September 21 - St. Nicholas Catholic Church

September 21, 2014 – TWENTY-FIFTH
IS 55:6-9; PS 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18; PHIL 1:20C-24, 27A;
MT 20:1-16A
Happy Catechetical Sunday! Dear brothers and
sisters, this weekend we celebrate Catechetical
Sunday. It is an opportunity to honor our Catechists
and start our Faith Formation year out well. When
we say 'honoring' our Catechists, it is not just a
word of routine, but in a real sense. On a typical
Wednesday night or Sunday morning, our
Catechists could find a million ways to keep
themselves busy and forget about teaching the Faith
Formation classes. Instead, they are giving their
time generously for the spiritual benefit of our
children. May the words of Jesus (Luke 6: 38) echo
in their ears throughout the year: "Give and gifts
will be given to you; a good measure, packed
together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be
poured into your lap..."
First Faith Formation Class! Recently Pope
Francis said, 'Let us not be robbed of the joy of
evangelization! I invite you to immerse yourself in
the joy of the Gospel and nurture a love that can
light up your vocation and your mission.' As our
Holy Father demonstrates through his own joyful
way of living his daily life, he wants his spiritual
children to be joyful. We are blessed with Faith
Formation team leaders like Tina (Wednesday
night) and Carlos (Sundays) for their supportive,
joyful attitude towards our Faith Formation
Bell Tower Foundation and Interior Work to
begin soon! Dear people, as we have been
informing you for some time now, at the end of
September we will begin to repair the foundation of
our historic bell tower. In addition, we will also fix
the sidewalk outside of the church and remodel the
interior with the help of some volunteers. Your
time and generosity will make this project
economical and inexpensive. Please call the parish
office to volunteer some of your time.
Bob Roepke's advice to area Priests on
Leadership! Recently, Bob Roepke was invited by
Fr. Bob White to talk about leadership with area
priests at a deanery meeting at St. Joseph in
Waconia. Bob, a successful former Mayor of
Chaska, devout family man, and a well-respected
citizen, had a lot of good advice for Priests or
anybody who wants to serve people effectively.
Here are the highlights of what he shared during his
talk: [1] As a city or government we often talk
about city often do we talk
about human infrastructure? [2] Leadership is about
people; it is not about getting things done, but the
attitude we are in this together. [3] As a good
leader, your words should match with your actions.
[4] 'Satisfied employees will produce satisfied
customers.' (it is true in the Church, business or
anywhere)--we need good, happy employees who
are leaders themselves and who in turn bring people
to Church or business. [5] Be Christ-centered,
Bible-oriented to be effective leaders like Jesus
Christ. [6] As a leader do not feel obliged to take
big, huge steps...start with small steps and see what
really works for you and what does not.
JoAnn Hasse's noble act of caring for our
cemeteries! To this day, hundreds have been
declared Saints by the Church. Always remember,
it is simply impossible for our Holy Mother Church
to elevate every single individual to the holy honor
of public Veneration that holy men and women of
great virtue deserve. However, in the eyes of God,
the names of all those innumerable good people are
written in the Book of Life. JoAnn Hasse is one of
the living people who grows in virtuous life every
day in her unwavering commitment to taking care
of our beautiful cemetery. She comes quietly, takes
care of the cemetery, leaving it better than she
found it and heads back to her sweet home in
Wisconsin. We extend our profound gratitude to
JoAnn for the good work she does for God's people,
especially caring for the dead, right here at our St.
Nicholas Cemeteries.
A Homily can touch people's Hearts! Recently a
young man reminded me about the habit my dad
has. When he goes into a church he looks at the
Cross, the statues of Saints and then leaves a few
rupees in the church offering basket, every single
time. As a priest it brings me tremendous joy and
satisfaction when people pick up on what I said
during the homily and use it as a spiritual tool in
their daily lives. What I shared in the homily last
week on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
caught the attention of this young man. We hope
each and every one of us always stays tuned to hear
the message and pick a phrase or word that could be
nurturing to you spiritually.
Congratulations to Omar! Recently, Omar, a
young man and parishioner of St. Nicholas, was
featured in the Chaska Herald along with his soccer
teammates. The story is about Omar's incredible
gift in playing soccer, and serving as the captain of
the Chaska Hawk's soccer team. I personally know
Omar's parents. They are great people who devote
their lives to the well-being of their children. No
matter how demanding their life is with work and
survival, they never cease instilling the discipline
that comes through sports, in particular soccer, in
the lives of their children.
Catholics from across the Archdiocese of Saint Paul
and Minneapolis are invited to come celebrate our
faith journey to the Horizon of Hope! Friday
evening, Oct. 3 – Young Adult Night 6:30 PM – 11
PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM) and Saturday, Oct. 4,
8 AM – 5:15 PM (Doors open at 7 AM). Order
your tickets today at! If you
have questions, email or
call 651-291-4411. The Knights of Columbus in
Chaska are sponsoring a bus (at no cost) to the
Rediscover Event at the Minneapolis Convention
Center on Saturday, October 4th. The bus will leave
from Guardian Angels at 6:30 AM and return to GA
around 6:30 PM. You will board the bus on 1st
street by the Gym entrance (1st Street and Cedar
Street). Please RSVP to Steve Kingsbury at (612)
207-3179 to reserve your spot on the bus.
Carver Fall Tour! The Carver Fall Tour is
Saturday, October 4. It is a Carver Community
supported bike ride to enjoy and share our beautiful
corner of Carver County. REGISTER in advance at if you would like to participate in the
bike ride. Same day registration will also be
available at the
event. The Carver
Fall Tour is jointly
hosted by St.
Nicholas Catholic
Church, Trinity
Lutheran Church,
East Union
Lutheran Church,
Carver Lions and the Carver Fire Department as a
way to promote physical fitness and to provide a
structured Family Friendly activity. All proceeds
will be split between the 5 organizations if each
group has a minimum of 10 volunteers involved.
Please contact Kurt Korkowski or the parish office
if you are willing to help with this event. We will
have a meeting to organize all of the volunteers who
will make this event possible.
Sunday Reflection! Dear brothers and sisters, the
Gospel for today is from Matthew 21 in which Jesus
told his disciples this parable: The kingdom of
heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to
hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with
them for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his
vineyard. Going out about nine o’clock, the
landowner saw others standing idle in the
marketplace, and he said to them, ‘You, too, go into
my vineyard, and I will give you what is just.’ So
they went to work. And he found people around
noon, three o’clock, and five o’clock standing idle
and said to them, ‘You, too, go into my vineyard.’
When it was evening and time to receive the wages,
those came at last received the same wage like those
who worked for the whole day and of course they
grumbled. The master pretty much told the
workers, 'do not be jealous because I am generous.'
Dear brothers and sisters, are there times in your life
when you were jealous because someone was
In Christ Jesus,
The mind is everything.
What you think,
you become.
Fr. Thomas Joseph
Fare For All will be in Chaska on Thursday, September 25 from 4 - 6
pm at Crown of Glory Lutheran Church at 1141 Cardinal Street.
“LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE” - Bishop Andrew Cozzens will be the
guest speaker at a Day Of Renewal. Saturday, September 27, 9
AM – Noon ~ St Albert The Great Catholic Church 3200 East 29
Street Minneapolis. 9 a.m. Mass – followed by a talk and informal
question and answer period. FREE ADMISSION – REGISTRATION
REQUESTED. Refreshments served. Free-will offering will be taken.
CALL VINCE - 612-243-9411