This manual has been developed to familiarize you and your daughter with our club and the
Junior Olympic volleyball program. The information in this manual can be used throughout the year for
your reference regarding all facets of our program.
It is EAST TROY HEAT’s philosophy to encourage our players to be multiple sport athletes.
We are committed to providing quality training, both physically and mentally, through the competitive
It cannot be emphasized enough that the Junior Olympic program requires COMMITMENT.
We expect all players participating in the program will discuss with their parents the need for
commitment to this program. The entire program requires a great deal of time and effort by both the
players and the parents. We expect players to show total commitment. At the same time, we do not
want our players to jeopardize their education or stop representing their high school in other sports. We
therefore expect that all players will maintain passing grades while they are in the program.
Age and ability determines the team a child plays on. A player may play up with older players
but cannot play down with younger players. Teams will be classified as a Club or Open team based on
the level at which they will be competing. We try to develop a schedule based on each individual team.
We will be keeping between 8 and 10 players on each team. Playing time is up to the individual coach.
Practices will typically be held on Monday and Wednesday nights from December through
March/April (depending on the the team). We will mainly be practicing at East Troy Middle School. A
practice schedule will be provided at a later date. Training Team, 12’s, 13’s, 14’s will use the early time
slot with the 15’s, 16’s and 17’s using the later time slot. Practice will be 1hr 30 min. with the training
team being 1hr.
Parents are responsible for all transportation to and from tournaments. Coaches will not be
allowed to transport players. Officiating duties are a part of the tournament commitment. On days of
tournaments, it is wise not to schedule other activities if at all possible due to out-of-town travel and the
possibility of playing late in the day.
A section has been included in this handbook regarding Codes of Behavior for tournament
competition. PLEASE read this section carefully. We know that competition can bring out both the
best and the worst in people. We, along with USA volleyball and the Badger Region, expect that our
parents, fans, and players will always display sportsmanlike behavior during tournaments.
Hope you’re ready for a great season of volleyball!
Each year we evaluate a large number of athletes during tryouts, and every athlete is evaluated every
year. Each athlete must come to the tryouts ready to compete for a place on one of our teams. An athlete
with a limiting physical or medical condition should contact the club prior to tryouts. Players should
never assume because they are on a team one year they will automatically make a team the following
year. Each year athlete’s skills improve and each year the pool of athletes to choose from will change.
Some athletes have extensive playing experience while others do not. Athletes go through a physical
evaluation; coaches evaluate their potential as well as intrinsic traits. We base our selections on what the
athletes do during the tryout period and what we perceive their potential to be.
Tryout Procedure
All players of the same age group will be evaluated by several members of the club staff. Even if these
coaches aren’t standing directly on the court, there are people watching for skills and also leadership and
communication skills from each athlete.
Team Composition and Placement
● Teams typically will consist of between 8 and 10 players. Total team participants are left to the
discretion of the club director and team coach.
● The number of teams within each age group is dependent upon:
○ The number of players trying out
○ The number of available coaches
○ The number of available practice courts
● Teams will be chosen in an effort to maximize the advancement of ALL players
● It is up to the discretion of the coach and club director if they would like to move a player to a
different age group (“playing up”). This is not something that should be requested by a player or
● Teams will be divided into single age groups: 12 and under, 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, and 17s. If there
is a player at any age group that would like to work on skill development and doesn’t want to
travel to tournaments, they can tryout for the training team
Offer Process
All offers to play on a HEAT team will be offered at tryouts. There will be 10 offers per age group. If
someone does not accept an offer, the remaining offers will be given out via phone call by the HEAT
coach of that age group.
Badger Region Commitment Policy
For players on teams 14 and younger (tryouts in October): A player will not be required to commit to a
club for which they were a registered member the previous season until 9:01 p.m. on Tuesday (Oct 14,
2014). For all other players, they are not required to commit until 9:01 p.m. on Thursday (Oct 16, 2014).
For players on teams 15 and older (tryouts in November): A player will not be required to commit to a
club for which they were a registered member the previous season until 9:01 p.m. on Tuesday (Nov
18th, 2014). For all other players, they are not required to commit until 9:01 p.m. on Thursday (Nov
20th, 2014).
In other words, if you played for a club in the 2013-14 season and that same club offers you a spot for
the new season, that spot can be held until Tuesday night. If you receive an offer from a club that you
did not play for in 2013-2014 season, that offer can be held until Thursday night. As always, players are
encouraged to let clubs know of your intentions as soon as the decision has been made.
