Big Idea Project: Missouri`s Caves

Name:___________________________ Class: _________________ Session: 1 2 Period: 1 2 3 4
Missouri Department of Conservation and Ecology (Unit 1 – Estimated Time to Complete: 1.5 Weeks)
Textbook: Nature Unbound - Read Chapter 1: What is Ecology? (p. 3-13)
Vocabulary Term
Population Size
Vocabulary Term
Dependent Variable
Experimental Group
Control Group
Natural Resource
1. What is ecology and why is it important?
2. List and describe the different levels in ecology.
3. Give at least two examples of a testable question that an ecologist might ask. Where do your
questions fit within the study of ecology?
4. Name two tools and the abiotic factors they measure in an ecosystem.
5. What types of qualitative or quantitative data would support the conclusion that time harvest
impacts forest nesting birds.
6. To begin research, ecologists will first develop a question they want to investigate. How do
they continue their research after they have developed their question? What do they need to
do next to finish their research?
7. Which of the following examples describes the relationship between organisms, populations,
communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere?
a. Similar organisms form populations, different populations become communities,
communities with abiotic factors become an ecosystem and the many ecosystems
make up the biosphere.
b. Similar populations form organisms, different organisms become a community,
communities with abiotic factors become an ecosystem and the many ecosystems
make up the biosphere.
c. The biosphere is made of many communities, many communities with abiotic factors
become an ecosystem, ecosystems become populations, different populations
become an ecosystem.
d. None of the above
8. What is resource management’s relationship to ecology?
Resource management is the practical application of ecological concepts.
Resource management is a part of ecology, while ecology is a broader idea.
Both resource managers and ecologists study how nature works.
All of the above.
9. Which describes conservation’s role in society?
a. Conservation practices manage resources for the next generations to have and also
b. Conservation educates the public about ways that they can help Missouri animals.
c. Conservation educates landowners about the best way to manage ponds.
d. Conservation practices allow for ecologists to study nature.
10. How do people in Missouri benefit from conservation efforts?
Name:___________________________ Class: _________________ Session: 1 2 Period: 1 2 3 4
Big Idea 1 - Missouri Caves:
1. Read about some of Missouri’s caves on the following links: (NOTE: You may use additional
search engines and websites, but they must be credible sources of information)
a. How many caves are located in Missouri?
b. Where are most caves found?
c. What are speleothems?
d. More than 600 caves are found in this county: _____________
e. These were the first people to explore Missouri underground:
What are the three outstanding show caves?
g. Why are caves important to Missouri?
2. Read about White-Nose Syndrome on the following link:
a. What is White-Nose Syndrome and how do the bats become infected?
b. What steps should humans take to help protect the bat populations?
c. Why should humans care about the bats?
3. Visit
a. Enter your zip code in the box under “find caves” and write down the name of 5 caves
that are listed.
4. Visit the following site:
a. How many species of animals live in Missouri caves?
b. How many species are actually adapted to live in caves?
c. What are the names of the family of fishes that live in our caves?
d. Where do amphibians lay their eggs?
e. What part of the cave do birds use in nest and resting their young?
What types of worms live in caves?
Capstone Project:
Create a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating your understanding of ecology and Missouri’s Caves.
This PowerPoint should have 10-15 slides
 Your presentation will be content-based and supported with graphics.
o Use the following vocabulary terms within your presentation.
 Independent Variable
 Dependent Variable
 Experimental Group
 Control Group
 Hypothesis
 Data
 Conclusion
Use the following outline to help you to create your project:
Create a possible experiment that could be conducted within a cave ecosystem.
a. Begin your presentation with initial observation, problem, or question
b. Include several slides with relevant background information/research (with citations
to resources)
i. Provide a Resources Page – Ask for help if you do not know how to cite
c. Formulate a hypothesis
i. This is usually an if/then statement.
ii. Example: If I change ________ then ___________ will occur.
a. Your hypothesis MUST be testable
d. Describe an experiment that you could conduct:
i. Include a list of materials/resources you would need
ii. Identify your independent variable, dependent variable, experimental group,
and control group.
e. Describe how you would collect data:
i. Which instruments will you need?
ii. How will you organize your data?
iii. How will you interpret your data?
f. Describe what you would do with the data:
i. Will you organize your data into charts or graphs? Why?
ii. What could you possibly conclude by looking at your data?
g. Based on your (possible) conclusions, describe the steps that can be taken next:
i. What actions could individuals take?
ii. Describe how other scientists or researchers could use your data.