Daily Prayer Notes - Church of the Lutheran Brethren

Daily Prayer Notes
Lutheran Brethren International Mission
P.O. Box 655
Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0655
1st CHAD Romans 9:14-29
Pray for peace and safety for the
people of Chad and for the church
there. Pray that the nation’s leaders
will have wisdom, pursue justice
and fight corruption. Pray that the
church might clearly proclaim the
gospel and be a transforming
influence in society.
2nd EAST ASIA Romans 9:30-10:21
Pray for Joel who travels to
Asia this week for meetings with
national and international leaders.
Praise God for good results from
the Koinonia conference that Joel
led in Sept.
3rd TAIWAN Romans 11:1-10
Pray for Ethan and Sandy
Christofferson as they minister to
Hakka friends. Pray that Ethan and
Sandy would be sensitive to God's
leading since they encounter many
spiritual needs in their ministries.
4th N. AMERICA Romans 11:11-24
Heidi Jensen has written an
English conversation curriculum
called, "Eyes to See, Ears to Hear."
Pray as she instructs others in how
to use this tool to converse with
English language learners and share
our hope in Jesus Christ.
5th TAIWAN Romans 11:25-36
Pastor Randy and Betsy
November 6-14. This is their first
November 2015
Matthew Rogness, Director
Gaylan & Joy Mathiesen, Editors
visit to Taiwan as our pastoral care
couple. Pray for them as they get
acquainted with our missionaries
and minister encouragement to
them from God’s Word.
6th JAPAN Romans 12
Pray for Mr. N's protection at a
job with minimal safety standards.
Pray too that God will soften his
heart toward Christ and bless Dean
and Linda Bengtson’s relationship
with him and his family.
7th N. AMERICA Romans 13
Pray for Stephen and Sandra as
they are at the Spokane Mission
Conference Nov. 8-10. Pray that
God will use them to call others to
serve short and long-term as his
missionaries in Asia.
8th ECUADOR Romans 14
Pray for Jim and Suzy Olsen
and their children as they visit
ministry partners in the jungle.
Also, pray for a building project to
expand El Refugio’s dining hall.
They hope to finish construction by
9th JAPAN Romans 15:1-13
Pray for Dean and Linda
Bengtson as they have returned to
ministry in Ishinomaki after their
home assignment. They are
attending the Church Planting
Institute National Conference at
Lake Saiko, near Mt. Fuji, from
Internet Note: You can access the Daily Prayer Notes online at www.lbim.org.
Nov 10-13. Pray for inspiration and
10th N. AMERICA Rom. 15:14-33
Pray for Joel and Liz in their
travels to share with their
supporters about their work in East
Asia. Pray for their son Tim as he
continues his freshman year at
Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in
Fergus Falls.
11th FRANCE Romans 16:1-16
Danny and Mandy ask prayer
for some classmates of Zeke and
Jonah. Pray also for the mother of
these classmates who has expressed
interest in coming to an evangelical
church in their city.
12th FRANCE Romans 16:17-27
Pray for Jeremy and Sallee and
their daughters, Olivia and Abigail,
as they attend school and study the
French language. Happy 15th
birthday to Olivia today!
13th JAPAN Exodus 21:1-32
Pastor Randy and Betsy
Mortenson are visiting Dean and
Linda Bengtson in Ishinomaki
November 14-18. This is their first
visit to Japan, so pray for them and
the Bengtsons as they get
acquainted and spend time in
fellowship together in God’s Word.
14th CHAD Exodus 21:33-23:19
Pray for Dan, LBIM Mission
Mobilizer and Recruiter, as he
leaves today for Chad as the
missionaries. Dean and John
Hansen, Bethesda LBC, Eau
Claire, WI, will be traveling with
15th N. AMERICA Ex. 23:20-24:18
Stephen and Sandra ask prayer
for Mr. Du who has kidney disease
and might need dialysis. He is a
relatively new believer and works
with families of special needs
children in East Asia.
16th CHAD Exodus 25
Pray for Paul and Teresa and
their sons as they continue with
Arabic language learning and
continue making plans to move to
the village where they will live and
17th EAST ASIA Exodus 26,27
One of Liz’s young students is
doing an online English course
from a Christian-based homeschool
curriculum. Pray for this student to
move full-time into homeschooling
using this curriculum, and that
through it God will impact the
whole family with the gospel.
18th N. AMERICA Exodus 28
Pray for Marcos as he prepares
for the U.S. citizenship exam. Pray
also as he works on translation
projects for an unreached people
group in Chad. Pray that God will
even now prepare the hearts of the
people who will read these books.
