February 25, 2000 - VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia

Resouces for Users Committee -- Minutes
February 25, 2000 -- 10:00 AM
Alderman Library, University of Virginia
Gene Damon, Presiding
Present: Jacque Dessino, Sharon Gasser, Pat Hausman, Pamela Morgan (recorder), Kathy Perry, Jim
Rettig, Jane Schillie, Jim Self, Michael Walker, Sylvia Rortvedt, John Walsh. Absent: Susanna Pathak
1. Announcements
The evaluation of GEOREF for purchase by a subgroup of VIVA libraries should be concluded by the end
of March. William and Mary is coordinating the RFP process.
The Steering Committee will meet March 9th.
2. Approval of Minutes of , January 21, 2000 meeting
Kathy Perry has some changes -- Minutes approved with changes.
3. Budget -- (K. Perry)
An amendment to VIVA’s base budget has been presented to the Legislature. The House version now
has approximately 1.2 million each year as an addition to the base.
The Senate version has 1.3 million in 2000/01 and 1.5 million in 2001/2002. The Conference Committee
of the House and Senate will meet to work on the differences. Then the Governor must approve the
budget. VIVA should know arount March 7th the outcome of budget negotiations.
Kathy Perry reviewed VIVA’s current budget, and, it seems the Committee has few more dollars to
spent. A final decision on expending this money will be made at the next Collections Committee meeting
4. Training (J. Schillie)
Jane reported that VIVA’s Training Fair was ready to go and the planning has gone well. The Fair will be
held on March 6th at the University of Richmond and on
March 7th at Virginia Tech. Jane distributed an agenda for each site plus selected training links.
5. Gale Database Review (J. Self)
Jim updated the Committee on the progress of evaluation of the Gale databases. The evaluation group
will approach this project in three steps:
Written evaluation and literature search
Brief survey on the VIVA website asking librarians two questions about each databases, and
Review of usage statistics.
Jim distributed a sample questionnaire and Fall usage figures for Associations Unlimited. Other
databases to be evaluated are: Biographical and Genealogical Master Index, Contemporary Authors,
Gale Databases of Publications and Braodcast Media, and Research Centers Directory.
Target date for release of the survey is March 10th.
6. InfoTrac Renewal
The InfoTrac contract will expire the end of June. The vendor wants to "bundle" the price for this
product with the price for renewal of Galenet. The Collections Committee will recommend the renewal
of InfoTrac and will continue to negotiate with the vendor.
The "bundling" concept , however, is rejected.
7. FirstSearch Report (J. Walsh)
John reported that usage of FirstSearch was down about 25% from last year. He speculated the reason
was the switching of databases to OVID. The Committee agreed to purchase 100,000 additional searches
plus hold some funds in reserve for more searches if they become necessary. John distributed a list of
blocked databases (21 titles) plus usage statistics for FirstSearch.
8. IDEAL (Academic Press) Review (S. Gasser)
Sharon Gasser reported that the evaluation of Academic Press titles was slow due to lack of statistics.
November and December figures are missing and are delayed until the end of February. The evaluation
group needs usage by title and hopes to get usage by individual institution too. Complaints continue
about the new interface which lists holdings not available to VIVA libraries.
9. OVID Nursing Collection (P. Morgan)
Pamela reported that ODU had purchased 17 OVID nursing titles. These titles had been compared with
the titles in InfoTrac’s health collection to insure non-duplication. The Committee asked Pamela to
distribute this list to the Committee members for further review
10. Oxford Analytica (J. Schillie)
Jane reported that the vendor was putting up a new interface and that there would be another trial
after the new interface goes into effect.
11. Blackwell’s Journals (J. Schillie)
Jane distributed a list of the UK collection titles with holdings among VIVA libraries. Titles can be
selected on a title by title basis. Archiving issues have not been addressed. The Committee
recommended that Jane continue to work on this proposal. Pamela Morgan volunteered to assist Jane
with this proposal.
12. U.S. Government Periodicals Index (P. Hausman)
Pat reported this product would not be ready until the 2nd quarter of 2000.
13. Science (G.Damon)
The purchase of Science is on hold until the next Steering Committee meeting.
This group needs to discuss the e-bay model in more depth before approving its implementation.
14. Annual Reviews Proposal (P. Morgan)
Pamela presented a proposal for the purchase of all of the Annual Review titles.
The proposal includes back volumes as well as a current subscription. The proposal was favorably
received by the Collection Committee, and Pamela was asked to continue developing it.
15. Statistical Universe (P. Morgan)
The Collection Committee approved recommending to the Steering Committee that this product be
16. New Opportunities
Kathy Perry agreed to talk with the representatives of Bowker about Literary Marketplace and Ulrich’s
International Periodicals Directory.
Jacque Dessino agreed to pursue information on Ethnic NewsWatch database.
17. Other Business
Kathy Perry will do an update on Harp Week and determine if there is further interest in additional
sections this product.
Next meeting
Friday, April 7th, 2000 in Alderman.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 PM.
(The Training Fair sub-committee met after the main meeting to work out final details for the program.)