Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Emergency Management Plan Sherbrooke Community School 311 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road Sassafras 3787 Phone 9755 2007 Fax 9755 2126 Signature of Principal _________________________________ Date: 04th February 2014 Review Date One: June 2014 Review Date Two: September 2014 Page 1 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Contents Page Number Incident Management Team 3 IMT members and tasks 4 Schools communication tree 5 Emergency numbers 6 Emergency numbers for school personnel 7 Useful resources and contacts 7 Students and staff with special needs list 8 Evacuation plan and checklist 8 Evacuation checklist - Before 9 Risk Management 9 Risk Assessment 10 Priority Risks Schedule 10 Evacuation Sequence – During 11 Evacuation checklist - After 12 Relocation Plan and Checklists 12 Important School Locations checklist for relocation 13 Lockdown procedures checklist 14 Actions after lockdown 15 Emergency Lit Checklist 16 Emergency services call sheet 17 Post Emergency Record 17- 19 Offsite Evacuation 20 Onsite Evacuation (1) 21 Onsite Evacuation (2) 22 Emergency Evacuation Procedure Practice Schedule 23 Page 2 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Incident Management Team Incident Controller Sue Holmes/ Dot Koopman/ Gail Walker Acting Principal/ front office manager/ business manager Safety Officer Sue Holmes/Gail Walker Acting Principal/ Business Manager Fire Warden Student Management 10 -12 Luc Menolascina/ Rod Price Joel Cordwell/Nick Burke Student Management P- 6 Andrew Holden /Lara Wilson Livestock Management Student Management 7 - 9 Denise Dempsey Jacqui Wiltshire/Simone Adams Page 3 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) IMT Members and Tasks Role Responsibilities Incident Commander In charge of overall management of emergency situation Communications Officer Name of staff member & mobile number Backup person Sue Holmes Dot Koopman 0417 321 898 Safety Officer Ensures all actions conducted with student safety focus. Supervises evacuation and ensures adherence to ICS. Maintains contact with Incident Commander and emergency services. Operations Officer Response and group management for all students and staff onsite Student Management P-6 Student care/ensuring adherence to school protocols, procedures Student care/ensuring adherence to school protocols, procedures Jacqui Wiltshire Simone Adams Student Management 7 - 9 Student Management 1012 Student care/ensuring adherence to school protocols, procedures Joel Cordwell Luciano Menolascina Preparation and management of all livestock onsite Denise Dempsey Ed Seeto Livestock Control Dot Koopman Sue Holmes 0417 321 898 Luc Menolascina Rod Price Lara Wilson Andrew Holden If any staff on this list are away the backup person in the area will take responsibility Page 4 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Schools communication tree Sherbrooke Community School Acting Principal Sue Holmes 0417 321 898 Tony Brooks Jacqui Wiltshire School Council President 0431 207 768 Emergency Management Services Unit (ESMU) 9589 6266 Staff on excursions/camps notified FACILITY PROFILE SUMMARY Name of Facility: Hours of Operation: SHERBROOKE COMMUNITY SCHOOL 9.AM – 3.10PM Facility Address: Numbers 311 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road Children: 130 Sassfras 3787 Children with disabilities: 0 Facility Phone: 03 9755 2007 Staff: 31 (inc sessional/part time) Facility Fax: 03 9755 2126 Portables: 7 Classrooms: 8 Hazard: Science lab 1 Page 5 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Emergency numbers sheet Group Phone Number Life-threatening or time critical emergency 000 Non-life threatening incident 000 000 Police Belgrave 9754 6677 Ambulance 000 Fire Services Authority MFB/CFA 000 State Emergency Service 9684 6659 Hospital(s) William Angliss 9758 0536 Gas 1800 808 526 (Origin) Electricity 8633 6823 (Power Direct ) Water Corporation 132 262 (Yarra Valley Water) Department of Human Services (Regional Office) 1300 650 172 Department of Human Services- Child Protection (Regional Office) 131 278 Shire of Yarra Ranges Lilydale 1300 368 333 EPA 1800 444 051 DEECD Regional Office (EMR) Regional Director 9881 0200 Boronia 9760 6600 Monbulk 9756 6266 Olinda 9754 6677 Knox 9881 7000 Ferny Creek CFA 9755 1078 Healesville 5965 3501 Regional Network Leader Emergency Management Services Unit (EMSU) 9589 6266 DEECD Media Unit Page 6 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Emergency numbers for school personnel Role Name Acting Principal Sue Holmes Phone No. (Daytime) 9755 2007 Assistant Principal Coordinator Phone No. (Mobile) Phone No. ( After Hours) 0417 321 898 0417 321 898 0419356843 0419356843 9755 2007 Joel Cordwell 9755 2007 Jacqui Wiltshire 9755 2007 10-12 Coordinator 7-9 P- 6 Andrew Holden Lara Wilson Fire Warden 97552007 9755 2007 School Council President Tony Brooks 0419356843 Volunteers Dot Koopman 9755 2007 Useful resources and contacts Resource/Agency Website Phone Number Country Fire Authority Region 13 (Yarra) 8739 1300 State Emergency Service 132 500 Bushfire Information Line l.htm 1800 240 667 Crime Stoppers ome.jsp 1800 333 000 John Schauble (CFA Fire Captain) 0415 939 459 Page 7 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Students and staff