Talk Test - Sports Backers Marathon Training Team

Below is an article from Greg McMillan regarding the Talk Test, below the article is the
RPE Scale (Rate of Perceived Exertion)…We should be running these 1st few weeks at
a conversational pace – The Endurance Zone – to Greg McMillan – RPE of 4-5. No one
needs to go faster than this right now. These next few weeks are about developing good
safe running habits, building a solid running base, the discipline to train consistently,
making new running friends, & learning new running routes. We also must remember
that the Talk Test Pace of each athlete is different based on their fitness level and
running experience.
The Talk Test: The World’s Easiest Training Tool
Coach Greg McMillan
The easiest way to monitor your pace and effort has been around for decades—and it
doesn’t require any gadgets.
Today, there are many ways to monitor and evaluate the quality of your training. Any
number of devices are available to give you real-time feedback on your pace, cadence,
heart rate and calories burned.
But you don’t need to spend a lot of money on gadgets or have a PhD in physiology to
effectively gauge your training. In fact, you already have one of the best ways to gauge
your training—the Talk Test. It’s been around since the first running boom and here’s
how it works.
As you train, you simply use your ability to talk to gauge your effort. For Endurance Zone
workouts—recovery runs, easy runs and long runs—your breathing should be under
control and you should be able to carry on a conversation with your training partner.
That’s why this has long been called “conversational pace.” Sure, you may breathe
heavier on uphills but for the most part, you should be able to chat away.
Stamina Zone includes workouts include Steady State Runs, Tempo Runs and Tempo
Intervals. These “up tempo” efforts are great at improving your lactate threshold but are
a bit like goldie locks workouts. Run too slow and you don’t get maximum benefits, but
run them too fast and you’ll bump into the Speed Zone. Using the talk test, Stamina
Zone workouts are that perfect in between where you won’t be able to talk for long but
you also shouldn’t be huffing and puffing. The Talk Test teaches that you are in the
Stamina Zone when you can speak in short sentences like “This pace feels right on” or
“Careful, I think we’re going a little too fast right now.”
The Speed Zone does involve lots of huffing and puffing so with the Talk Test, you can
now only speak 1-2 words during each fast repeat, especially as you get to the last few
repetitions. Phrases like “Too fast” or “Pick it up” are about all you can get out during
speed workouts.
By the final training zone, the Sprint Zone, all you can muster are grunts, moans and the
occasional “aack.” For most runners, “silence is golden” fits these very fast workouts,
where any communication is reserved for the recovery jogs between sprints.
As a coach, I find the Talk Test to be a great way for runners new and old to connect
with pace, heart rate and effort. And, it’s a great tool to use during adverse conditions
like when it’s hot/humid or windy. In these conditions, it’s easy for pace to lag but that
doesn’t mean you aren’t getting in a good workout. The Talk Test removes the pressure
to hit a pace and keeps your training dialed in so you get in your best workout no matter
the conditions.
As you march into your next segment of training, remember that the Talk Test is always
powered on, linked up and activated ready to help you run your best.
The Talk Test
Endurance Zone: Carry on a full conversation
Stamina Zone: Speak in 1-2 sentences
Speed Zone: Speak 1-2 words but definitely not a lot of talking
Spring Zone: Grunts, moans, aack
What It Means
0-1 No exertion. The only movement you're getting is pushing buttons on the remote.
Light exertion. This is how you should feel when you're warming up, cooling down,
and stretching.
Medium exertion. You're breathing a little faster. Your heart is pumping a little
faster. You're feeling a little warmer.
Moderate exertion. You're breathing pretty hard now, you're probably sweating.
You can talk, but it's getting tougher.
Hard exertion. You're breathing really hard and you can only say a few words at a
time. You're wondering how long you can go on like this.
Hardest exertion. You cannot keep this pace for more than a minute. Speaking is
impossible. This is your limit.