Acceptance Process
After you have received an offer and have decided to commit, the official acceptance policy is to log
into Webpoint (https://webpoint.usavolleyball.org) and select the club from the dropdown menu. (On the
left side, click “My Information” and then the far left tab titled “Main Info.” You’ll see a drop-down
menu with “Undecided” in it. Choose the selected club from that list.). Please be sure to talk about this
decision as a family as once this decision is made, it is for the entire season.
Once you have committed to accept a position, you are considered a member of that team. From this
point on, if for any reason you need to withdraw from the club, the cancellation policy will be
There are two different weekends for tryouts this year. Try-outs for the training team, 12’s, 13’s and
14’s will be held on Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at East Troy High School.
Tryouts will proceed as follows:
Training team & 12U
13U & 14U
Pre-registration for tryouts can be done at the parent meeting on Saturday September 21, 2014 or by
mailing the forms and tryout fee postmarked BY SEPTEMBER 30th 2014 to:
The following forms need to be completed for PRE-REGISTRATION (can be found at
www.easttroyheat.com under tryout info):
-2014-2015 Player Information Form
-Player Medical History and Release Form
-East Troy HEAT Photo Release Form
-Concussion Form
-$35 (non-refundable; cash or check payable to East Troy Heat)
**bring webpoint membership to tryouts**
If you register when you come to tryouts, you will need the same forms filled out and the fee is $45
(cash or check payable to East Troy Heat) This is a non-refundable fee and does not get applied to your
dues if/when you are offered a spot on a team.
If you have not pre-registered using Webpoint, you will not be allowed to tryout. It is advised that a
parent be present when forms are turned in to make sure all required forms are accurately completed.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so that we can collect the necessary paperwork prior to your
tryout time.
Tryouts for 15’s, 16’s, and 17’s will be held on Saturday November 15th, 2014 at East Troy High
Tryouts will proceed as follows:
Pre-registration for tryouts can be done at the parent meeting on Sunday September 21, 2014 or by
mailing the forms and tryout fee BY SEPTEMBER 20th, 2014 to:
The following forms need to be completed to PRE-REGISTER (can be found at www.easttroyheat.com
under tryout info):
-2014-2015 Player Information Form
-Player Medical History and Release Form
-East Troy HEAT Photo Release Form
-Concussion Form
-$35 (non-refundable; cash or check payable to East Troy Heat)
**bring webpoint membership to tryouts**
If you register when you come to tryouts, you will need the same forms filled out and the fee at the door
is $45 (cash or check payable to East Troy Heat). This is a non-refundable fee and does not get applied
to your dues if/when you are offered a spot on a team.
If you have not pre-registered using Webpoint, you will not be allowed to tryout. It is advised that a
parent be present when forms are turned in to make sure all required forms are accurately completed.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so that we can collect the necessary paperwork prior to your
tryout time.
Once again, we will be asking that each family send either one check for the full amount or two
separate checks for both half’s of your child’s dues. Please post date the second check for January
28th, 2014. By handling club dues this way it will alleviate the hassle of remembering to pay your dues
on time. You will also be paying for your child’s registration and this fee will not be counted against
your club dues. If the dues are not paid by the end of the season, there will be a $100 late fee charge
and your name will be reported to the Badger Region (see next page for description).
Dues for the teams:
-Training team:
-12’s and 13’s:
-15’s and 16’s:
$375 (payable in two installments of $187.50)
$800 (payable in two installments of $400.00)
$850 (payable in two installments of $425.00)
$1050 (payable in two installments of $525.00)
$1700 (payable in two installments of $850.00)
These fees cover:
-Tournament entry fees
-2 Uniforms
-Coaches salary and travel
-Administrative fees and supplies
Additional fees that will be covered by the player:
-Travel expenses including hotel, food and transportation
-Black spandex, shoes, knee pads, socks, any other clothing other than uniforms
-AAU membership (for those teams playing in AAU tournaments)
For your convenience, payment coupons have been attached. Please send both coupons if you are
sending two separate checks. Both payments are due at the Dec. 1st practice.
First Installment is due on Dec. 1, 2014
Please make checks payable to EAST
Player’s Name: ______________________________
Mail to:
C/o Jeremy Weis
2529 Brittany Ln.
East Troy, WI 53120
Team: ___________
Check #: ___________
Second Installment check cashed on Jan. 28, 2015
Please make checks payable to EAST
Player’s Name: ______________________________
Mail to:
C/o Jeremy Weis
2529 Brittany Ln.
East Troy, WI 53120
Team: ___________
Check #: ___________
Cancellation Policy:
If you accept a position on any team and you quit before Dec 1st (1st practice), you will be a charged a
$150 inconvenience fee. If you accept a position on any team and quit after Dec 2nd, your payment will
NOT be refunded. We will also abide by the Badger Region Unpaid Fees Policy:
A Junior Club player must remit all club fees as specified by their Club/Team, within the club’s
scheduled time frame. If fees are unpaid at the end of the Club’s season, the Club Director may use any
legal means necessary to obtain payment, i.e. collection agency. Nonpayment will result in the athlete’s
name being submitted to the Badger Region Office, resulting in the athlete being restricted from
registering for a future season with any USAV Region until the fees are paid. A letter requesting
payment that includes the parent’s name, player’s name, player’s age level and notification of this policy
must be sent to the family and a copy to the region office. Club directors must notify the region office
immediately when payment has been made. The payment circumstances are between the club and the
family, the Region does not get involved in financial disputes.
