THE THEMATIC PLAN Of the practical lessons of human anatomy for the 2nd semester of 2014 – 2015 academic year for students of the stomatologycal faculty 1. Cerebellum. Fourth ventricle. Rhomboencephalon isthmus. Rhomboid fossa (nuclei of cranial nerves). 2. Midbrain: tectum, cerebral peduncles, aqueduct of brain. Diencephalon: thalamencephalon, hypothalamus, third ventricle. 3. 4. Internal structure of the forebrain hemisphere: white matter (corpus callosum, anterior commissure, pellucid septum, fornix). Basal nuclei. Lateral ventricles. Olphactory brain, limbic system. Forebrain: hemisphere, sulci and gyri. Localization of the function in cortex of the brain. 5. 6. Pathways of the brain and spinal cord (associative, commissural, projective). Membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Venous sinuses. Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. 7. 8. Organ of vision. Eyeball. 2nd cranial nerve. Visual pathway. Auxiliary organs of eye: eyelids, of lacrimal apparatus. moving the eyeball. Organs hearing: external Muscles and middle ear. Internal ear. 8th cranial nerve. Auditory pathways. 9. Concluding session. Practical skills for module 2. 10. Concluding session. Computers tests. 11. Module 2 12. І, II, ІІІ, ІV,VI, VIII pairs of cranial nerves. 13. V VII, IX pairs of cranial nerves. 14. Х, ХІ, ХІІ pairs of cranial nerves. Vegetative ganglions of the head. 15. Heart, its shape, structure of chambers. Structure of heart wall. Conducting system of heart. 16. Structure of pericardium. Blood and nerve supply of heart. Topography of heart. Vessels of the small blood circulation. 17. Aorta. Arch of the aorta. Common and external carotid arteries. 18. Internal carotid and subclavian arteries. 19. Veins of the head and neck. Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck. Thoracic duct. Right lymphatic duct. 20. Aorta, it’s parts. Thoracic aorta. 21. Abdominal aorta (paired and unpaired branches). Arteries of pelvis. Lymphatic vessels and nodes of the trunk and limbs. 22. Inferior vena cava system. Veins of abdominal and pelvic cavities. Portal vena system. Anastomoses between the portal and cava veins. 23. General data about autonomic nervous system. 24. 25. 26 Vegetative plexuses in abdominal and pelvic cavities. Axillary and brachial arteries. Arteries of the forearm and hand. Veins of upper and lower limbs. Femoral and popliteal arteries. Arteries of the leg and foot. Veins of upper and lower limbs. 27. Spinal nerves. The cervical plexus. 28. Brachial plexus. Nerves of the upper limb. 29. Lumbar, sacral and coccygeal plexuses. 30 Concluding session (blood and nerve supply of upper and lower limbs, of organs of the head and neck, organs of thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities). Test control. 31. Module 3. Head of the human anatomy department professor V.G. Cherkasov