May 12, 2005 - VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia

Resources for Users Committee -- Minutes
May 12, 2005 – 9:00 AM
VCCS System Office, Monroe Building, Richmond
Gene Damon, presiding.
Present: Karen Cary, Gene Damon, Sharon Gasser, Louveller Luster, Paul
Metz, Pamela Morgan, Jane Penner, Kathy Perry, Sylvia Rortvedt, John Walsh,
Pat Van Zandt
1. Announcements
Pam Morgan was welcomed back to the committee.
Paul Metz requested that draft minutes be distributed more quickly, and Gene
Damon responded that he would send out a brief draft summary soon after the
Action: Kathy Perry will develop a new closed collection development contacts
list for RUC minutes.
Kathy and Gene reported on the recent ICOLC meeting, including:
*Institutional repositories: How will we find what we are collecting?
*Collection analysis software
*Gene’s presentation on VIVA Serials Analysis project.
* Sharon asked whether we knew if anyone was keeping last copies of JSTOR
titles. There was discussion of the LOCKSS project (“Lots of copies keeps stuff
safe”). Kathy summarized presentations from APA and Google.
2. Changes to agenda -VIVA Branding: Kathy asked all RUC members to find out if their products
allow VIVA to provide branding (“provided by VIVA for state college”) and
respond to her.
Project Muse (Jane Penner)
3. Approval of Minutes of March 18
Draft minutes have been posted for review.
4. PBS Video Offer: There are concerns about how robust VIVA’s
authentication systems are. Kathy and Gene will organize a conference call
with PBS and JMU staff to determine if this offer will be ready for a proposal to
the VIVA Steering Committee in June, or carry over to the next fiscal year.
5. Budget: Approved renewals will go to the Steering Committee’s June 9
meeting, including the Nature archive purchase.
6. Renewals:
First Search: John Walsh presented data on the dramatically decreased
number of turnaways since late 2004 and the proposal for next year’s
pricing. The committee voted to recommend renewal of First Search.
Oxford English Dictionary: Jane Penner presented an offer from OED for
VIVA public and private institutions. The committee voted to recommend
subscription to the new OED as a new product starting July 1, 2005,
pending satisfactory response from OED concerning pricing for the private
institutions, price caps and refunds for institutions that have already
subscribed. If this is approved by the Steering Committee, training for OED
may be included in the August 2005 VIVA training fair. Jane will also inquire
about Oxford Reference Collection pricing for VIVA.
BIP/Ulrich’s: There was discussion of the Serials Analysis System, its
pricing for next year and usage of BIP and Ulrich’s Serials. The committee
voted to not accept their current offer; Pat Van Zandt will follow up with
IOP Journals: Pat led discussion of cancellation of IOP print subscriptions
and VIVA’s support for IOP in 2005-06 (50%) and 2006-07 (not yet
determined). Kathy will contact the institutions that have IOP print
subscriptions to notify them of their 2005-06 payments; Pat will get written
confirmation from IOP on print cancellation policy.
Project Muse: Jane Penner has been asked to join the Advisory Board for
Project Muse and asked for feedback from the RUC about Project Muse.
There was discussion of the lack of backfiles for new titles, Duke’s
withdrawal of titles, and the desired option of acquiring titles on an individual
7. Training: Pat Van Zandt summarized plans for the VIVA Training Fair, at
William and Mary on Wednesday, August 3 and Radford on Friday, August 5.
Pat and Sylvia Rortvedt will coordinate the William and Mary event, and Jane
Penner and Gerald Gordon will coordinate Radford. Presenters include Gale
(Literature Resource Center and MLA), ProQuest (Factiva), new vendor or new
interface for PsycInfo and CINAHL, CSA (new Illumina interface) and possibly
OED. Vendors will provide lunches and snacks.
8. RFP Committee: Sharon Gasser summarized the progress of the RFP
committee for a vendor for PsycInfo and CINAHL and the vendor
demonstrations held at VCU on Wednesday, May 11.
9. Project Muse: Jane Penner has been asked to join the Advisory Board for
Project Muse and asked for feedback from the RUC about Project Muse. There
was discussion of the lack of backfiles for new titles, Duke’s withdrawal of titles,
and the desired option of acquiring titles on an individual basis.
10. Serials Audit Project: (Paul Metz): All public institutions except Virginia
Tech and many private institutions have loaded their data for the current year
and he hopes to have the project completed by late summer; Ulrich’s will
provide off-line de-duping.
11. VIVA Financial Planning and Goals: There was a wide-ranging
discussion of financial support for VIVA in the future. Issues included the
impact of annual price increases, new initiatives VIVA would like to pursue and
the lack of new funding to support them, and the possibility of additional support
from individual institutional library budgets to carry out VIVA’s goals.
Action: Kathy Perry asked the committee members to provide her information
on their institutions’ top ten most costly serials and database subscriptions in
order to identify future cost-savings opportunities with consortial purchases.
Also, individual institutions will send Pat Van Zandt names of one-time
purchases such as archive backfiles. This information is requested as soon as
possible, early in the week of May 16.
Action: Gene Damon and Kathy Perry will draft a statement of goals for
institutional support for VIVA based on the discussion, to bring to the Steering
Committee retreat July 14-15, 2005.
12. Next meetings:
Conference call Tuesday, June 7, 11:00am to discuss RFP Committee’s
Tuesday, June 21, 10:00 am at UVa
The meeting adjourned at 12:45pm.