Spelling Menu Rainbow Write First, write the words in pencil. Then trace over then in two different colors. Waterfall Words Example: c ca cat catc catch Story, Story Write a story using ALL of your spelling words. Be sure to underline your spelling words in the paragraph. UPPER and lower Write your words one time with all uppercase letters and one time with all lowercase letter. Words without a Vowel Write all of your words replacing the vowels with a line, Go back and see if you can fill in the vowels with a different color of pen Color Vowels and Consonants Write your word with the vowels one color and the consonants different color. Silly Sentences Write silly sentences using a spelling word in each sentence. Underline the spelling words and write neatly Bubble or Fancy Letter Writing Write yours using fancy letters Adding My Words Vowels=10 and consonants = 5. Write your words and then add the value of each word. Example: cat: 5+10+5=20 Use Word Correctly in a Sentence Write a sentence for each word. Make sure to use the word correctly. Get on Spell City Visit the website and do an activity Hidden Words Draw and color a picture. Hide your spelling words inside the picture, See if someone can find your hidden words Rhyming Words Write each of your spelling words with a rhyming word next to them. Example cut-shut Dictionary Dig Look your words up in the dictionary and write the page number down. Word Scramble Write your words. Then rewrite them with the letters all mixed up. Try giving it go a classmate to unmix. BIG IQ Kids Visit the website www.BigIQkids.com and do an activity Word Cloud on Wordle Create a word cloud on wordle.com. Any word that is hard for you to remember, type the tricky words at least 3 times for practice. Words Within Words Write each spelling word and then write at least two words made from that word. Example catch- cat, hat Forwards/Backwards Write Words Write your words forward and then write it backwards Write your words using the correct hand and then use the other hand. Example cat tac