LCMNU Leadership Positions 2015-2016

Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern
Student Leadership Board 2015-2016
1. Oversee executive board (President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer) and work with all
leaders and ministry staff.
2. Email notice of all meetings to leadership board in advance of meetings.
3. Compile agenda for leadership meetings and preside at all meetings
4. Act as the public spokesperson for and representative of the club/ministry.
5. Serve as Director on the Board of Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern University
(LCMNU) with voice and vote, representing the student voice.
1. Assist the PRESIDENT whenever he or she needs help.
2. Work with all leaders to help them with various projects, and in some cases, act as co-chair to
committees if needed.
3. Oversee Associated Student Government (ASG) club status with Northwestern University (NU),
attend meetings at NU related to club business, and coordinate club paperwork with Treasurer
and advisors; place copies of all club paperwork on file.
4. Serve as Director on the Board of Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern University
(LCMNU) with voice and vote, representing the student voice.
1. Take minutes at all executive board, club, and special meetings.
2. Responsible for promptly distributing minutes to all leaders and pastor following meetings and
putting a copy of minutes on file in the Center Office.
3. Responsible for working with the Communications Leader and Office-Communications Assistant
to help with advertising ministry events.
1. Responsible for overseeing club account and keeping track of all fundraised money.
2. Responsible for completing financial forms related to club account including annual financial
reviews and putting copies of all forms on file.
3. Responsible for communicating with Vice President and Club Advisors regarding NU club
paperwork/account and with Office Manager/LCMNU Board Treasurer regarding general
student account at LCMNU.
Form new and creative ideas for fundraising.
Implement plans for follow through on ideas (plan, set up, make contacts).
Sit on LCMNU Development Committee.
Work with Communications Leader in order to advertise events.
1. Get the word out by 1) Gathering information on LCMNU events from leaders to submit to the
Office/Communications Assistant so info can be shared via email, Facebook, website, and
Twitter; 2) Informing leaders that if they need posters or other materials to advertise LCMNU
events that they can contact the Office-Communications Assistant for assistance; 3) Reminding
leaders to post materials about events and informing leaders of where materials can be posted
on campus; and 4) Reminding everyone to take pictures at LCMNU events!
2. Work with Office-Communications Assistant on bulletin board maintenance at the Center.
3. Work with Secretary as needed in coordinating communication efforts and sit on LCMNU
Communications Committee.
1. Plan and coordinate fellowship activities and events for students that contribute to building a
sense of community. Work with Communications Leader and/or Office-Communications
Assistant to advertise events.
2. Assist with weekly Supper Worship.
3. Intentionally welcome students to LCMNU events and create awareness for students on how
they can get involved in and invest in the ministry as well as beyond the ministry.
1. Meet regularly with the Pastor and Director of Music to plan Sunday, Wednesday, and other
worship services.
2. Assist with leading worship on Sundays and Wednesdays.
3. Invite students to help with worship and music leadership.
4. Work with Communications Leader and/or Office/Communications Assistant in order to
advertise worship services.
1. Plan and coordinate (call and contact) service activities in the community and possibly help with
researching possible service trip opportunities.
2. Attend and participate in service events and invite students to participate.
3. Work with Communications Leader and/or Office/Communications Assistant in order to
advertise events.
OUTREACH (2 positions—undergraduate and graduate)
1. Reach out to undergraduate and graduate students and help others to do so!
2. Intentionally welcome students to LCMNU events and create awareness for students on how
they can get involved in and invest in the ministry as well as beyond the ministry.
3. Help set up and be present at NU undergraduate and graduate Club Fairs and other campus
ministry activities such as the beginning of the year events.
4. Assist with planning and coordinating Campus Ministry Sunday once a year.
5. Work with Communications Leader and/or Office-Communications Assistant in order to
advertise events.
6. Possibly sit on LCMNU Communications Committee.
1. Initiate interfaith communication and cooperation with NUii and Interfaith Action of Evanston.
2. Reach out to clubs on campus to help assist or raise awareness of special interest activities or
3. Work with the service chair to set up opportunities to work on social justice issues in the
4. Maintain connections with organizations (NU, ELCA, or other) that connect college students with
peace and justice such as Setting the Table.
The Student Leadership Board may appoint additional leaders at their discretion. The “at large”
position would be a non-specified leadership position but would allow this person to assist other
leaders and to learn about leadership in the ministry. This position would not be an elected
position but appointed by the entire Leadership Board.
LCM Leaders:
 Participate in the life of the community - so that you can get to know the people you
represent, can support others, and nurture your own faith life!
 Assist with hosting and welcoming students at the Club Fairs and beginning of the year
events and help with leading student-led worship on Wednesday evenings as part of
“Supper Worship.”
 Participate in the Leadership Retreat in the spring after elections.
 Attend leadership meetings twice a month.
 Participate in a Campus Ministry Sunday once a year.
 As the LCMNU Board invests in supporting this ministry, you also may be asked by the
LCMNU Board to offer input about or assist with various aspects of the ministry.
*comprise the Executive Board
Approved 1 June 2014. Updated April 2015.