with special needs list Child Staff Name First name Last Name Simone Adams Assistance Needed During an Emergency / Evacuation Room / Condition Area Allergy/ Anaphylaxis None Who Will be responsible? Sue Holmes Evacuation plan and checklist Recommended Steps for Evacuation to Shelter in Place The warning signal for evacuation is a whoop whoop siren 1. Principal takes charge and implements the Incident Control System. Call 000 2. Inform Emergency Services of the nature of the emergency (i.e. A fire is approaching) 3. Using all available staff/volunteers calmly move/carry/walk the children out of the building to your predetermined outdoor assembly area if this is the evacuation option 4. Notify region 5. The evacuation area is the Art Studio 6. Take the children’s attendance list, staff roster and your emergency/First Aid kit 7. Once at assembly area, check all children and staff are accounted for 8. Call 000 and inform them of your location at the outdoor assembly area 9. Focus on safety and well-being of staff and children 10. Wait for Emergency Services to arrive 11. If a fire is approaching and the advice is to leave immediately the plan for evacuation to a predetermined site is enacted. (CFA advice is that neither of the two designated sites would be suitable in the event of a bushfire as there are inherent dangers at each site) 12. For fires approaching from the North/West the predetermined site is the Ferny Creek Reserve (15 min walk) 13. For fires approaching from the South the park at the corner of Mount Dandenong Tourist Road and Mountain Highway in Sassafras is the predetermined site (20 min walk). Page 8 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Evacuation Checklist: Before Have you: A clear ICS (who does what)? Site plan showing clearly marked exits, including the safest possible alternative exits from the building? Posted the site plan on walls where you can access them easily? Designated two outdoor assembly areas, the first 150 metres away and an alternate location further away (walking distance)? An easily accessible First Aid/emergency kit containing required medications such as asthma inhalers, auto adrenaline injection devices, bottled water and sunscreen? A portable contacts sheet with updated and after-hours numbers? A working mobile phone? A portable attendance list of children, volunteers, and staff? Your evacuation plan? A record of any problems you encountered during drills Risk Management 1. Bushfire – plan is disseminated to all staff, parents and volunteers. Practices in term 4 2. Infiltration (intruder) – Lockdown alarm onsite. Plan is disseminated to all stakeholders. 3. Snakebite – no recorded sightings in school history. Grounds and periphery kept mowed and free from debris 4. Trips & Falls – Grounds kept clear of hazards, tripping hazards in buildings are removed 5. Falling tree branches – trees are regularly checked for potential issues by qualified arbourist 6. Building fire – evacuation procedures clearly displayed, fire extinguishers in every area, kitchen and science lab regularly checked for potential hazards or flash points. 7. Explosion – No dangerous /flammable chemicals kept onsite, science chemicals correctly stored and maintained 8. Anaphylaxis – Identified students have care plan known to all staff, epipen if required kept in office, staff trained in first aid. 9. Chemical Spill on road outside school – call 000, keep students inside buildings, extra staff on phones to monitor for parents. 10. Severe Storm (hail, tree damage) – Notify CFA/000 if trees blocking access, keep students inside buildings, extra staff to monitor phones 11. Gas leak – ventilate building (open doors and windows), ring emergency services (Fire Brigade),000.Notify Emergency Management 9589 6266. Evacuate building. Page 9 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Risk Assessment Very High Severe Storm (hail, damage to trees) Bushfire Likelihood High Moderate Trips & Falls Low Chemical Spill Falling Tree branches outside School Anaphalaxis Building Fire Low High Intruder Moderate Explosion Snakebite GasLeak Very High Impact Priority Risks Schedule Priority Hazard specific risks Very High Bushfire High Infiltration (Intruder), Severe Storm (hail, damage to trees) Moderate Snakebite, Trips & Falls, Falling tree branches, Gas Leak Low Building Fire, Explosion, Anaphylaxis, Chemical Spill Outside School Page 10 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Evacuation Sequence Checklist: During Check: Evacuate the affected rooms or areas Evacuate any rooms, adjoining areas Evacuate other rooms or areas, starting with the closest Other areas: Evacuate the affected area first Liaise with staff in other areas to ensure evacuation of all onsite. Luc (music room, Lab, VCAL room, Language lab) Dot/Gail (office areas, SSSO’s) Meet in Art Studio near front gate prior to evacuation to predetermined sites Proceed to Art Studio for current emergency. If necessary and time is too short to evacuate by car then remain in Art Studio Evacuation Checklist: During Check: Phone 000, (ESMU and Regional Office contacted by Anne) Account for all children/staff/volunteers at the assembly area against your attendance list Bring First Aid/Emergency Kit (kit in Sue’s office) Assemble the children/staff/volunteers in the pre-determined assembly