basic text version

"You become who you want to be, by consistently striving for what you want to become each day"
I’m a great, proud and independent man by all standards, valuable beyond measure. I'm self-defined,
self-directed and self-supported
I am EN*theos - God within. An observer of my life. I DECIDE from within the actions that'll make me into
the man I want to be. I focus on MY thoughts & MY behavior to improve the situation at hand, not on
what others "should' be doing or suggest. I don't let my identity be tainted by the perception of others.
My life is the direct result of my actions. I will control
what I can and will forget the rest. I learn the difference through experience.
Every day is a new, fucking battle.
I CHOOSE to be great.
I CHOOSE to take what I want.
I know my brain is fucking LAZY and looks for stupid excuses to conserve energy. I will NOT allow it to
ruin my life! It ensures a time in the future where I won't have to deal with all that BS again.
Consistency is more important than motivation.
------1. I strive to be STRONG, physically and emotionally firm, a positive shade-giving tree in the storms of
life. Hard-working & disciplined towards the things that I value. I do not waste, I do not procrastinate. I
do not tolerate weakness from myself. I DO NOT ALLOW FEAR TO GOVERN MY CHOICES. Only the weak
are governed by fear.
I won't condemn nor complain
2. I strive to be INTELLIGENT I learn & share knowledge daily, I state my standpoint clearly and ask
others theirs. I'm never indifferent but form a perspective.
3. I strive to be MORAL I never compromise with truth; I have integrity (alignment words, thoughts &
actions even when nobody is watching). I'm honest and fair. trusted above loved.
I treat others right (NO DISRESPECT, EVER) , I treat myself right and demand of others to treat me right.
1, Integrity
1, Openness, say what I think and what I feel & Question behavior (don't judge)
2, Keep commitments and secrets
3, Clarify expectations
4, Defend the absent (Don't gossip)
5, Treat 1% like 99%
4. I strive to be LOVING To be a GREAT listener and a seeker of engagement. I will engage in social
conversations - I won't use my supposed social inadequacy as an excuse to withdraw from social settings.
to keep in touch, and to be kind & understanding. Even when I don’t feel like it!
2, Empathic listening (Reflecting content & emotion. See world through their eyes - not everyone
else is an idiot. People aren't flawed but are the product of their environment.) WIN-WIN or NO
3, Share myself SAY WHAT YOU THINK & FEEL & Question behavior (Don't judge it)
4, Focus on them/add value? look for things you appreciate and state them. (FORM)
5, State?: Be Interesting and positive (How others wish to be - STATE IS CONTAGIOUS)
6, APOLOGIZE & Remember Names
7, The little things (specific thanking, little gifts, notes, special occasions)
SOCIAL WARM-UP! --> Get Momentum Going
5. I strive to be CALM unaffected by circumstance. PRESENT I have self-defining behavior from the
inside-out, focused and
-----I measure myself by these five standards. I bring them with me wherever I go. My actions flow from
these principles & not from social pressure. I will choose my responses and emotions logically - I don't
have to respond to bullshit thoughts. I have the power to just let it ring. The wind stirs the tree. Let it stir,
sit it out.
I will stay detached. I only answer to myself and don't need to prove myself to others.
Whatever happens, I'll always have myself. I know that I'll be fine.
I know I have my flaws, I'm not perfect.
• I haven't always conquered resistance
• I haven't always been very social
• I haven't done many succesful public presentations
But my failures of the past don't determine my results for the future
Those are skills that can be learned through practice. I"m not my flaws caused by environment. Nor my
strengths for that matter. My behavior and results - equally - aren't tied to my self-worth.
What matters most is that I strive to be MY best (no comparison) every single day, picking up where I
left off. Pushing through my own bullshit to take what I want out of life. I have faced difficult challenges
in my past and I'll continue to do so in the future. I see GREATNESS in myself before anyone else does.
So, for today;
1. I will Shut up
2. I will Look up
3. I will Walk proud and have a Strong, calm & CLEAR voice
4. I'll Obsessively do what I'm supposed to do (focus on process & consistency)
Let go of all the bullshit I cannot control. I'm the one in a million that actually has a belief in himself
This. Is. My. Fucking. Time.