Med Partnership UNESCO-IHP subcomponent 1.1. “Management of coastal aquifer and groundwater” Activity 1.1. 2. 2. Integration of groundwater and coastal aquifer management in ICZM and IWRM planning systems HYDROGEOLOGICAL REPORT OF BUNA BASIN (Albanian portion) First draft By Dr. Hamdi BESHKU Albanian Geological Survey April 2012 1 Table of Content Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1. General geological panorama ..................................................................................................... 4 2. Hydrogeology ............................................................................................................................. 5 2. 1. Groundwaters and related formations ................................................................................ 5 2. 1.1. Porous (friable) aquifer (Buna alluvial aquifer) .......................................................... 5 2. 1. 2 Hydraulic properties..................................................................................................... 5 2. 1. 3. Piezometric level.......................................................................................................... 7 2.1. 4. Aquifer type................................................................................................................... 7 2. 2. Fissured and karstic aquifers .............................................................................................. 7 3. Composition of the groundwater ................................................................................................ 9 4. Hydrogeological balance sheet ................................................................................................. 11 5.1. Groundwater resources ...................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Groundwater exploitation ................................................................................................... 11 5. Problems related to groundwater .............................................................................................. 12 6. Conclusions and recommendations........................................................................................... 13 References ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Annex 1 Boreholes ( location and piezometric level) ................................................................... 16 Annex 2 The hydraulic properties of the aquifer and the chemical composition of groundwaters ................................................................................................................................. 17 Annex 3 Hydrogeological Map of Buna Basin ..................................................................... 18 2 Introduction Hydrogeological studies of the Buna coastal aquifer area started in the 1950s. They have been intensive and systematic up to 1990. In the framework of these studies, many testing and drinking water supply boreholes have been installed. In general, these have been small diameter rotary borings of up to 200 m in depth. The primary data on boreholes, field data on the hydrogeological investigations and the respective maps of different aquifers are stored in the Central Archive of the Albanian Geological Survey. In majority of the cases they are in the paper format, but more recently numerous maps and borehole logs have been digitally created in Auto Cad as well. In reference to the aquifer assessment, pumping tests are carried out and at the same time, data on the geometry of the aquifer are collected. During 2005-2009, a qualitative monitoring of groundwater was carried out at the Trush station, which supplies drinking water for Velipoja. It should be noted also that during the last twenty years, private companies installed numerous boring wells, but their data are not available. Data from the hydrogeological studies of the aquifer are stored in a database which was populated by the extensive data of the Central Archive of the Albanian Geological Survey. The majority of the data on the piezometric levels and chemical composition were collected prior to 1990. The following hydrogeological drilling wells have been installed: (I) (II) (III) (IV) 30 wells for the aquifer geometry and the piezometric level of the groundwater; 9 wells for the total thickness of the alluvial deposits; 27 wells for the assessment of aquifer hydraulic parameters; and 28 wells for the assessment of the chemical composition. The hydrogeological map of the aquifer has been established in cooperation with a GIS expert. The geological basemap is compiled according to a new geological map of Albania at the scale of 1:200000 (Xhomo A. et al. 2002). 