ABSTRACT TITLE Author 1a, Author 2b Presenting Author: Presenting Author’s name (presenting author’s email) a Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country b Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country KEYWORDS: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Paragraph Text List paragraph Figure and Table Captions Instructions to be deleted Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin University, Sept 30th to Oct 1st, 2015, page X, ISBN Number 978-0-9871834-4-6. IDEAS FOR A STRUCTURED ABSTRACT ON EMPRICIAL STUDIES Author 1a, Author 2b Presenting Author: Presenting Author’s name (presenting author’s email) a Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country b Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country KEYWORDS: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 Background Briefly describe the context of the study. Aims The main research aims addressed in the article Description of intervention For evaluation studies, include brief details of the intervention under investigation Design and methods Study design and methods, including sample details, dates of data collection, sampling method, methods of data collection and analysis Results Main findings in relation to the aims Conclusions Main conclusions arising from the study. Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin University, Sept 30th to Oct 1st, 2015, page X, ISBN Number 978-0-9871834-4-6. IDEAS FOR A STRUCTURED ABSTRACT ON THEORETICAL OR DISCUSSION PIECES Author 1a, Author 2b Presenting Author: Presenting Author’s name (presenting author’s email) a Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country b Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country KEYWORDS: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 Aims The main aims addressed in the article Sources of evidence Outline of the background theory Main argument Main elements of the argument, theory or model being proposed in relation to the stated aims Conclusions Main conclusions arising from the theory including its contribution to the field. Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin University, Sept 30th to Oct 1st, 2015, page X, ISBN Number 978-0-9871834-4-6. IDEAS FOR A STRUCTURED ABSTRACT ON A LITERATURE REVIEW Author 1a, Author 2b Presenting Author: Presenting Author’s name (presenting author’s email) a Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country b Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country KEYWORDS: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 Background Briefly describe the context of the review Aims The main research aims addressed in the article Methodology Literature review design and scope Conclusions Main conclusions arising from the review. Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin University, Sept 30th to Oct 1st, 2015, page X, ISBN Number 978-0-9871834-4-6. IDEAS FOR A STRUCTURED ABSTRACT ON ACTION RESEARCH Author 1a, Author 2b Presenting Author: Presenting Author’s name (presenting author’s email) a Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country b Department or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country KEYWORDS: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 Problem Briefly describe the problem and its context Plan Discuss your plan, including any relevant literature and how it was adapted for your context Action Give an overview of the action, and any outcomes Reflection What was your perception, or the perception of your stakeholders, after the action? What would you do differently next time? Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin University, Sept 30th to Oct 1st, 2015, page X, ISBN Number 978-0-9871834-4-6.