October Expert Report Topics September 29, 2015 Kevin P. – Life

October Expert Report Topics
September 29, 2015
Kevin P. – Life-cycle of a Star
What is a black dwarf?
What happens in a star’s core?
Final: Power Point
Zeo – Moon Voyages
Kosmos 6
Surveyor 6
Final – Model
Ayush – Electricity
How is it made?
How to use electricity usefully?
Final: Power Point
Chloe – Pixar
Making movies
Facts about Pixar
Final - Poster
Maddie – Bulldogs
Becoming a better writer
Learning more about bulldogs
Final – Poster
Izzy – African Wild Dogs
What do wild dogs eat?
Can they walk when they are first born?
Final – Model made of clay
Gabrielle – Anime
How to draw anime characters
How to draw the backgrounds
Final – Powerpoint
October Expert Report Topics
September 29, 2015
Caitliin – The Beatles
What made the Beatles, the Beatles?
How did they change the world?
Final – Powerpoint
Dennis – Marvel
Who founded Marvel Comics?
How did the movies get made?
Final – Powerpoint
Darnez – September 11
Who were the people who crashed the twin towers?
How many hours did this last?
Final – Powerpoint
Henry Ho – The Sun
How much light, farenheit and diameter.
How far is the sun?
Final – Poster
Bryson – Ludwig von Beethoven
About Beethoven’s life
Help other people learn about Beethoven
Final – Powerpoint
Kaesha – Sighted Humans
Why are some people blind?
What does color blind mean?
Final: Model or Powerpoint
Andrew – Dinosaurs
How did dinosaurs die out?
How often do people find new dinosaurs
Final – poster
October Expert Report Topics
September 29, 2015
Alex – Computer Programming
To program a computer
Learning about a computer
Final: Powerpoint and model
Find out what minerals are made of
Are minerals helpful in life
Final – Powerpoint
Maya – Tornadoes
How are they made
What is the average time tornado lasts?
Final – model
Zephan – Earthquakes
How earthquakes form
How earthquakes stop
Final – Powerpoints
Tanya – Pixar
How the people work and agree together
How they make different kinds of movies
Final – Poster
Pooja – NASA
Learn how NASA became so useful
Learn facts about NASA
Final – Poster or Powerpoint
Kelly – Saturn
How many moons Saturn has
How many rings Saturn has
Final – Model with labels
October Expert Report Topics
September 29, 2015
David – Chocolate
How is chocolate made
What is chocolate made out of
Final – Poster
Leo – Physics
Learn Newton’s Laws of Motion
Learn the difference between one dimensional and two dimensional motion
Final – a moving marble machine
Edward – Electricity
How to experiment with electricity
How electricity works
Final – Powerpoint
Garrett – Bacteria
What types are there?
Which ones hurt or help?
Final – Poster
Kevin S. – Roman Empire
How it got so big
How its government worked
Final – Powerpoint
Andy – King Cobra
Cobra senses
Final – Powerpoint
Melody – Extinct Animals
What animals are extinct
Learn about animal features
Final – Powerpoint
October Expert Report Topics
September 29, 2015
Reinjen – Earthquakes
Teach people about quakes
Learn facts about earthquakes
Final - Powerpoint
Brennan – Animal Homes
Where differenct types of animals live
What types of homes animals have
Final – Poster