3 1. General geological panorama The Buna river basin occupies a relatively small area, but it is situated in a highly complicated geological context.Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits are widely spread. Three major tectonic units outcrop in this sector: the Albanian Alps (High Karst in Montenegro), Krasta - Cukali (Budva) and Kruja (Dalmatian) zones. The Alps traverse the Krasta- Cukali zone, while the last one overthrust the Kruja zone( Xhomo A. et al. 2002). The Buna River takes the streamflow from Lake Skadar, which is a graben structure. Its margins are defined by normal faults produced during the Pliocene-Quaternary extensional tectonic phase. This phase was responsible for the major modeling of this region and other areas of Albania (Melo V. 2001, Xhomo A. et al. 2002). During this phase, the high mountainous reliefs of the Alps and Shkodra Plio-Quaternary depressions were created. Numerous young neotectonic faults further complicate the geological landscape. The Shkoder-Peja major fault originates in this area, while the Alps disappear, only to reappear in Greece (Parnassus zone). The western margin of Skadar Lake is bordered by the Mesozoic limestone of the Taraboshi Mountain. The limestones extends into the lake area. At this margin, numerous faults havedeveloped: The cross cutting fault running through the city of Shkodër divides the grabenlake with Paleogene flysch hills of Tepe area. In the southern part, the flysch deposits and Triassic limestone of Rozafa castle are intersected by another fault juxtaposing the last ones with Quaternary alluvial deposits. Another young fault of sliding typebordersthe Triassic limestone of the Rozafa castle with Maastrichtian flysch of Tepe area (Melo V. 2001). Upper Cretaceous-Eocene deposits and Lower Oligocene flysch are found in the Kruja zone. They show northwestern strikes and are composed of Renci and Kakarriqi anticlines (Nakuçi et al. 1979, 1981; Shehu H. et al. 1975). Paleocene-Eocene siltstone flysch is found at the northwestern corner and in the Berdice hills (Shehu H. et al.1975;Nakuçi et al. 1979). Quaternary deposits are common in the area. They are characterized by Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial-prolluvial mixed deposits and Holocene alluvial, marsh-lake lagoon sediments. These alluvial sediments are composed of sands, gravels, and siltstones which are found along the stream flows and their mouths. Alluvial deposits extend into the plain areas. They are visible in the surface from Drini River in the northeast to Gjymti Mountain in southwest and in the Velipoja plain as well. The thickness ranges from 11.5 to 65 m. In the section lower part, the deposits are composed of gravels, whereas in the upper parts they exhibit a finer nature and are characterized by siltstones, sands, mud, etc. (Xhomo A. et. al. 2002, Hoxha J. et al. 2009). The marsh-lake deposits cropping out in Pentare swamp are composed of siltstones, mud and sands. They are closely intercalated with peats and rich organic matter sediments. The lagoon deposits of the Buna River that are present in its fan area are composed of mud-silt-siltstone layers. 4 2. Hydrogeology 2. 1. Groundwaters and related formations Water bearing capacity and groundwater vulnerability are dependent upon the aquifer formation properties. Two principal aquifers are present in this area1: 1) 2) Quaternary friable aquifer located in the plain terrain of the Buna River flow; and Karstic fissured aquifer located near the Taraboshi and Renc-Kakarriqi anticlines of the NW and SE parts. 2. 