Tuesday: Home Learning - week September 30th-October 4th Monday reading foreign language and EAL handwriting problem of the week : see sheet bring permission slip for field trip tomorrow get a lot of rest for ISA testing tomorrow. Eat a good breakfast. Must be at school no later than 8:25 a.m. Wednesday reading mathematics – counting by.. spelling bring a change of clothes and a hat for P.E. tomorrow Thursday reading spelling - get ready for the spelling test tomorrow handwriting write a letter in your special book bring your library books back for tomorrow reading mathematics-jumping kangaroo spelling bring packed lunch for field trip and water bottle get a lot of rest for ISA testing tomorrow. Eat a good breakfast. Must be at school no later than 8:25 a.m. Reading-read for 20 minutes minimum every day. At least 10 minutes should be to an adult. MathematicsTuesday-Counting by: patterns in numbers activity Wednesday-jumping kangaroo Foreign Language / EAL Foreign languages- share your final assessment with your parents. Don't forget to ask them to sign your notebook! EAL - Draw a mind map to show all of the facts you remember from your research about your religion. Tell a member of your family about it. See if they can add some information that is new for you.. Handwriting – Monday - complete the next page in your handwriting book Thursday – complete the next page of your handwriting book Spelling Tuesday –write each spelling word once. How many consonants? How many vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in each word? For example: believe=3 consonants and 4 vowels Wednesday – write what each of your spelling words mean in your own words. For example: believe: something you think is right Thursday –have your parents test you on your words Problem of the Week – Complete by Friday, try to do a little each day