area Bring mobile telephone and emergency telephone contact sheets (all in emergency kit in Anne’s office) Page 11 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Evacuation Checklist: After Check: Record the incident and report it according to your reporting requirements Write down what went wrong and what went well to improve your plan for the future (e.g. ‘the assembly point was too exposed to the sun’ or ‘It took X number of minutes to leave the building.’) Relocation (off-site evacuation) plan and checklists School personnel may have similar roles in an off-site evacuation to an on-site evacuation. After an off-site evacuation the school site may need to be inspected or cleared by relevant authorities before people return to the site. Transport arrangements for an off-site evacuation should be planned in advance; contact the Local Emergency Management Committee (chaired by the Local Government). Suggested Steps for Relocation 1. Principal (or staff onsite) notifies region of situation. 2. Principal (Incident Controller) assesses situation and seeks advice from: a. Regional Office b. ESMU c. Fire and Emergency Services agencies d. Note: In case of bushfires obtain more information at: 3. CFA website: 4. DSE website - 5. Victorian Bushfire Information Line: 1800 240 667 6. AM 774 ABC Radio 7. Enact evacuation plan/sequence 8. Complete Important Locations Checklist 9. Ensure you have updated information on safe evacuation road routes and alternatives 10. Anne to liaise with authorities re direction of approaching emergency for route to take. Page 12 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Important school locations: checklist for relocation Areas Location Notes Central Control Point Administration/main building Staff to ensure evacuation of their own area Central Control Point (Alternative) 7 - 9 area Staff to ensure evacuation of their own area Evacuation Assembly Areas Art Studio Open area in front of cottage All onsite personnel and students to meet at evacuation site to ensure all are accounted for prior to proceeding to alternate site Alternate Sites (depending on situation) To be advised by Central Emergency Management These sites are not for evacuation in case of bushfire due to their hazardous location 1. Ferny Creek Reserve Off site Immediate evacuation, (onsite incident ) 2. Sassafras Off site Immediate evacuation, (onsite Incident) Evacuation Kit Principal’s office Kit to be maintained and updated annually First Aid Kit Admin area Kits to be maintained and updated annually Security keys (Distributed) Staff will have keys for their own area Power board If necessary Water mains – shutoff If necessary Gas main – shutoff If necessary List of people on site Sign in sheet in main office Sign in sheet (visitors) to be managed by office personnel Other Staff on excursions/camps to be notified All camp/excursion documentation to be taken with staff if evacuating Page 13 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Lockdown procedures checklists Actions during lockdown - principal or site manager (incident controller) The lockdown warning signal is an intermittent siren Actions during lockdown Principal to liaise with school staff, Police and the Region in considering a lockdown. Staff to be advised of building for lockdown if necessary Activate lockdown using the predetermined activation signal. Proceed immediately to designated building Advise Victoria Police and other appropriate emergency service agencies Advise ESMU on 24/7 hotline – 9589 6266 Activate the Emergency Management Team (to plan further actions and enact the response plan) Allocate responsibilities Refer to checklists in emergency kit Guide visitors to safety ( see sign in list) Divert parents and returning groups from the school. Staff to phone parents of their own groups. Ensure a telephone line is kept free Secure external doors and entrances. Lock doors when leaving one building for the other. Keep main entrance as the only school entry point. It must be constantly monitored and no unauthorised people allowed access Have a delegated staff member wait at the main entry to the school to guide Emergency Services personnel. Only if safe to do so when advised. Ascertain (as possible) if all students, staff, tenants and visitors are accounted for Record some details of actions undertaken and times (use Emergency and Critical Incident Diary from Appendix) Await de-activation advice from Emergency Services personnel or Region Actions after lockdown - principal or site manager (incident controller) Page 14 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Actions to de-activate and immediately following lockdown Confirm with Emergency Service personnel/Region that it is safe to de-activate lockdown Determine whether to activate the school parent re-unification process Determine if there is any specific information staff, students and visitors need to know (e.g. areas of the school to avoid or parent reunification process) De-activate lockdown using predetermined de-activation signal Advise staff, students and visitors of any specific information they need to know Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or other needs are supported Print and issue pre-prepared parent letters and give these to students to take home Advise the ESMU that the lockdown is