1.1. Porous (friable) aquifer (Buna alluvial aquifer) The Buna alluvial aquifer extends across the plain terrain of Buna River flow. It is located on relatively permeable rocks. According to the hydrogeological well logs, the formations indicate different lithologic and hydraulic features (Keta Z. et al. 1988, Tyli N. 1983, 1986, 1987, Babameto A. 1969, 1972, Tartari M, 1972, Gjata A. et al. 1965). The nature and geometry of the aquifer is related to the river, fan, and littoral and marine environment development. In addition, the pre Quaternary paleo relief and in particular the Renci structure extension played an important role in its development (Durmishi Ç. et al. 2005). The groundwater resources are concentrated in gravel and sand sediments. For the most part, siltstones overlap the water bearing gravels and sands. The gravel-sand pack and the siltstone portion of the cover vary in their respective thicknesses. In general, the thickness of the cover in the southwestern direction. The variationof the cover thickness over the area is shown in the fig. 1. It ranges from 4 to 10 m nearby Drini River. In the central part of the Velipoja plain, its thickness goes up to 20-30.5 m. 2. 1. 2 Hydraulic properties The hydraulic properties of the aquifer are determined through pumping tests carried out over time (see the quoted references). Regarding the hydraulic properties of the aquifer and the well capacities, the results largely differ according to the well-drilling method applied. The capacity of the percussion-drilled wells and the calculated aquifer characteristics are usually five to ten times higher than those obtained from small diameter rotary wells (Eftimi R, 2010). The filtration coefficient values are shown in the Annex 2. They are varied nature, but the predominant values range from 10 to 100 m/d. The maps of hydraulic parameters for the gravelly basin of Buna (fig. 2) show that the areas with higher hydraulic parameter values are located in the Drini River flank and in the central part of Buna River plain. Transmissivity values show a large variation ranging from 28 m2/d to 9345 m2/d. The average is about 1166 m2/d. The variation of the aquifer transmissivity over the area is set forth in fig. 2. 1 Gjata A. et al. 1965, Eftimi R. et al. 1983, Eftimi R. 2010, Dakoli H. et al. 2007 5 Fig. 1. Cover thickness of the groundwater Fig. 2 Values of the transmissivity parameter (m2/d) 6 2. 1. 3. Piezometric level The interpretations of the piezometric level variations are based on historic data which were collected in different years and seasons. In consequence, these interpretations must be taken with a grain of salt. At any rate, the piezometric level varies from 4.1m below the ground level to 1 m above the ground level (annex 1). Regarding the sea level, it ranges from + 0.2 m (Velipoja plain) to +11.95 m (next to Drini river margin). The most recent data on the piezometric level come from2 boreholes drilled in Trush. For the well drilled in 1964, the piezometric level was 1 m above the ground level. The well drilled in 2008for the drinking water supply to Velipoja, however, indicated that the piezometric level on September 7, 2008 was1 m below the ground level (Gelaj A. 2008). The well shown in photo no. 1 (taken on December 9, 2008), demonstrates an artesian nature, with a measured piezometric level of 0.46 m above the ground level. Photo 1. Artesian hydrogeological well (Trush, on December 9, 2008) The aquifer is fed by the Drini River. The groundwater begins flowing into the aquifer in the areas where the gravel and sand sequences are in contact with the riverbed. The flow of groundwater from the riverbed is in the southwest direction. The mean hydraulic gradient of aquifer is assessed at 0.00086 m/m. It must be emphasized that the hydrologic boundaries of the Buna River Basin do not correspond exactly to aquifer hydrogeological boundaries. In the northeastern part, the aquifer boundaries are extended several kilometers away from hydrologic basin, going up to the Drini River banks. 2.1. 4. Aquifer type From a hydrogeological point of view, the Buna plain may be characterized as a subartesian aquifer; theTrushi Poshtem sector is artesian in nature; and the Drini River margin displays a free surface. 2. 