Only IMPACT-certified adults with current USAV memberships and properly background-checked club
volleyball personnel are allowed to provide instruction and have on-court contact with players during
practice or tournaments.
Due to safety concerns, parents are not allowed to be in the gym during tryouts or practices. Parents are
also not allowed to “shag” balls during tournaments unless they are registered with USAV/Badger
We expect players, parents and coaches to keep the facility clean while we use it. If we abuse this
location, we risk losing it. Players are asked to turn their cell phones off during practice. Any player
whose phone rings/beeps/plays a sound during practice will face consequences.
Locations and Schedule
Practices will be at the East Troy Middle School gym for 1.5 hours. Practices will be held every
Monday and Wednesday (unless otherwise notified) and will be conducted by the team’s coach and/or
THE SEASON. Changes will be made on the website and via email, so please be sure to check both of
these points prior to practice.
Practice Structure & Attendance
Scheduled practice time is start time. Please arrive early enough to be dressed and completely ready for
practice by designated start time, which usually requires 15 minutes before start time.
THE COACH. It is the athlete’s responsibility (not the parent) to reach the coach before the practice
starts. If unable to attend due to a previous commitment, let your coach know at least a week in advance.
All athletes are expected to attend every practice. Only an illness serious enough to keep the athlete
home from school or a genuine family emergency are legitimate excuses for missing practice.
Regardless of the reason, if an athlete misses practices, playing time may decrease and roles may be
reviewed. Club dues will not be refunded for missing practices.
Practice Cancellations – Weather-Related Cancellations
Please be aware that HEAT may have to cancel practice at the last minute due to weather, coach
unavailability, personal emergencies and scheduling conflicts.
WEATHER-RELATED CANCELLATIONS: If schools are closed or school events are cancelled, so
are our practices. If the morning/afternoon forecast calls for bad weather late in the day, keep an eye on
your email. Any cancelled practice will be announced on the website and via email OR text by 3:00 p.m.
Players are encouraged to use their best judgment when attempting to travel to practice. The safety of
the athlete and their family is our first concern and priority. If you will not be making practice due to
weather, please call your coach ASAP.
Scheduling and Objectives
HEAT will work to make the most competitive schedule possible with the athletes on each team.
Non-refundable tournament fees are paid by HEAT on December 1 to the respective tournament hosting
clubs. Tournaments are RARELY, if ever, cancelled because of weather. We are expected to make every
effort to attend. However, if we decide that the safety of the participants is at risk, a recommendation
will be made not to attend. Once the fees for the tournaments have been paid, we will not be able to get a
refund for any reason if a HEAT team can’t attend. Therefore, we will NOT be refunding the
participants (parents/players) either.
Day-Of Schedule
Each tournament format is determined by the organization hosting the event. Tournament hosts will
provide actual day-of scheduling details no later than the Wednesday prior to the tournament date. This
will be either emailed out or posted on their website. Your coach will send you this information as soon
do not have this information prior to Wednesday. Plan on being at the tournament early in the morning
and remaining there all day long. Teams do one of three things at a tournament: play, officiate, sit out
(time to eat and watch other teams, especially those in our club). Tournaments can run ahead of schedule
or (more often) behind schedule. Please be prepared. Please also be aware that there could be additional
charges for spectator entry and/or parking, and many facilities have rules regarding outside food and
beverage. We as a team/club can/will be penalized for breaking these rules.
Upon acceptance into the club and payment of dues, each participant will receive 2 uniforms. The club
director will decide on the style of uniforms which will be worn at all age levels for that season (training
team will not receive uniforms since they do not play in any tournaments). Uniforms are to be worn
only on tournament days and only by team members. Uniforms should not be worn for practice or out in
public. All players are expected to be in full uniform each time the team competes at a tournament. If
you happen to lose your uniform, you will NOT be provided with a new one. Uniform maintenance is
the responsibility of the player – wash only in cold water and air-dry – if you forget your shorts or
jersey, you will NOT be able to participate. PLEASE PACK THE NIGHT BEFORE A
Scorekeeping and Officiating Duties
All players are expected to help officiate in one of these capacities:
Line judge
Scorekeeper (visual or paper)
Libero tracker
2nd referee (down)
Training will be provided to all club members prior to the first tournament to be able to
do each of these positions, and online tools are also available to help you learn. NO
It is also important to note that oftentimes when you lose your last match of the day,
you will be expected to officiate the next match. NO PLAYER MAY LEAVE THE
certain extreme circumstances, permission may be granted by the coach for a player to
leave early.