over Seek support from the Regional EM Coordinator as required Brief staff on the incident Ensure all personnel are made aware of Employee Assistance Program contact details Prepare and maintain records and documentation Follow up with any students, staff or visitors who need support Undertake operational debrief to review the lockdown and school procedural changes that may be required Actions (follow-up) Ensure evacuation kits are returned to storage points Replace batteries or any equipment used from kits Update lists and phone numbers if applicable Place copies of all correspondence to parents in student’s files. Ensure all reports are forwarded to Region Signature: Page 15 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Emergency kit checklist for schools Have you: Standard portable First Aid kit with bandages, Savlon, antiseptic wipes Medical and Special needs list: children with asthma, allergies Special medications e.g. asthma inhalers, EpiPens Updated attendance/student roil list or printout Bottled water/sunscreen/spare hats Emergency contacts telephone list Charged mobile phone Torch with replacement batteries Copy of your building site plan with marked exits Map of local streets with evacuation route Battery powered radio (if available) and spare batteries Fireblankets Page 16 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Emergency Services call sheet Dial 000, ask for the Emergency Service and be ready with the following information: 1. Your telephone number- 03 9755 2007 2. Details of your location (311 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road Sassafras IN VICTORIA!!)) 3. Street Directory reference Melway 66 E11 4. Exact location within the building, Primary or Secondary area 5. Your name....................... 6. A brief description of the incident (e.g. if you are requesting an ambulance, you will need to describe the symptoms of the person who is ill/injured) 7. Advice on the best entrance to use 8. Advise the name of the person who will meet the emergency services Speak clearly and slowly and be ready to repeat information if asked Page 17 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Post-emergency record School Date Time Of Notification Name Of Person Taking The Call Position Name Of Person Reporting The Incident Contact Telephone Number Details Immediate Action Principal notified: YES / NO Time _____ Other school staff notified: YES / NO Time _____ Emergency Services notified: YES / NO Time ______ ESMU notified: YES / NO Time ______ Major Activities Issues Operational Debriefing Required: YES / NO Date/Time: _____ Person Responsible to organise: Confirmation of Operational Briefing: Date/Time: Issues for Follow up action: Signature Date Page 18 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Bomb Threat Checklist Details of the person who received the call Name (print): Signature: Telephone number called: Date call received: Time call received: General questions to ask the caller 1. What is it? Is it a bomb? 2. When will it explode or the substance be released? 3. Where did you put it? 4. What does it look like? 5. When did you put it there? 6. How will it explode or the substance be released? 7. Did you put it there? 8. Why did you put it there? 9. What is your name? Bomb threat questions 1. What type of bomb is it? 2. What is in the bomb? 3. What will make the bomb explode? Chemical/biological threat questions 1. What kind of substance is in it? 2. How much of the substance is there? 3. When will the substance be released? 4. Is the substance a liquid, powder or gas? Page 19 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Exact wording of the threat: Gender of the caller: Male Female Accent of the caller: Australian Middle Eastern British Asian American European None TV/Radio Train Traffic Music Construction Sirens Aircraft Voices Other (specify) Background noise: Other (specify) Estimated duration of call: Estimated age of the caller: Did the caller appear familiar with the area? Yes No Other comments: Page 20 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Page 21 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Page 22 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Page 23 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed Sherbrooke Community School – An Innovative Government School SCS 10: 01 Emergency Management Plan Version: 5 January 2013 Approved: Anne Broadribb (Principal) Emergency Evacuation Procedure Practice Schedule Sign and date Term one Term two Whole school evacuation to onsite point. Local CFA (Ferny Creek) to be notified for supervision if necessary Whole school lockdown practice Whole school evacuation practice Term three Term four Whole school evacuation to onsite point. Local CFA (Ferny Creek) to be notified for supervision Distribution List CFA Andrew Holden Lara-Jayne Wilson Simone Adams Sue Holmes Jacqui Wiltshire Samone Boucher David Hartney Alice Woodberry Tony Brooks (SC Pres) Dot Koopman David Bruce Roderick McLeod Nick Burke Paul McIlrath Aldo Carlino Luciano Menolascina Joel Cordwell Rod Price Denise Dempsey Ed Seeto Adrien Duckworth Amara Somasundaram Rhonda Ellis Leanne Strachan EMR Region Mitti Sukirtharatnam Yasmin Frank (Canteen Manager) Gail Walker Karyn Walker Aleryk Fricker Page 24 of 24 This document is uncontrolled when printed