1 9 Figure S8. HRESI spectrum of compound 1 9 Figure S9. UV spectrum of compound 1 10 Figure S10. IR spectrum of compound 1 1 13 Table S1. H and C NMR spectroscopic data for compound 1 in 11 pyridine-d5a Reference 12 Content General experimental procedures Optical rotations were performed on a P-1020 polarimeter (JASCO, Tokyo, Japan). IR spectra were detected on a Bruker Tensor 27 spectrometer with KBr pellets. 1D- and 2D-NMR spectra were recorded on Bruker DRX-500 and AV-600 instruments operating at 500 and 600 MHz for 1H NMR, and 125 and 150 MHz for 13 C NMR. Coupling constants are expressed in Hz, and chemical shifts are given on a ppm scale with tetramethylsilane as internal standard. UV data were obtained on a Shimadzu UV2401PC spectrophotometer. ESIMS data were recorded on Waters Xevo TQ-S. HRESIMS were recorded on an API Qstar Pulsa i spectrometer. Column chromatography (CC) was performed with silica gel (200–300 mesh, Qingdao Haiyang Chemical Co., Ltd., Qingdao, People’s Republic of China), Sephadex LH-20 (25–100 μm, Pharmacia Fine Chemical Co. Ltd. Japan), Lichroprep RP-18 gel (40–63 μm, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), MCI gel (75–150 μm, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), and Diaion HP20SS (Mitsubishi Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan). Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was carried out on silica gel H-precoated plates (Qingdao Haiyang Chemical Co., Ltd., Qingdao, People’s Republic of China). Spots were detected by spraying with 10% H2SO4 in EtOH followed by heating. Preparative HPLC (p-HPLC) was performed on a Gilson liquid chromatography with a 7 μm Zorbax SB-C18 (21.2 × 250 mm) column. Semi p-HPLC separation was performed on an Agilent 1260 liquid chromatography with a 5 μm Thermo BDS HYPERSIL-C18 column (10 × 250 mm) column. Plant material The stems of P. wallichii were collected from Henan Province, People’s Republic of China, in June 2012, and were identified by Mr. Xiao-Ming Fang from South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A voucher specimen (HITBC_015077) was deposited at the State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and 1 Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Extraction and isolation The air-dried and powdered stems of Piper wallichii (19.0 kg) were extracted by MeOH at 60 oC. After removal of the solvent under reduced pressure, the crude extract (2.1 kg) was suspended in H2O and partitioned with EtOAc (3 × 20 L). The EtOAc extract (600 g) was subjected to silica gel CC, eluting with a CHCl3–MeOH (99:1–5:1) to give fractions A–H. Fr. B (5.5 g) was subjected to a RP-18 column using a step gradient of MeOH–H2O (70–100%) to afford Fr.B1-Fr.B3. Fr.B1 (78 mg) was purified by semi p-HPLC and preparative TLC (p-TLC) (petroleum ether: acetone, 2:1, v/v) to yield 6 (9.6 mg). Fr.B3 (1.3 g) was recrystallized in MeOH to yield 5 (36.0 mg). Fr.E (65 g) was separated by RP-18 column using a step gradient of MeOH–H2O (40–90%) to afford Fr. E1-E8. Fr. E2 (499 mg) was chromatographed over a silica gel column, eluting with petroleum ether–acetone (5:1), and purified by semi p-HPLC to afford 3 (7.8 mg) and 4 (44.7 mg). Fr. E3 (3.8 g) was chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20 column eluting with MeOH, followed by RP-18 and purified by semi p-HPLC to afford 7 (194.6 mg), 8 (6.6 mg), 9 (3.8 mg), and 10 (4.7 mg). Fr.F (35 g) was subjected to Diaion HP20SS CC using a step gradient of MeOH–H2O (40–100%) to afford thirteen subfractions, Fr. F1-F13. Fr. F8 (1.5 g) was separated by Sephadex LH-20 (MeOH) and followed by p-HPLC to yield compound 12 (5.9 mg). Fr. F9 (2.8 g) was separated by Sephadex LH-20 and followed by RP-18 column with 40% MeOH–H2O to afford compound 11 (6.4 mg). Fr. G (3.3 g) was isolated by a silica gel column, eluting with a CHCl3–MeOH (15:1) to yield compound 2 (113.8 mg). Fr.H (340 g) was subjected to Diaion HP20SS CC using a step gradient of MeOH–H2O (20–80%) to afford Fr. H1–H6. Fr. H3 (13 g) was separated by RP-18 using a step gradient of MeOH–H2O (20–100%) to afford four subfractions. Fr. H3C (280 mg) was isolated by Sephadex LH-20 (MeOH) and followed by silica gel (CHCl3–MeOH, 15:1) CC to obtain compound 15 (1.0 mg). Fr. 2 H3B (548 mg) was subjected to Sephadex LH-20 (MeOH) and followed by semi p-HPLC to yield compound 13 (14.7 mg). Fr. H3D (3.5 g) was separated by Sephadex LH-20 (MeOH) and followed by silica CC, eluting with CHCl3–MeOH (15:1) to obtain compounds 1 (43.9 mg) and 14 (1.1 mg). Acid hydrolysis of compound 1 Compound 1 (20 mg) was hydrolyzed with 1.5 N HCl (2 mL) at 70 °C for 5 h. The reaction mixture was extracted with CHCl3 (3 × 3 mL). After neutralized with NaOH (1 N), the aqueous layer was applied to a Sephadex LH-20 CC, eluting with MeOH, to afford D-glucose (2.88 mg), [α]D25 +45.0 (c 0.28, H2O), which was comparable to that of the standard D-(+)-glucose ([α]D23 +52.3 (c 1.19, H2O), Sigma). Antibacterial and antifungal bioassays All the organisms were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA) and included Candida albicans ATCC 90028, C. glabrata ATCC 90030, C. krusei ATCC 6258, Cryptococcus neoformans ATCC 90113, and Aspergillus fumigatus ATCC 204305, and the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, methicillin-resistant S. aureus ATCC 33591 (MRS), Escherichia coli ATCC 35218, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, and Mycobacterium intracellulare ATCC 23068. Susceptibility testing was performed using a modified version of the CLSI (formerly NCCLS) methods (NCCLS 2002b) (NCCLS 2002a). M. intracellulare was tested using a modified method of Franzblau et al (Franzblau et al. 1998). All the samples were serially diluted in 20% DMSO/saline and transferred in duplicate to 96-well flat bottom microplates. Microbial inocula were prepared by correcting the OD630 of the microbe suspensions in incubation broth to afford final target inocula after addition to the samples. All organisms were read spectrometrically prior to and after incubation. The detailed protocol has been described in a previous article (Samoylenko et al. 2009). 3 Anti-inflammatory bioassay Murine monocytic RAW 264.7 macrophages were dispensed into 96-well plates (2 × 105 cells/well) containing RPMI 1640 medium (Hyclone) with 10% fetal bovine serum under a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37 ° C. After 24 h pre-incubation, cells were treated with serial dilutions of the compounds with the maximum concentration of 25 μM in the presence of 1 μg/mL LPS for 18 h. Each compound was dissolved in DMSO and further diluted in medium to produce different concentrations. NO production in each well was assessed by adding 100 μL of Griess reagent (reagent A and reagent B, respectively, Sigma) to 100 μL of each supernatant from LPS (Sigma)-treated or LPS- and compound-treated cells in triplicate. After 5 min incubation, the absorbance was measured at 570 nm with a 2104 Envision multil-abel plate reader (Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences, Inc., Boston, MA, USA). MG-132 was used as a positive control (Fan et al. 2010). Antiplatelet aggregation bioassays Turbid metric measurements of platelet aggregation of all the isolates and GB were performed in a Chronolog Model 700 Aggregometer (Chronolog Corporation, Havertown, PA, USA) according to Born’s method (Born 1962, Born & Cross 1963). The blood from the rabbits by cardiac puncture, were anticoagulated with 3.8% sodium citrate (9:1, v/v). Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was prepared shortly after blood collection by spinning the sample at 180 g for 10 min at 22 °C. The PRP was carefully removed and the remaining blood were centrifuged at 2400 g for 10 min to obtain platelet-poor plasma (PPP). The centrifugation temperature was maintained at 22 °C. Platelet counts were adjusted by the addition of PPP to the PRP to achieve a count of 500 × 109 L-1. Platelet aggregation studies were completed within 3 h of the preparation of PRP. Immediately after the preparation of PRP, 250 L was transferred into each of prepared test tubes, with 250 L PPP set as a control. Before addition of inducers, compounds were incubated with PRP at 37 °C for 5 min. The aggregation of PRP was stimulated by PAF 40 ng/mL. The change of optical density as a result of 4 platelet aggregation was recorded, and inhibition percentage of compounds was calculated according to the formula: Inhibition of aggregation (%) = (A–B)/A × 100% [A: maximum change of turbidity in DMSO added. B: maximum change of turbidity in sample added.] 2-Oxo-3β,19α,23-trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (1) White amorphous powder; [α]D16.2 +27.8 (c 3.48, MeOH); UV (MeOH) max (log ε) 279.8 (2.32), 202.4 (3.13) nm; IR (KBr) νmax 3432, 1710, 1634 cm-1; HRESIMS m/z 663.3745 [M – H]– (calcd 663.3744); positive ESIMS m/z 687 [M + Na]+; 1H and 13C NMR data, see Table 1. Figure S1. 1H NMR spectrum of compound 1 5 Figure S2. 13C NMR spectrum of compound 1 Figure S3. HSQC spectrum of compound 1 6 Figure S4. HMBC spectrum of compound 1 Figure S5. 1H-1H COSY spectrum of compound 1 7 Figure S6. ROESY spectrum of compound 1 Figure S7. ESI spectrum of compound 1 8 Figure S8. HRESI spectrum of compound 1 Figure S9. UV spectrum of compound 1 9 Figure S10. IR spectrum of compound 10 Table S1. 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic data for compound 1 in pyridine-d5a position δC, mult. δH (mult., J in Hz) position δC, mult. δH (mult., J in Hz) 1 53.8, CH2 2.21 (d, 12.0, Hα) 2.52 (d, 12.0, Hβ) 212.9, C 77.7, CH 50.0, C 46.4, CH 18.8, CH2 54.4, CH 72.6, C 42.1, CH 26.6, CH2 2.91, (s) 2 3 4 5 6 18 19 20 21 22 37.7, CH2 23 64.8, CH2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Glc-1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 14.0, CH3 17.0, CH3 17.1, CH3 24.4, CH3 177.0, C 26.9, CH3 16.7, CH3 95.9, CH 74.1, CH 79.4, CH 71.2, CH 79.0, CH 62.2, CH2 7 8 9 10 11 32.8, CH2 40.9, C 47.3, CH 43.6, C 24.0, CH2 12 13 14 15 127.8, CH 139.4, C 42.2, C 29.3, CH2 16 26.0, CH2 17 48.6, C aData 5.02 (s) 2.44 (m) 1.43 (m) 1.79 (m) 1.41 (m) 1.80 (overlap) 2.21 (brd, 12.0) 1.94 (m) 2.01 (m) 5.51 (brs) 1.19 (m) 2.46 (m) 1.96 (m) 3.07 (td, 3.4, 12.8) 1.34 (overlap) 1.19 (overlap) 1.94 (overlap) 1.81 (m) 2.01 (m) 3.74 (d, 11.0) 4.04 (d, 11.0) 0.82 (s) 0.99 (s) 1.17 (s) 1.62 (s) 1.36 (s) 1.05 (d, 6.5) 6.31 (d, 8.2) 4.24 (t, 8.6) 4.05 (m) 4.40 (m) 4.32 (t, 8.9) 4.42 (dd, 4.1, 12.0) 4.49 (d, 12.0) were measured at 600 MHz for 1H NMR spectrum and 150 MHz for 13C NMR spectrum 11 Reference Born GVR. 1962. 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