2. Fissured and karstic aquifers 7 The most important fissured and karstic aquifer is the one located in the northwestern part of the Renci anticline structure. It is composed of limestone and dolomite limestone of shallow facies. At north of the road to Velipoja, the main portion of the aquifer branches out into two smaller parts overlain by the Pentare swamp. The karst manifestations are numerous and are represented by funnels, caves, field holes and so on. Hydrogeological maps exist at different scales for this aquifer, but no drilling has been performed here. The annual mean effective infiltration of the aquifer is estimated up to 800 mm/year (Eftimi R. et al. 1983). There are 4 springs in this zone with discharges from 3 to 10 l/sec (Tafilaj I. 1980, Tyli N, 1987). The total yield is 25 l/sec (Babameto A. 1972). These springs are used by the inhabitants for drinking water. Only a small part of the coastal karstic aquifer has been studied. The largest part of this aquifer extending up to 16 km occurs outside the investigated area. 8 3. Composition of the groundwater The chemical composition of the groundwater was assessed primarily before 1990. The groundwater contains the following components: (Na+ + K+), Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3- , Cl-, SO42-, NH4+, NO3-, NO2, and pH, Mp (mineralization), Fp (hardness). According to the available data, the groundwater of the Buna River basin is concentrated in two major areas with different chemical compositions. The area situated at the north of Gjymti Mountain is characterized by groundwater of good physical-chemical properties. The carbonate deposits of Renci anticline and in particular the flysch deposits at its limbs have blocked sea water intrusion toward the north. The total mineralization of this zone varies from 212 mg/l to 952 mg/l, being within the limits established for drinking water standards. During the period of 2005-2009, chemical analyses were carried each year in the month of June at the Velipoja water storage station which supplies drinking water to the region (Gelaj A. 2009). Comparisons of these chemical analyzes with respect to those undertaken in June of 1964 are set forth in Figures 3 and 4 (Gjata A., et al.1965). 35 Contents, mg/l 30 25 20 (Na+K) (mg/l) 15 Cl (mg/l) 10 5 0 June 1964 June 2006 June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 Fig. 3 The comparison of the Cl- and(Na+ + K+) behavior (2006-2009 period) with 1964 year At south of Gjymti Mountain, in the whole of the Velipoja plain, the ground water is saline in nature and its total mineralization varies from 4.06 gr/l to 16.39 gr/l. 9 Mineralization (mg/l) 400 300 200 100 0 June 1964 June 2006 June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 Fig. 4. The comparison of the mineralization (2006-2009 period) with 1964 year 10 4. Hydrogeological balance sheet 5.1. Groundwater resources Dynamic resources in the aquifer are calculated with Darcy formula: Q = Tm∙L∙i Where: Q – Dynamic resources m3/s L – Width of the feeding source Tm – Mean transmissivity m2/d I – Hydraulic gradient m/m The parameter values are as follow: Tm – 4096.47 m2/d, L – 8100 m, I – 0.00086 m/m. In conclusion, the dynamic resources are Q =28536.04 m3/d (330.26 l/s) 5.2 Groundwater exploitation Based on available data, the dynamic resources feeding the Buna river aquifer amount to330 l/s, while the rate of groundwater exploited in the Albanian part amounts to 150 l/s. This last figure corresponds to the concentrated and harmonized water supply. In this way, the exploitation coefficient of the aquifer does not exceed 46 %. Nevertheless it is wise to be careful with this estimation rate because it does not take private wells into consideration. The actual exploitation of the groundwater is made possible by pumping stations located in 4 areas of the aquifer (see Tab.1 below). This water utility is public. The data on the exploited groundwater are provided by village water supply enterprise. The overall exploitation is estimated at around 150 l/sec. It must be mentioned that numerous wells drilled by private entities also operate in this aquifer. The groundwater is used for drinking and sometime for irrigation. To date, no inventory of these illegal wells has been made. Tab. 1 Pumping stations and the quantity of the exploited groundwater Pumping station Exploited quantity Mode of use l/s Trush, Velipoje 100 water supply Berdice 25 " Berdice, Zues 10 " Oblike 15 " " SUM 150 11 5. Problems related to groundwater As mentioned previously, the data on the exploitation rate and the chemical composition of the groundwater of Buna area were collected primarily prior to 1990. Due to important demographic movement occurred the last 20 years, it is clear that this data does not reflect the current situation. The water resources are subject to multiple degradations due to private activities. We acknowledge that protection and sustainable management of groundwater resources could be improved by addressing the lack of inventory of the available operating wells, the absence of the monitoring network and the lack of vulnerability assessments. Furthermore, the water protection zones from the pollution are partially in function and only a limited zone around the wells capping exist. Two principal factors are decisive here: state - wide protection of groundwater, and the implementation of special precautions in water–protection zones. 