Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair – Thursday, May 5, 2016

‘THE WHAT TO DO’ Check List
2016 Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair
Whitehorse, Thursday, May 5, 2016
Task Description
Completed = X
By December 4, 2015
Confirm School participation & contact person with
YHMA Heritage Fair Coordinator
Email: programs.yukonheritage@gmail.com
By January 15, 2015:
Set date for Fair & inform YHMA by email.
School Fairs should be held before April to ensure
participation in Territorial Fair
Teleconference Call with YHMA & Participants
DATE: TBA – Early January
Review criteria for judging presentations.
Awards, Judging the Presentations:
1. Choose a selection of Judges.
2. Judge the presentation based on the Rubric
3. Choose the top 6 presentations for your
If possible, 2 for each category = G4/5,G6/7,G8
6. Complete the following forms and sent them to
YHMA immediately after the Fair.
2 Sets of Originals Required: 1 YHMA & 1 for
Chaperones. (6 MAX)
1. Student Registration form = 1 per student
2. Parent/Guardian Release Form for Media
Recording = 1 per student
3. School Authorization Form – for students to
participate in Fair
Awards, Judging the Presentations:
There are two levels to the judging process:
4. Judging the presentation based on the Rubric.
At your school, use the same rubric, but choose the top 6 presentation to send to
the Fair.
5. Various Awards are presented based on donations from interested Parties. See
list in package.
7. Travel Arrangements Details to follow
8. AT the FAIR: More Details to follow….
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
Student Registration Forms
2016 Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair
Whitehorse, Thursday, May 5, 2015
Yukon Transportation Museum and Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre
We look forward to seeing you at the fair!
Is this a partner or group project? (Please circle one)
Yes No
IF 2 Students completed this project – 2 Registration Forms are Required
Student Name: _____________________________ Age: ____Grade:____
Emergency Contact Phone: ________________
School Phone: _________________________
Parent E-Mail Address: ____________________________ (Print clearly)
Name of School: __________________________________
Teacher: _________________________________________
T-Shirt Size (please indicate if this is a youth or adult size): ____________________
Project Title:
Project Description:
Official Language to be judged in (please circle one): English / French
Equipment Requirements: (Electrical or other)
Allergies or other special requirements:
Student’s Signature: ______________________
Date: ____________
Parent or Guardian’s Signature:
___________________________ _ _ Date: __________________
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
School Authorization/Recommendation
School authorization is required for students to participate in the Yukon/Stikine Regional
Heritage Fair.
Please ensure that students being recommended will be good representatives for your
school, adhere to code of conduct and help make the territorial heritage fair a fun and
welcoming experience for all.
Each school is required to send at least one staff member as a chaperone. A maximum
of six (6) projects from each school are allowed at the territorial fair.
I hereby recommend and grant permission for the student named below to take part in
the 2015 Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair in Whitehorse on Thursday, May 5,
2015. I am confident she/he will be a very good representative for our school.
Student Names:
Name of School:
Principal Name:
Principal’s Email:
School Chaperone
(1 Chaperone for six participants)
(staff member):
School Mailing
School Telephone#:
Principal’s Signature:
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair
The Code of Conduct is intended to encourage acceptable student behavior throughout
the Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair and to provide an atmosphere in which all
individuals feel a sense of respect, safety, and belonging.
 Students are expected to conduct themselves in a polite, respectful and cooperative
manner at all times during the Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair.
 Students are expected to be punctual for set-up at the Fair and during the period of
 Students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects purpose and propriety.
 Students are expected to be considerate of the thoughts, feelings, and heritage of
 Students are expected to be sensitive to and responsible for the facility where the
Fair is to be held.
 Students are expected to be free of illegal drugs/alcohol (possession, use, or
influence) at all times under the jurisdiction of the Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage
Fair Program. This includes all tobacco products.
 Students are expected to be in attendance at their booths throughout the judging
and public portions of the Fair, unless otherwise instructed.
 Students, teachers, and parents are expected to understand the criteria for judging
of Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair projects and to respect and abide by the
final decision.
Please keep this copy of the Code of Conduct for reference.
