Business Meeting
October 12, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm in the Eagle Creek Volunteer Emergency Services
building. Jerry Carpenter presided over the meeting.
Board Members present: Jerry Carpenter, President; Tony Pisano, Vice-President; Kitty Phillips,
Treasurer; Sarah Gella, Secretary; Caprice Cooper, Board Member; and Margaret Tollefson,
Board Member. Bruce Brenner, ACC Co-Chair was also present.
Introduce Director Candidates: Sarah Gella and Tony Pisano made presentations to the
Review Proposed Budget: Kitty Phillips presented the proposed budget for 2012.
Gersey Lammers reported that we there was a quorum.
Ballots/proxies turned in.
The minutes from the business meeting of July 13, 2011, were reviewed for approval. Since
there were no changes, the minutes stand as written.
ACC Report: Bruce Brenner presented the ACC Report (see attached).
Treasurer’s Report: Kitty Phillips presented the Treasurer’s Report (see attached). Jerry
Carpenter updated the meeting on the Leifeste lawsuit to explain the charges for the lawyer
and answered questions regarding the lawsuit.
Parks Report: Tony Pisano presented the Parks Report. He reported that work at the parks has
been quiet. Someone has been dumping trash in Eagle Creek Blvd Park and smashed a table
there. He has mowing scheduled in all parks within the next two weeks. No work is scheduled
right now because there has been no rain and we cannot burn safely.
Welcoming Committee Report: Margaret Tollefson reported that she has put out eight
welcoming committee packets since taking over the position. She asked that homeowners let
her know if they get new neighbors.
Other Reports: There were no further reports.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.
Review 2011 Legislative Changes: Jerry Carpenter presented information on the changes to
the HOA laws and regulations.
Call for volunteers and nominations: Jerry Carpenter discussed the need for new Board
Hayride Update: Sarah Gella announced that there would be a Halloween Hayride on October
29, 2011 with a hot dog roast preceding it in the Eagle Ridge Park. The hot dog roast will begin
at 2:00 pm and the hayride will begin at 3:30 pm. Any members who would like to help should
send their names to ecroa@yahoo.com. We generally have 100 + attendees. Please also plan
to give out candy along the route.
Results of Voting: Gersey Lammers reported on the results of the voting. Tony Pisano and
Sarah Gella were reelected to the Board of Directors. The 2012 Budget was approved.
Speeders: Jackie Komives , Lot 521, mentioned that speeders are a real problem for her since
she lives down in one of the dips on Cherry Ridge and she cannot see the oncoming traffic. She
would like to see speed bumps installed but understands that this subject has discussed in the
past and is not an option. She asked that perhaps an article in the newsletter would bring this
problem to the attention of the homeowners. Jerry Carpenter said that he will contact Larry
Wiley about speed bumps.
Covers for Mailboxes on Eagle Creek Ranch Blvd: Gersey Lammers asked if there was a way to
cover the mailboxes on Eagle Creek Ranch Blvd as well as the others in the subdivision. Jerry
Carpenter pointed out that we have asked the post office about it and they will not/can not
cover the mailboxes. Jerry Carpenter said that the Board could take that as an action item to
check on cost and feasibility.
There was a motion for adjournment, it was seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 8:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Gella