See Change 2014 - Jervis Bay and Basin Arts

Minutes: Meeting 2. 17th November 2013 Kiosk
See Change 2014
 Attendance: Deb Graham, Ronnie Kroon, Sue Kucharova, Wayne
Pryor, Geoff Barlow, Sue Tolley, Trish Todd, Cristina Maldonado,
Vanessa Barbay, Jenny Robinson, Chris Grounds, Kathy Salter,
Kerry Wright, Jayne Moore, Vicki Robinson and others.
 Apologies: John Fimmano, Rosanna Cameron, Jill Wheeldon,
Lesly Lockwood and Margaret Henderson.
 Monthly meetings, next set for Sunday 15th December 4pm
 Date decided for meeting to be published in About as Sunday 12th
January 4pm at Kiosk
 Early Bird eoi forms to be in by 20th January, final eoi by 20th
 Sue: chasing sponsorship could delay final date for eoi
 Wayne: update on Endless Summer 2013/14. Only a few entries so
far. Closing date 24th November. Brochure’s nearly ready. Call for
assistance with hanging, etc. in 2012, 28 members exhibited.
 Vanessa: Report on the Sustainable events management workshop
run by the SCC at the Huskisson.
 Jenny thanking committee members
Going around the table hearing eoi:
 Cristina Maldonado: Marketing experience at Brazilian Biennale
 Kathy Salter: Arts Trail eoi from other artists too
 Trish Todd: History Event at Coastal Waters and Worrowing with
a focus on Wool Road, Shipping History and Pacific City proposal.
Working with Ron McKinnon. Involving schools in heritage walks
and bush poetry. Publicity through the National Trust Magazine.
Involvement with Lady Denman for research. Sue: call for old
photos of wool road or JB History.
 Chris Grounds: Interest in Koori history and involvement in World
Environment Day. Confusion over weekend needs to be sorted
with Lady Denman. Rebecca Rudd said weekend before long
weekend. Arts and Environment theme exhibition, workshops,
pecha kucha, involving Galamban (Julie and Clive Freeman),
Whale festival (Scott Sheehan), JB National Park, Marine Parks,
link to Pacific City concept and Foundation of National Parks.
Include film at Cinema Oceans and Whales film at LD theatre.
 Jenny: Subcommittees being developed. Jill and Sue on Books, a
series of events for 3rd Weekend looking for helpers.
 Mary Finese: Camera Club. Suzi’s idea for another exhibition at
the small church as was popular last time. A photo marathon event.
A digital photo exhibition at Hall could showcase activities on
World Environment Day or be an international competition.
Workshops involving schools difficult to work in with their busy
curriculum. Shoalhaven water offering a grant.
Jenny: Some events could be held after See Change, financial help
being sought for events with schools.
Denise: interactivity is important in exhibition and a range of
media and inclusivity for wider Shoalhaven.
Amanda: Theme of festival Coming Home or Returning
encouraging connections between generations but already taken.
Another suggestion by Kathy Salter was Out of the Blue relating to
surprising, unexpected, innovation, sea and ocean ecology, new
music, the Blues or the colour blue.
Deb Graham: eoi music weekend booking Tomerong Hall for
Friday night choral event with a school and Kim Hare’s Jazz Trio.
Vicki Robinson and Steve Russenola booking Tomerong Hall
Saturday from 12 for bands, which could extend to Sunday. There
is also the BBMusic Club, Olivia Corish an opera singer and Lucy
Wise’s work with a school on songwriting workshops, which could
result in a performance, could have WEDay theme.
Denise: Wool Rd Spinners and Weavers Group have an exhibition
and demo at Lady Denman classroom with light theme.
Amanda: key Coming Home event subcommittee needed aimed at
youth and general public, bringing back people middle age and
younger to the area who have had success in the arts/music.
Forum/presentations/interviews/panel/exhibition held at the
Huskisson function room or another venue with facilities. Could be
two events. Could extend to satellite events at High Schools.
Suggestion a similar coming home story event more open in age
group and occupation for arts and education weekend.
Jenny: Main Street or park events need a DA and inclement
weather backup could be Vincentia High Hall.
Mason: Bonsai 10 min workshops in husky or his home in
Woollamia. Wants to hold a pre-SC fundraiser event at his home
(Februarywith bands organised with Vanessa either 2013 or early
2014. Could be bring a plate and drinks to share with an entry fee.
Graham: Reading the Land even at Lady Denman for WEDay
involving Shoalhaven Landcare with a participation rather than
quality focus. Could involve street art theme and include an
exhibition at SAC or SOA in Nowra. A pecha kucha event with an
environment theme, which could include pre-event workshops in
how to make a pecha kucha.
 Wayne: John Fimmano had helped distribute fliers for See Change
eoi to local businesses and said the Vincentia Golf Club was
interested in being involved. Could be a venue for story night or
music night.
 Jill and Sue: Literature events at Basin. Need more people on
subcommittee. Kitchen Table Poets and Writing Group. Local
Authors give public Readings or workshops at dinner or lunch
events. Book Art making using old books, Treasure Hunt for
primary school age group with book character theme. Focus on
Reading involving book clubs or Readathon, A teenage focus street
event using HSC books. A fundraising party.
 Vanessa: Synergy exhibition at Lady Denman focused on
collaboration, either physical, interactive or conceptual. Hold ochre
workshop with Theresa Ardler and kids Koori art workshop.
 Jenny: Libby Rider style trash to treasure art making competition
event (Vanessa suggested ask Randall Sinnamon if he was
interested). School teachers who might take it on Kim Hare,
Risanna Cameron, Claire Young, Lioni-book art.
 Jill: Park events a life model and peephole exhibition in a tent.
Could also be installed at Caravan Park.
 Jenny: eoi form needs to be finalised. Escapefest program example
and fundraising/sponsorship success. Ensure See Change
participants are members of jbbarts, changing of membership costs
to include a 1year option. Wayne, John and Pat the subcommittee
looking for sponsorship. $7500 is needed upfront by March to
ensure costs can be covered. Insurance is over $2000. An earlybird
rate of $85 to encourage program finalisation and $110 for later
eoi. 10% commission on sales. $45 to hold a workshop or demo.
2012 cost of program was covered by cost of ads, which could
have different sizes to encourage larger sponsorship. Sue: the $100
club idea used in Milton for Artsfest with a 10% prize as an
incentive. Denise: start up funds held by jbbarts not enough to
cover whole festival.