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
Parent/Guardian Release Form for Media Recording
Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair – Thursday, May 5, 2016
Name of Student: ___________________________________________________
Parent’s Name:_____________________________________________________
Parent’s Email Address: ___________________________________(please print clearly)
Parent’s Phone Number: ____________________________________
Release descriptions:
Please initial if you
grant or deny
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant/deny permission to the Yukon/Stikine
Regional Heritage Fair Committee, to the Yukon Historical & Museums
Association (YHMA), and to Yukon Education (Education) to use the
image of my child,
(Child’s Name: __________________________________________).
Such use may include the use of photographs, images, video and/or audio
recording taken of my child for materials that include fair reports, printed
materials, newspaper articles, promotional videos, and on the YMHA and
Education web sites. I waive any proprietary right to these images.
I deny permission to use my child’s image
I grant permission to use my child’s image. I understand that my child’s
image may appear electronically on the Internet or in other publications
beyond the control of the Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair
Committee, the Yukon Historical & Museums Association (YHMA), and
Yukon Education. I agree that I will not hold the Yukon/Stikine Regional
Heritage Fair Committee, the Yukon Historical & Museums Association
(YHMA), and Yukon Education responsible for any damage that may
result from such unauthorized copying.
I hereby release and hold harmless the Yukon/Stikine Regional
Heritage Fair Committee, the Yukon Historical & Museums Association
(YHMA), and Yukon Education and their employees, agents, and
subcontractors from liability in relation to the fair use of my child’s image,
including claims for invasion of privacy.
I acknowledge I have read and understood the contents of this form and
have been given full opportunity to discuss the implications of this
voluntary consent.
If you have any questions on the use of your child’s image or the Yukon/Stikine Heritage Fair,
please contact the Heritage Fair Coordinator at (867) 667-4704 or at the email below.
Name: Parent/Guardian:_______________________________ Date:_______________
Signature: Parent/Guardian:_____________________________________________
Please make a copy of this form for your own records and attach the original to your child’s documentation
for participation in the 2016 Yukon Stikine Regional Heritage Fair.
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair – Thursday, May 5, 2016
A Heritage Fair is a grand celebration of Canada’s heritage!
Program Overview
The Heritage Fairs program is a bilingual educational initiative that encourages students
to explore an aspect of Canadian heritage in a dynamic and captivating learning
environment. Students use the media of their choice to share their learning about Canadian
heroes and legends, milestones and achievements - and then proudly present the results of
their research at a public exhibition. Volunteer committees involving educators, heritage
groups, and community associations work together to organize these enriching events. The
Fairs give students a voice to tell their own stories in their own ways. Their enthusiasm,
creativity, and passion make the Fairs a highlight of the school year!
In 2013, Canada's History Society celebrated the 20th anniversary of its youth program
Heritage Fairs. The program began in 1993, when the CRB Foundation launched a pilot
project in Winnipeg designed to celebrate history and to foster a deeper understanding of
our country’s past.
The fairs were a huge success, not only with students, but also with teachers, families
and the general public. Heritage fairs took off and were quickly adopted in all of Canada’s
provinces and territories. Since the program’s creation, more than one million students have
participated in heritage fairs in communities all across Canada.
The fairs appeal to all kinds of learners, as students are able to choose their topic and
have control over their learning, conduct their own hands-on research, and present their
findings in a creative and public format.
After two decades, the spirit of the heritage fair program remains a celebration of history,
community, learning, and fun. Projects previously presented on large cardboard displays
now incorporate technology and new media as the fairs evolve to incorporate the skills and
interest of 21st century learners. As part of this evolution, Canada’s History introduced a
complementary video program called Young Citizens in 2012.
For more information about the Heritage Fairs program, please visit
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
Why Participate?
The Fairs program helps teachers meet their teaching goals, provides recognition for
student achievement, and satisfies curriculum requirements.
The creation of a Fairs project requires hands-on learning, which develops research
and communication skills.
Learning becomes more meaningful when students explore topics that are
personally relevant to them. They'll create connections within their families and
Fairs give students the chance to share their own ideas and voices, thereby building
student creativity and initiative.
Creating a Fairs project will enhance literacy skills. The emphasis on communication
skills such as researching, interviewing, writing, editing, and speaking will benefit all
Participation in a Fair engages citizenship skills. As young people develop stronger
roots in their communities, they will have the confidence to become active citizens
who shape the future of our country.
Correlation studies have been conducted to determine that the Fairs program fits
Canadian social studies, geography, and history curricula for grades 4 to 9.
