21st Sunday after Pentecost November 2, 2014 Wayne Presbyterian Church 330-345-6071 www.waynechurch.org Bob Meyer, Pastor waynepreschurch@yahoo.com PRELUDE WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS RECEIVING THE LIGHT GATHERING WORDS This is a holy day set apart for Sabbath We pause Breaking from the ordinary rhythm of life and resting from restlessness We gather Setting aside selfishness for kinship We learn Pondering God’s intentions with engaged minds and malleable hearts We worship Honoring God not only with our voice but with our faithful response This is a holy day set apart for Sabbath *SONG OF FAITH Vs. 1 Chorus “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, And we pray that all unity may one day be restored: And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love; Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. Vs. 2 We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, and together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land: (Chorus) Vs. 3 We will work with each other, we will work side by side, We will work with each other, we will work side by side, And we’ll guard human dignity and save human pride: (Chorus) Vs. 4 All praise to the Father, from Whom all things come, And all praise to Christ Jesus, God’s only Son, And all praise to the Spirit, Who makes us one: (Chorus) *SERVANT’S PRAYER Lord of the Universe, Master of all, look in love upon Your people. Pour the healing oil of Your compassion on a world that is wounded and dying. Send us out in search of the lost, to comfort the afflicted, to bind up the broken, to free those trapped under the rubble of their fallen dreams. In Christ, we pray. Amen. *RESPONSE “Make Me a Servant” Make me a servant humble and meek Lord let me lift up those who are weak And may the prayer of my heart always be Make me a servant, make me a servant Make me a servant today *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST SHARING FAITH WITH THE CHILDREN OF GOD HEARING GOD’S WORD: SCRIPTURE SERMON SINGING OUR CALL Louie Miller, Liturgist 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Luke 4:16-21 “Fearless Generosity: Fearless Service” “The Summons” See Insert PRAYING FOR GOD’S PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER OFFERING *RESPONSE “What a Mighty God We Serve” *DEDICATING OUR GIFTS Loving God, we humbly dedicate these tithes and offerings to Your use. Like the saints who have gone before us, we are comforted by the knowledge that You will multiply these gifts. Allow this money to become a resource that lifts the shadows of despair from the recesses of people’s lives. We recognize that only You can restore faith to the faithless, hope to the hopeless, and love to the loveless. May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! Amen. (I Thess. 3:9-13) *SINGING OUR CALL *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “Here I Am, Lord” #525 ANNOUNCEMENTS 11/2/14 A BIG THANK YOU to the Siglers who arranged the Bonfire event and provided most of the food. Also thanks to Jamie Snyder who brought the bales to sit on and to Russ Johnson for organizing the pumpkin-carving contest. They were all terrific! All had a good time, including our 98-year-old guest. --Mardelle POTLUCK WITH A PURPOSE – Next Sunday, November 9, immediately following the morning Worship service. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING – After worship on November 16 we will have a Congregational Meeting to present financial information, elect a new class of Church elders, deacons, and trustees (Class of 2017), and to approve the 2015 terms of call for Rev. Bob. All Church members, please make every effort to be at this meeting! The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of officer candidates: Deacons: Maxine Brown, Kathi Weaver Trustees: Glenn Harmon, Charlie Louis, and Trevor Bowman as Youth Trustee Elders: Barb Harmon (3 yrs), Ralph Brown (3 yrs), Susie Scholze (2 yrs), Bea Nadelin (3 yrs) LUNCH BUNCH NOTICE! Please note that the November Lunch Bunch will be meeting at an earlier time: Tuesday, November 18, at 11:30 a.m. at the Pine Tree Barn on S.R. 226 near Shreve. Carpool will leave Hawkins’ parking lot at 11:00 a.m. SUPPER CLUBS are made up of groups of 6-8 individuals who agree to meet for dinner 3 times over the winter months (January, February, March). You can meet at a restaurant or in homes, whichever you choose. It’s a great way to get to know others in new ways. SIGN UP on the kiosk in the Gallery, or call the Church office. (Signup deadline is Sunday, December 7.) CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S HOME OF OHIO has a Christmas luncheon scheduled in our Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, December 13. They are celebrating the season with their foster-care families. They are asking Wayne Church if we would help them in 2 ways for this event: 1) Provide inexpensive centerpieces for approximately 15 tables for their luncheon. 2) Provide a few individuals or a small group to serve the food at the luncheon so that CCHO staff can mix and mingle with their foster-care families. If you can help in either way, please sign up on the kiosk in the Gallery. We need to let CCHO know our intent ASAP. AUTUMN HARVEST CRAFT & BAKE SALE o HARVEST SALE RAFFLE – Our Harvest Sale raffle has started. We have some wonderful items, so stop by the table in the gallery and check them out. One ticket costs $1, but $5 will get you six tickets. Just drop the tickets in the box next to the items you hope to win. Our raffle sales will run through November 8, so you can still purchase them when you come to the Harvest Sale. We will announce the winners on Sunday, Nov. 9. o HARVEST SALE LUNCHEON – Are you having a hard time trying to come up with an idea for a donation to the Harvest Sale? Well, we have one for you! We are looking for donations for our luncheon café. A list of food items needed is posted on the kiosk in the gallery. Please drop off your contribution(s) in the kitchen between 10:00 and 7:00 on November 7. If you have any questions, talk with Peg Hart, Ph. 330-466-5093, kampwegox2@yahoo.com. o AUTUMN HARVEST SALE CONTRIBUTIONS – We hope all of you are busy planning what you will be bringing to the Harvest Sale. Your contributions can be dropped off in the Church Fellowship Hall between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM on Friday, November 7. We are asking each person to determine their own price for each item, so be sure to clearly mark the price on your item. If you are providing a baked good or food, please include a list of ingredients to avoid complications for those people who have food allergies. o ALL BAKERS are encouraged to consider what you might provide for the Craft & Bake sale November 8. Our baked goods have always been popular. Consider breads, rolls, pies, pastries, and other out-ofthe-ordinary baked goods, though all will be welcomed. If you plan to bring something, please sign the paper on the kiosk in the gallery indicating what you are bringing so that we can provide a variety. Preserves and other canned goods have also sold well. Providing a list of ingredients will be beneficial to those with food allergies. Contact Ron Becker if you have questions: 330-345-7214, ron.becker@yahoo.com.