Review Rock Cycle, Weathering, Erosion and - cms15-16

Name______________________________________________________________ Period _______ Date__________
Rock Cycle, Weathering, Erosion, and Topography CBA Review
Fossil are most likely be found in ___________________________________ rock.
Magma that has cooled inside the earth forms ________________________________rock.
Rocks which forms from weathering and eroding then are compacted/cemented are _______________ rocks.
Melting and Cooling form ____________________________________ rock
Heat and Pressure form _____________________________________ rock
Pieces of rock, minerals, and other material can change into sedimentary
rock by the process of _________________________________________.
7. Any type of rock can change into sediment by ______________________.
8. Igneous rock can change into metamorphic rock through ______________.
9. Sedimentary rock changes into Metamorphic rock through
10. The melting of Metamorphic or Igneous rock forms __________________.
11. When magma erupts onto the surface from volcanoes, this molten rock is
called __________________________.
12. Molten rock deep within the earth is called _________________________.
Identify each process as chemical weathering, physical weathering, erosion or deposition
Chemical or Physical Weathering, Erosion or Deposition
13. Sand blasting
14. Abrasian
15. Freezing and thawing of ice in the cracks of a rock
16. Formation of stalagmites
17. Acid rain damaging the Parthenon
18. Plant roots wedging a rock apart
19. Sediment may be transported by wind or water
20. Building up process
21. Dripping of dissolved rock
22. Morain
23. “V” shape in terrain
Match the following features to the correct method of formation:
Sand Dunes
A. Deposition of mud, silt and dirt at the mouth of a river
B. Uplift
C. Glacial abrasion
D. Deposition by wind
Great Lakes
E. Chemical weathering of limestone
Use the map to the right for the following questions:
29. What is the elevation at point A? ___________
30. Which direction is the stream flowing? _________
31. What is the approximate length of the stream
between points A and B? ____________
32. Which side of Lookout Hill has the steepest slope?
33. Which diagram best represents the profile
between points B & C?
34. At point A on the map above what is the
a. Latitude ________ b. Longitude ______
35. Label latitude and longitude on the topographic
Latitude measures distance
a. east and west of Prime Meridian
b. north and south of the Equator
Longitude measures distance
a. east and west of Prime Meridian
b. north and south of the Equator
Use the map below to answer the question 36-39. Unit of measurement: meters
36. What is the contour interval of this map?
37. What is the change in elevation between Point A and Point
B? _________________
38. What is relief (range) for the map? _______________
39. Which represents a greater change in elevation:
Point B to Point D
Point B to Point C?