School Profile

Making an Impact Together!
Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Talking in Every Class, Everyday!
Isaac Bear Early College High School will:
• Engage in a Common Instructional Framework for learning by assuring that students read, write,
think and talk every day in every class.
• Develop comprehensive skill sets that include critical thinking, innovation, and leadership; and
• Prepare graduates for college, career, and life.
As a partner in the North Carolina University System and the North Carolina New Schools Project,
Isaac Bear Early College High School provides an accelerated, college-ready education by cultivating an
environment of mature scholarship and leadership.
School Facts:
 School established 2006-2007 in Partnership with UNCW; this is the school’s tenth year in
existence. 
 Currently Enrolled 225 students (40.40% male, 59.60% female, 35.60% Minority,
64.40% Caucasian, 48.44% First Generation). 
 Isaac Bear is a rigorous academic school offering only honors level academic classes in all core
areas. 
 Students take part in laboratory activities at UNCW Chemistry and Biology Labs each Friday. 
 Academic and Service Clubs meet one Friday per month from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. 
 Every student is required to complete fifty-hours of community service per year. 
High School Course of Study
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th and 12th Grade
 Honors English I and English II (blended yearlong)
 Honors Chemistry I and Honors Chemistry II (blended yearlong)
 Two Math Courses (Honors Math I, Honors Math II, Honors Math III, Honors
Discrete Math (blended yearlong)
 Honors World History and Honors Civics and Economics
 IT Academy - Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher and Digital Integration
 Honors English III and English IV (blended yearlong)
 Honors Earth Environmental Science and Honors Biology
 Two Math Courses (Honors Math II, Honors Math III, Honors Pre-Calculus, and
Honors Calculus (blended yearlong)
 Honors American History 1 and Honors American History 2
 Spanish I and II
 Graduation Project
 Freshman Seminar UNI 101
 Health
 University Courses
UNCW college classes take the place of high school AP courses
 Students begin taking UNCW college classes their junior year with the potential to earn up to
sixty credit hours upon graduation
Focuses for the 2014-2015 School Year
Student centered, inquiry based instruction and learning that leads students to college
readiness. 
Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Talking in Every Class, Every Day! (RWTT). 
Development of college readiness skills through Launching Leader Fridays (Local and
State Speakers on Leadership, Leadership Develop Activities). 
Junior and Senior Accountability Sessions to monitor academic progress at the university,
plan for college, and develop leadership skills. 
The use of Method Test Prep during Accountability Sessions to assist students in preparing for
the SAT/ACT. 
Tutoring for historically difficult university courses. 
Increase collaboration through cross-curricular or content specific Project Based Learning. 
UNCW and High School Statistics for Isaac Bear Students 2013-2014 Data
 Mean UNCW GPA for students: 3.12 (during 2014-2015 school year) 
 Dean’s List -22 students 2014-2015 
  Graduating Class of 2014-2015 -80% accepted to a four year institutions 
Scholarship Awarded
Alabama State University Presidential Engineering
Scholar 2015
North Carolina State University Park Scholar 2013
Wake Forest University Scholar 2013 East
Carolina University Scholar 2013 Morehead Cain
Scholar- UNC-Chapel Hill 2013
Benjamin N Duke Scholar 2013
Caldwell Scholar 2014 Coca-Cola
Scholar 2014
National Merit Scholar2013
Gates Millennium 2015
Goodnight Scholar- NCSU 2012, 2013
Guilford Presidential Scholar 2013
Chancellors Leadership Scholar 2012 Duke
Trinity Scholar 2013 Wilmington Fellow
Scholar 2012 Kauno Lehto Scholar 2013
United States Senate Youth Scholar 2013
NCSU Chancellor’s Scholar 2014
NCSU Caldwell Scholar 2014 UNC-CH
Summer Research Fellow 2011, 2012
Isaac Bear Graduates have been accepted to the following institutions
Alabama State University
American University
Appalachian State University
Art Institute of Chicago
Belmont Abbey College
Boston University
College of Charleston
Campbell University
Cape Fear Community College
Colorado State University
Culinary Institute of America
Davidson College
East Carolina University
Fayetteville State University
Full Sail University
Gardner Webb
Georgia Tech
George Washington University
Guilford College
Hendrix College
High Point University
Johnson and Wales
Liberty University
Lipscomb University
Meredith College
Massachusetts Institute Technology
North Carolina A & T
North Carolina Central
North Carolina State University
North Carolina School of the
Queens University
Savannah College of Art &
School of Visual Arts
Southern Adventist
Spelman College
St. John Fisher University
University of North CarolinaAsheville
University of North CarolinaChapel Hill
University of North CarolinaCharlotte
University of North CarolinaGreensboro
University of Hawaii Manoa
University of North CarolinaPembroke
University of North CarolinaWilmington
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
University of Santa Barbara
University of Santa Cruz
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Warren Wilson College
Western Carolina
William Peace College