Business Meeting
October 10, 2012
1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm in the
Eagle Creek Volunteer Emergency Services building. Jerry Carpenter presided over the meeting.
Board Members present: Jerry Carpenter, President; Tony Pisano, Vice-President; Kitty Phillips,
Treasurer; Sarah Gella, Secretary and Caprice Cooper, Board Member. A quorum was declared.
2. Introduction of Director Candidates: Jerry Carpenter introduced himself as a candidate.
Ned Lammers, who was out of town, had his resume in the October newsletter. There were no
questions for the candidates.
3. Discuss 2013 Budget: Jerry Carpenter introduced the 2013 Budget and discussed the
individual items. He also discussed the spreadsheet included for distribution. There were no
questions or discussions on the budget.
4. Discuss Proposed By-Laws: Jerry Carpenter discussed the changes in the State Law that
required us to update the Association By-Laws. State law changed to require that all Board
Meetings be open to all Association members; it also required that an agenda be published for
each meeting and made available to all Association members; it stated that any Association
member can hold office or and vote even if behind on dues or in violation of deed restrictions.
One change to the By-laws is being made in response to a request from an Association member
to change designation of the deed restriction on two lots (Lots 470, 471) from residential to
5. Turn in Ballots for Directors, Budget and By-Laws: Association members turned in ballots.
6. Minutes of the October 12, 2011 Business Meeting: The minutes from the business
meeting of October 12, 2011, were reviewed for approval. There were no changes so the
minutes stand as written.
7. ACC Report: Bruce Brenner presented the ACC Report (see attached).
8. Treasurer’s Report: Kitty Phillips presented the Treasurer’s Report (see attached). There
were no questions on the Treasurer’s Report.
9. Parks Report: Tony Pisano presented the Parks Report. We now have a contract in place to
keep the parks mowed and cleaned up, including taking up the trash. He reported that we have
a problem with individuals dumping trash, including leftover building materials, in the parks.
He also reported that Misty Bend pond water level is back up. The Parks Committee will have a
workday this coming weekend and Tony Pisano invited anyone to come out and help clean up
Eagle Ridge Park.
10. Welcoming Committee Report: Sarah Gella presented the Welcoming Committee report
as shown in the October 2012 newsletter.
11. Report Vote Results for Directors, Budget, and By-Laws: Jerry Carpenter and Ned Lammers
were re-elected as Directors; the 2013 Budget was approved; the By-law change was approved
by 30 (approved) to 10 (disapproved).
12. Discuss Deed Restriction Change: The Board of Directors voted 5-0 to bring the deed
restriction change to the Association membership for a vote. The deed restriction change
would change Lots 469, 470, 471 from residential to commercial. There was a question about
the lawsuit and Jerry Carpenter discussed the details of the lawsuit against the Association and
the Board of Directors. Dan Bruskern, Association attorney, and Louis Rosenberg, attorney for
the Plaintiff, both spoke about the lawsuit and the deed restriction change. The Association
would also make a change to Section 2B Deed Restrictions to change the designation of these
lots from residential to commercial if the deed restriction change is approved.
13. Turn in Ballots for Deed Restriction Change: Association members turned in ballots.
14. Member Comments on Any Item Not on the Agenda: Sarah Gella mentioned that the
Halloween Hayride will be held on October 27 instead of October 29 as the newsletter stated.
Plans for the hayride are on-going and there is still a need for trailers and drivers. There was a
discussion about vandalism and graffiti in the parks. There was one question about the ACC
15. Report Vote Results for Deed Restriction Change: The deed restriction change was
approved, 43 (for) to 10 (against).
16. Adjourn: Caprice Cooper made a motion for adjournment, Kitty Phillips seconded it and the
motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Gella