This program connects the classroom with the community – to valuable
organizations such as historical societies, museums, archives, libraries, and
multicultural groups.
Program Goals
The goals of the Fairs program are especially fitting as Canada moves well into the 21
century. This program creates an engaging learning environment for students, thereby
strengthening their appreciation of Canadian heritage. Students develop strong roots in their
communities and cultures, which inspire them to participate in the shaping of Canada’s
The Fairs program has grown remarkably since it started. It is eventually intended that
every eligible student in Canada will be provided with the opportunity to participate in a Fair
during his or her years at school.
Fair organizers invite community organizations and businesses to work with teachers
and educators, to actively participate in the delivery of the event by joining the organizing
committee, assisting students with their research, providing materials and in-kind resources,
and hosting workshops or placing displays at the Fairs.
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
Project Guidelines: Rules and Criteria
Each Fair site is required to follow certain national guidelines; however, the flexibility of
the Fairs model allows each volunteer committee to design its Fair to meet the particular
needs of their school, community, region, province, or territory.
The following guidelines apply to every Fair:
The Fairs Program emphasizes the importance of the learning process, the
exchange of stories, and the value of multiple perspectives.
Projects can interpret aspects of Canadian heritage on a local, provincial,
national, or international level.
All presentations must avoid profanity, racial or sexist remarks, innuendo,
negative stereotypes, or any other potentially offensive matter.
Although it is recognized that teachers or other adult supervisors might have
provided assistance, all submissions must be produced by the student.
Any person or organization clearly identifiable in a presentation must have given
permission to the presenter.
As much as possible, teachers should ensure that projects are historically
Heritage Fairs encourages cooperative learning and the development of Group
projects at the classroom, school, community, and regional levels.
Student participants at the Regional Fair must be able to discuss their work and
provide a summary of their project in either French or English.
Projects should be ready for display. Those selected for the Regional Fair may
not exceed: eighty (80) centimeters in depth, one hundred & fifty (150)
centimeters in width, and one hundred (100) centimeters in height.
Students participating in the Regional Fair will be responsible for meeting their
own computer software and hardware needs.
During the Fairs, projects are the responsibility of the participants. Heritage Fairs
is not responsible for any projects lost, stolen or damaged while unattended.
Because of space limitations in certain areas, the Fair organizers reserve the
right to register participants on a first come/first served basis.
By entering projects in the Heritage Fairs, students and parents/guardians are
considered to have provided consent for:
1. Their projects and materials to be photographed and referred to in any
Heritage Fairs or Canada’s National History Society promotions. Parents not
wishing to have their children photographed or have their projects used in
such promotions must make their request in writing to local Fair organizers.
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com
2016 Yukon Stikine Regional Heritage Fair
Prize and Award Categories Information
The Yukon/Stikine Regional Heritage Fair offers prizes in a variety of categories. First-,
second-, and third-place awards will be given to the judges’ top picks in each of the three grade
levels (Grades 4-5, Grades 6-7, and Grades 8-9). Two People’s Choice awards are also given
out for projects chosen as a favorite by participants and members of the public who attend the
In addition, the Fair offer prizes and recognition for projects in the following categories:
First Nations History & Culture: projects related to First Nations history, heritage, & culture
Genealogy: projects related to family stories and histories
Paleontology or Archaeology: projects related to paleontology or archaeology topics
Yukon Heritage Award: projects specific to Yukon history and heritage
**First World War Award: projects related to the First World War and which demonstrate
extraordinary motivation in pursuing the topic. Priority is given to Yukon and original content.
This is a special thematic award given out in 2016 as part of an YHMA initiative to recognize the
First World War and the role that the Yukon played in the conflict
Research & Writing: projects that demonstrate exceptional research and writing
Graphic Design: projects that demonstrate exceptional graphic design in their presentation
History Hunter: for exceptional research and investigation in developing a project
Oral History: projects that demonstrate exceptional use of oral history
Archives: projects that demonstrate exceptional use and citation of archival resources, both
in person and/or online
Please feel free to share this list with students, fair mentors, and parents to help them
understand the wide range of topics and projects welcomed by the Yukon/Stikine Regional
Heritage Fair program!
Heritage Fair Coordinator: Rhoda Merkel programs.heritageyukon@gmail.com