Chinese 1 lesson plans 8-12 Bell: expectations worksheet Class: Go over syllabus, rules, procedures, grading, set up notebook, etc. Chinese language content: 把你的作业交到书架 jia4 里 令前做 bellwork procedures to begin and end class 上/下课的礼仪 班长 起立,同学们好,孔老师好,请坐, 再见 把衬衫掖到裤子里边 bǎ chènshān yēdào kùzi lǐbian to tuck ones’ shirt in HW: get syl signed and return last page - due fri, get notebook organized, buy supplies – due mon Look at Chinese link site and start listening to sounds of Chinese 8-13 Bell: turn in hw, answer: how many tones in Chinese? How do you think ancient Chinese people wrote sun, moon, mountain, and river? Draw your guesses. Class: intro tones: la1, he2, mi3, ma4 Pair/Group discussion: create universal, easy to write and recognize, symbols to mean the following: G1: above, below, hand, grass G2: horse, fish, pig, bird G3: mouth, ear, heart, eye G4: person, earth, big, knife G5: water, fire, bright, heaven G6 or extras: male, female, strong, rice field Groups present their creations to class – use board Sum up: This is how Chinese writing was invented HW: Answer: Do you think the ancient Chinese people invented the same symbols you just did? Why or why not? Find the real Chinese symbols (ancient and modern) for your group’s words, and bring them to class to share. Listen to pinyin practice at 8-15 Bell: 把你的作业交到书架里 review four tones - how to say them and how to write them Class: 5 min. quiz on tones – check the one you heard Intro vowels aeiouv Recap symbols students invented, compare to ones they researched Match game – match ancient and modern symbols and English meanings Discuss: ancient symbols easy to write? Fast or slow? Easy to make consistently? How would you write abstract concepts? – discuss pictorial, representative, similar sound, and combined forms, introduce idea of radicals Standardization of characters in ___ by ___? Development of stroke order rules based on efficiency, natural motion of wrist, hand holding brush HW: Search for at least 10 different kinds of Chinese strokes, find the 8 basic rules of stroke order, listen to Chinese Link 8-17 Bell: review how to say and spell the basic vowels Class: 5 min. vowels and tones quiz Review tones, vowels, start initials bpmf, dtnl, gkh, vowels ao, ou (text lesson 1-1) Tongue twister Discuss what students discovered about strokes and order Intro 张老师 的 笔顺便 规定 先上后下 先左后右 先进人后关门 (If your friend comes to visit, open door, let him in, then close it.) White board practice: Intro basic types of strokes – heng, shu, ti, gou, wan, etc. Apply strokes and order rules to simple characters: 下, 三, 十, 人, 文, 小, 衣, 江 Introduce some radicals HW: copies: pp 1-8 of bihua, listen to Chinese link 8-18 Bell: 把你的作业交到书架里 review how to say and spell vowels, consonants and tones learned thus far Class: 5 min. quiz - bpmf, dtnl, gkh, vowels a, e, I, o, u, v, ao, ou and tones Intro 1-2, ai, ei, an, en, ang, eng, ong E, e, e song and video Review stroke order, types Stroke game – I call type, students write (e.g. heng, dian) HW: bihua 9-16, listening 8-19 Bell: 把你的作业交到书架里 name and demonstrate 10 different types of Chinese character strokes, review for listening quiz Class: - 5 min. quiz - bpmf, dtnl, gkh, vowels a, e, I, o, u, v, ao, ou, ai, ei, an, en, ang, eng, ong and tones Pinyin 1-3 ia, iao, ie, iou, ian 丢手绢 song, video Review more strokes Review basic characters in hw Baoli’s Bishun game HW: bihua 17-24, listening 8-20 Bell: 把你的作业交到书架里, , Class: 5 min. quiz - bpmf, dtnl, gkh, vowels a, e, I, o, u, v, ao, ou, ai, ei, an, en, ang, eng, ong, ia, iao, ie, iou, ian, and tones HW: 8-21 fun Friday? Bell: Class: Tongue twister races Bishun game Character match game – English/Chinese/ancient form/pinyin HW: