Work Experience Policy LCC WORK EXPERIENCE POLICY 1. I ISS Language and Career College of BC ensures that work experience placements provide an opportunity for its students to enhance the skills learned throughout completion of a program of study. 2. Co-op placements: ISS Language and Career College of BC prepares students to find work experience placements as part of a Career Co-op program, approves placements before students begin work, and provides additional support in finding a placement at an extra cost for those students who require it. 3. ISS Language and Career College of BC works with work experience placement hosts to evaluate the student’s performance during a work experience placement. Procedure: 1. Career Co-op work experience placements are found by students themselves; they have the option of requesting extra job-hunting support from a staff member. 2. TESOL practicums are arranged in our own classes by the TESOL Coordinator. 3. For TESOL Diploma Program practicums: a. When a student is ready for a teaching practicum (having successfully completed the TESOL program with a minimum 85% average), the Instructional Coordinator arranges a placement with a sponsor teacher (within ISS), and ensures that the teacher has a copy of the Guidelines and Student Evaluation Form. b. During the practicum, the student is responsible for submitting timesheets (initialed by their sponsor teachers) to the Instructional Coordinator, who will file them in the student’s file. c. At the end of the teaching practicum, the sponsor teacher fills out the Student Evaluation form; the original goes to the student’s file, and a copy goes to the Instructional Coordinator, who ensures that copies of the assessment go to the Practicum file and the student. 4. For Career Co-op Diploma placements: a. When students are ready for a work experience placement (during their final diploma program (Professional Communication and Marketing, International Business Management Skills, Global Tourism Diploma or TESOL)), an ISS Work Experience Policy Language and Career College of BC staff member will meet with them to discuss their job search, and provide them with: i. An information sheet containing SAW program details, job websites and agencies ii. A workplace approval form to be completed by the student when a job is found, and to be submitted to ISS Language and Career College of BC for approval iii. A monthly report form and timesheet (attendance form) for the students’ first month of work iv. An employer evaluation form and envelope for their employer to complete and mail at the end of the work component b. If students fail to meet the attendance and performance requirements of their courses, they do not qualify for a co-op placement, and e-mails specifying that the students are not entitled to use their work visas will go to the student. Citizenship and Immigration Canada will be informed via their online reporting system. i. If Career Co-op students fail to meet attendance requirements, they will have an option to register for and attend extra classes. If this is successful, they will not lose their place in the program. ii. If Career Co-op students fail to achieve a 70% grade in any Diploma course, they will have an option to resubmit work or retake a failed course at a later date. If this is successful, they will not lose their place in the program. c. Upon successful graduation of the study component, the student is responsible for finding a worksite. If the student has difficulty finding work, employment search support can be arranged with an LCC instructor for a fee, at our current tutorial rate. An ISS Language and Career College of BC staff member contacts the proposed Career Co-op worksite to confirm information provided by the student and to assess the commitment of the training place host to enhancing student learning. The staff member explains the school’s expectations with respect to limits on hours worked and evaluation of student performance. d. If the training place host is approved to accept work experience students, an approval form is signed and the host’s name and contact information are entered on the school’s roster of work experience placement sites. e. Students in a work placement will submit a monthly timesheet (signed weekly by their supervisor) and progress report to ISS Language and Career College of BC, ensuring that co-op employment does not form more than Work Experience Policy 50% of the total program of study, and these will be placed in the student’s file. f. Employers will complete an Evaluation Form regarding the performance of the students at the end of their work placements, and mail it to ISS Language and Career College of BC. A copy will be made for the student, and the original assessment placed in the student’s file. i. Staff members will utilize the Evaluation Forms to plan the most useful tutorial activities for the students after their work placements. g. A Career Co-op Diploma will be issued only if students complete all requirements of both the Study and the Work components of the program. A Certificate of Participation may be requested by the student if a Diploma is not awarded.