19th TAIWAN Exodus 29
Pray for Mr. W, a friend of
Ethan and Sandy Christofferson,
as he prepares for baptism. Pray for
protection and for freedom from
fear. Pray that God would soften
the hearts of his wife and sons.
20th JAPAN Exodus 30,31
Pray for Dean and Linda
Bengtson as they reconnect with
neighbors in Ishinomaki after being
gone for two months. Volunteer
Lydia Troe will be coming to
assist them in their ministry from
November 20-27.
21st TAIWAN Exodus 32
Mike and Delores Kittelson
always enjoy having Victory Hakka
Fellowship members help them
with visitation on Thursday
mornings. Lately, many of their
usual helpers are busy during the
day. Pray for new volunteers to
help the Kittelsons with visitation.
22nd CHAD Exodus 33
Pray for safety and good health
for Nathanael and Carrie and their
children as they are back in
Boudamasa building relationships
with the people there. Pray for
many opportunities to share
Christ's love.
23rd N. AMERICA Exodus 34
Pray for Roger and Sue Olson
of Japanese Ministries, Rock of
Ages LBC, Seattle, who write that
five students have attended worship
services for four months. Pray that
these students will come to faith in
Christ as their Lord and Savior
before returning to Japan in
24th JAPAN Exodus 35:1-36:7
Pray for a fresh spirit of revival
and awakening to sweep through
our Japan churches. Ask the Lord
to raise up a new generation of
workers for his mission of reaching
Japan for Christ.
25th CHAD Exodus 36:8-37:9
Pray for Steve and Stella in
their last year as managers of the
Lutheran Welcome Center. Praise
God for their dedication and
willingness to serve in this way.
26th TAIWAN Exodus 37:10-38:31
Evangelistic Association choir will
give an evangelistic concert and
then participate in a church worship
in Hwalien this weekend. May
souls be touched for Jesus and may
churches be encouraged with their
new Christian Hakka music.
27th N. AMERICA Exodus 39,40
Pray for the couples and
families who now are preparing to
go overseas as missionaries. Pray
for God's protection and physical
and emotional well-being. Pray that
God will raise up many to pray for
them and financially support them.
28th FRANCE 1 Corinthians 1:1-17
Pray for Jeremy and Sallee and
for Mandy as they study for their
language tests Nov. 30-Dec. 4. Pray
that God will grant them good
language retention.
29th WORLD 1 Cor. 1:18-2:16
Today is the 1st Sunday in the
season of Advent (“coming”),
when we reflect on Christ’s first
coming and anticipate and wait for
his second. Pray for a clear
proclamation of the gospel in our
churches around the world as we
prepare our hearts for celebrating
30th JAPAN 1 Corinthians 3,4
Last year on this date, Dean and
Linda Bengtson received the keys
to House of Hope. Year one was
full of ministry activity and God’s
provisions. Pray for wisdom and
his ongoing leading and blessings
in year two.
The Scripture readings are on a “read through the Bible in 3 years” schedule!
We are so grateful for the annual Thanksgiving gifts received from individuals
and congregations of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.
Last year your gifts played
a significant role in
providing water wells and
humanitarian crisis in
Chad precipitated by the
influx of refugees entering
Chad from the Central
African Republic.
This year, the refugee
compound the concern, the
rainy season in Chad came too little too late this year. Pastor Philippe, a
Chadian LB pastor, expressed this concern: “The rains came too late. All
around us crops are failing. The yield will be poor this year. Many will go
hungry. Thank you for your prayers.” This from missionary Paul Szobody:
“Just got another on-site confirmation that the lack of rain in the south,
especially in the Gounou Gaya area, has produced a ‘catastrophe’ this year. It’s
catastrophic for their millet harvest which brings in their daily bread.”
People are bracing for inflated prices on grain. Famine and widespread hunger is
likely. We wish to respond with compassion and provide funds to purchase
grain for those most in need. We hear the words of the Lord through Isaiah
crying out: “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen…to share your food
with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter…” (Isaiah 58:7).
Please continue to pray for:
The refugees and people of Chad who are facing a food shortage
Our sister churches in Chad and Cameroon as they minister to these needs
On behalf of the individuals and communities that will benefit from these gifts,
we want to thank you for your generous Thanksgiving offerings that will make it
possible to share the love of Christ through deeds of love and justice with our
brothers and sisters in Africa.
Matthew Rogness