Erica Hope The Project Approach- Planning Matrix Phase 1: -Dental Discussion- Discuss the book Fieldwork- Brainstorm everything students know about teeth Representation- Writing the brainstorming ideas on a big sheet of paper Investigation- Brainstorming: Sit down by the board, main idea at top, list their ideas underneath, think of anything that has to do with that topic, raise your hand Display- Hang the brainstorm sheet up during phase 2 - Nutrition Discussion- Ask about favorite foods, talk about each individual food and how it makes you feel and what it gives your body. Fieldwork- Labeling foods healthy or unhealthy Representation- Drawing each food in the healthy or unhealthy column Investigation- Discussion: Only one person talks at a time, sitting down at your desk, take out crayons, no one’s ideas are wrong Display- Hang up around the room -Body/Movement Discussion- Talk about how the body is made up of many different parts (inside and out) Fieldwork- Labeling body parts Representation- Drawing a picture of a body Investigation- How to hold your pencil/crayon: (tripod grip) thumb on one side like a pad, pointer finger in center, tall finger on the other side, don’t grip too tight, pressing harder makes it darker Display- Bring out during phase 2 Phase 2: -Dental Discussion- Talk about cavities and the correct tooth brushing technique Fieldwork- Labeling their toothbrushes Representation- Tooth brushing motions and singing the song Investigation- Brushing teeth: wet toothbrush, put on toothpaste, move in circular motion on front and back of teeth, move back and forth on top, brush your tongue Display- Take pictures/video of students brushing teeth and singing song -Nutrition Discussion-Talk about the importance of a variety of foods. Talk about each food. Fieldwork- Putting foods into color categories. Hold up a (fruit/vegetable) Representation- Write each color group on its corresponding colored paper Investigation- Snack time: Wash hands, keep hands in lap when food is passed out, do not eat everything at once, and pay attention. Investigate each fruit and vegetable. Display- Take the color sheets back out for phase 3 -Body/Movement Discussion- Ask what specific body parts are moving during certain activities? Fieldwork- Label the Scholastic Reader poster and moving specific body parts during the song and Simon Says Representation- Scholastic Reader poster Investigation- How to play a song: Turn on music, stand up; spread out, everyone needs to move. Display- Take pictures/video of students dancing and hang up Scholastic Reader poster in the room Phase 3: -Dental Discussion- Review the importance of brushing teeth and how to brush your teeth using the craft Fieldwork- Label teeth and tongue Representation- Make a paper plate face with teeth inside Investigation- How to glue: put glue on the plate first and then put on the tooth, do not use too much glue, wash hands and clean up after Display- Have students take home and put in bathroom to remind them to brush their teeth -Nutrition Discussion- Review the difference between healthy and unhealthy. Present paper plate to the class and say why you picked those foods. Fieldwork- Label the food on the plate Representation- Draw a healthy meal on a paper plate Investigation- Presenting to the class: Stand in front, talk loud, everyone listen to who is talking, Display- String paper plates together into a big chain and hang around the room -Body/Movement Discussion- Talk about how everyone is different and review the different body parts Fieldwork- Labeling the body parts Representation- Trace, cut, and color silhouette of the body Investigation- How to cut: thumb in hole, pointer and middle finger in hole, open and shut hand, try to stay on the line Display- Place the ‘bodies’ around the room. Take individual pictures with each student and their “body” Maymester Pictures Teaching the class about nutrition Rating broccoli Students brushing their teeth Students at the Maymester Learning Fair Field trip to the nature center