12 6. Conclusions and recommendations The Buna hydrologic basin is composed of Quaternary alluvial aquifer and the fissured / karstic aquifer. The nature and geometry of the aquifer is related to river, fan, littoral and marine environment development and pre Quaternary paleo relief. Generally the aquifer hydraulic parameters are of high values. The estimated dynamic resources reach up to 330 l/s, from which in the Albanian territory are exploited up to 150 l/s. The fissured / karstic aquifers show a limited development. The karst formations indicate excellent potential in areas in contact with non-permeable deposits, numerous springs are present with discharges of about 25 l/s. The chemical composition of the groundwater in this basin may be summarized as follows: the groundwater of the alluvial aquifer located at the north of Gjymti Mountain and the karstic springs display good physical-chemical properties and compliant with current drinking water standards; the Velipoja plain groundwaters have experienced sea water intrusion and are therefore saline and unusable. As mentioned previously, the data on piezometric levels and the water quality were collected primarily prior to 1990. Furthermore, there is a lack of data regarding hydrogeological activities undertaken by private activities since this date. Therefore, the uncertainties resulting from the age of the existing data and the lack of other data must be taken into account when considering these conclusions. Recommendations The most important objective of sustainable water management is to protect water resources while providing the people in the Buna River area with high quality drinking water. In this context we recommend: To inventory and to assess the exploitation of the drinking water in all active wells of the Buna river basin; To assess the water quality through the regular sampling and analyses; To estimate the vulnerabilities of the aquifer basin; To establish a water monitoring network; To prepare the code (regulations) pertaining to aquifer geometry with a view to improve protection of the groundwater zones; and To define the water capping protection zones. 13 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Babameto A. (1969) – Report on hydrogeological works in Shkodra district. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Babmameto A. (1972) – Report on Oblike village. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Babameto A. (1972) – Report on the water supply of Velipoja beach. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Dakoli H. and Dindi E. (2007) –Applicative hydrogeology. Maluka Publishing House, Tirana (in Albanian) Durmishi Ç., Beshku H., Shkupi D. (2005) – Study the geological-geophysical and sediment-monitoring of the Albanian coastal zone and its impacts in the development of urban and tourist infrastructure. "Impacts on urban infrastructure development, for one tourism planning, management and sustainable management”. Central Archives of AGS, Tirana(in Albanian) Eftimi R., Tafili I., Bisha G, and Habibaj L. (1983) – Hydrogeological Map of Albania at the scale 1: 200.000. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Eftimi R.(2010) – Hydrogeological characteristics of Albania. http: // Gelaj A. (2008) – Hydrogeological borehole in TrushiPoshtem. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). 10. Gelaj A. (2009) – Monitoring of groundwater in Drini Basin of Albania. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). 11. Gjata A., Lako A., Eftimi R., Tyli N. (1965) – Hydrogeology of Tirane-Koplik area. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Hoxha J., Kuliçi H., Cara F. (2009) – Quaternary deposits in the geological structures of Albanides. UPT, Inst. Geosciences, Tirana, p. 201-213 Keta Z., Babameto A., Haxhia P. (1988) – Project on the complex mapping at the scale 1: 25.000 of Bregu I Bunes-FushaZadrimes-Velipoje-Lezhe. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Melo V. (2001) – Nappe tectonics in Milot-Spiten-Shkoder area. Archive of Faculty of Geology and Mining,Tirane (in Albanian). Nakuçi V., Berberi A., Prifti I., Xhelili G., Karçanaj G., Jançe L., Jani E., Jani E., ÇelaRr., Shehu Sh., Hyska H. ( (1981) – Geological-geophysical studies of Shkoder-Zadrime area. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Nakuçi V., Goraj H., Iljazi F. ( 1979) – Geology and oil and gas perspective of LezheShkoder area. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Shehu H., Sadushi P., Ylli L., Shehu D., Kici V., Skela V., Druga Dh. (1975) – Stratigraphy of Paleogeneterrigenous deposits in Kruja tectonic zone. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Tartari M. (1972) – Report on village water supply. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Tafilaj I. (1980) – Report on the technologic water supply with 6 l/sec. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Tyli N. (1987) – Report for the water supply of Muriqan, Mali Kolaj. Mali Gjymtit (Shkoder). Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 14 21. 22. 23. Tyli N. (1986) – Report for the water supply of Kosmaç, Stajke, Melgushe, Plezhe villages (Shkoder).Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Tyli N. (1983) – Report for the water supply of Beltoje, Mali Hebaj (Shkoder). Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). Xhomo A., Kodra A., Xhafa Z., Shallo M. (2002) – Geology of Albania and Geological Map of Albania at the scale 1:200.000. Central Archive of AGS, Tirana (in Albanian). 15 Annex 1Boreholes (location and piezometric level) Coordinates Borehole number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 Location Bahcallëk Berdicë Berdicë Berdicë Ashtë Samrisht Samrisht Dajç Obot (Serreq) Daragjat Daragjat Daragjat Kozmaç Rrushkull Dajç i Bunës Bregu i Bunës Obot Obot Lagja e Malsorëve Lagja e Malsorëve Trush Melgushë Belaj Pentar Pentar, Luar Trush poshtëm Velipojë Velipojë, Qerret Velipojë, Gomsiqe Velipojë, Qerret Velipojë N 4655300.695 4654600.979 4653301.504 4653751.322 4652501.829 4650967.448 4650627.586 4650603.596 4650639.582 4650722.548 4651302.314 4650652.577 4650606.597 4648815.32 4648885.292 4648923.276 4649789.926 4648153.588 E 375369.07 376068.78 374219.53 373419.86 378267.89 366686.58 367947.07 368696.77 369546.42 371820.5 372520.22 371870.48 379836.26 365729.97 368186.98 369188.57 369308.52 369768.33 Piezometric Borehole depth Z (m) 8.1 55.2 8.9 52 9.5 20.8 7.7 15 10.65 24 6.1 37 5.2 37.7 4 35 5.5 24 6 31 6.5 35 6.1 26.5 14.3 18.5 6 32 4.43 42 4.17 32 7.25 45 7.35 33.5 level (m) a. s. l 4 5.75 4.9 4.2 9.4 1.93 2.3 2.7 2.82 4.05 4.14 4.15 11.95 1.5 1.43 2.67 2.85 2.9 4648569.421 374474.43 6.4 23 3.8 4649581.011 4647814.726 4648561.424 4647540.836 4646502.256 4644761.961 4645614.617 4643955.289 5.8 5.5 8.1 3 2.9 2.35 0.8 2.5 20.2 22.15 23 38 36.6 40 70 44 5.2 3.8 5.45 1.3 0.2 0.2 2.4 3.5 4637882.747 368049.03 2 37.4 1.25 4637882.747 366047.84 1.8 48 1.8 4636308.385 368559.83 4641456.299 363953.69 2.1 2.5 128 22.7 1.05 0.3 375287.1 375363.07 377155.34 366525.65 365828.93 363985.68 371800.51 371050.82 16 Annex 2 Borehole number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 The hydraulic properties of the aquifer and the chemical composition of groundwaters Total capacity of wells Q (l/s) 3.3 19 3 14 5.89 4.8 2.71 5.62 1.5 1.17 4.34 1.17 2.5 3.3 25 5.12 3 3.7 4.2 1.3 2.2 2.3 4.65 1.2 1.5 21.05 0.2 0.3 2.81 1.4 Specific capacity Permeability Mineralization of wells, q (l/s/m) 0.35 19 1.5 7.4 5 3 4.16 2.76 1.5 0.29 4.34 0.29 7 2 58 1.8 3 2.8 13.8 1.8 3.5 23 1.17 2.5 1.5 3.05 7 K (m/day) 24.1 210 0.2 2.8 1 33 15.3 47 26.5 48 34 11 32.8 12 34.6 559.5 27.5 458 38 23 16.5 97 10.9 46.5 95.4 13 27.6 11.7 47.3 mg/l Total hardness (in German grades) 576.1 19.15 695.7 22.6 550.6 380 379.2 630 951.2 396 487.2 411 415.8 385 337.1 374 361.2 312.5 353.5 353.5 907.2 437.7 637.6 637.6 380 212 16390 16193 12341 4068 14.15 11.26 12.99 15.2 16.82 13.58 16.8 13.86 11.51 11.9 13.13 12.23 11.56 10.56 10.68 10.86 10.08 10.3 9.52 9.52 10.22 9.15 190.98 190.3 21 33.54 pH 7.8 8.2 8.1 7.1 8.12 7.8 8.25 8.25 8.6 7.9 17 Annex 3 Hydrogeological Map of Buna Basin (Albanian part) 18