No cell phones or electronic devices should be at the scorekeeping tables or used by
any player with a reffing assignment. If seen by the coach, they will be confiscated and
turned over to the parent(s). If a parent is not present, the phone or device will be held
by the coach until the end of the day.
Many tournaments require travel time. It is the responsibility of the family to get the player to the
tournament on time. This may mean traveling as a family or making arrangements for your child. If
sending your child with another family, it is suggested you provide some gas money. Coaches are NOT
allowed to transport players, unless that player is their child. These trips are for the player’s volleyball
experience and training as a member of a team, not a family vacation.
Parents must understand and agree that when the team is traveling to tournaments, Club Badger Region
will not act in place of a parent or assume any duty of supervision including at hotels or in the course of
transportation to or from the event.
Weekend or longer tournaments may require overnight lodging that is not included in
the team fee. Players are required to stay with a parent or other designated adult. You
will need additional funds for food, t-shirt purchases, etc. Any flights will be the sole
responsibility of the individual.
Although we will provide site directions given to us, please double check with other
sources. Please make sure you know where you are going and allow more than enough
time to get there. Getting lost is not an acceptable excuse for being late and could
jeopardize playing time.
Heat will not be responsible for any player’s personal items while participating in an
event. All athlete’s personal items will be their own responsibility while playing or
during hotel lodging. It is advised that no jewelry be brought to tournaments as it
cannot be worn. It is also advised that cell phones be left at home or turned off, as
tournaments are a time for competition, not texting.
Team Contact List, Website and Other Communications
Once the club’s teams are formed, each team is in charge of forming their own contact list and
determining which option is the best way to communicate (email, phone, text, etc). The coach for each
team will then distribute to their team. Corrections can be made directly to the coach as soon as they are
Regularly check out the HEAT website (www.easttroyheat.com) as this is where a majority of the
answers to questions will be posted – locations, dates and times of practice and tournaments, etc. We
also urge members to make sure we have a regularly-used and correct email address on file as
information will be communicated that way as well.
Social media is also popular, however, we urge coaches not to accept “friend” requests from their
players, nor any other current players under the age of 18. We will utilize our HEAT Facebook page,
however, official communication and information will be via our website.
At events, we encourage all players to leave their phones at home or in the car, or at least in their bags.
They are not allowed at the scorer’s table and can be a distraction throughout the day. Face-to-face team
communication and bonding are favored over texting or playing games during off times.
This rule states that a parent may not confront a coach on the day of a tournament before play, during
play, or after play has concluded. If you feel it is necessary to discuss items such as coaching style,
playing time, or any other aspect of your daughter’s club experience, you will need to contact the coach
to set up a time to meet. Present at this meeting will be the club director, coach, player, and parents.
If at any time the player individually would like to discuss any of these items with her coach, she is
more than welcome to do so.
As an athlete, I will aspire to:
● Participate in volleyball alcohol and drug free;
● Play by the rules of volleyball;
● Use positive verbal and physical behavior, controlling temper and aggression (intent to do harm);
● Tell the truth about another person’s involvement in or knowledge of something that violates the
● Show fair play by treating all those involved in the match with dignity and respect;
● Treat others as I would like to be treated;
● Work hard and honestly to improve performance and participation;
● Maintain a positive image of myself by playing volleyball for enjoyment.
As a parent, I will aspire to:
● Be positive in attitude toward volleyball and emphasize the cooperative nature of the sport;
● Encourage hard work and honest effort that will lead to improved performance and participation;
● Encourage athletes to participate in volleyball alcohol and drug free;
● Encourage and respect referees and officials and their integrity;
● Encourage athletes to participate for their own enjoyment;
● Applaud fair play and good play during games and/or matches;
● Be supportive of all attempts to remove verbal and physical abuse from organized volleyball
activities, including language;
● Meet the required administrative and programmatic rules if in some cases the athletes are not
able to do so;
● Protect athletes from sanctions and/or suspension by producing accurate documentation;
● Attend age-group (5-18) volleyball events alcohol and drug free;
● Use only designated smoking areas that are clearly posted at age-group (5-18) volleyball events.