REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR: The Provision of Follow-Up Support Services ADDENDUM NO. 1 Information Session 1: November 2, 2015 and Information Session 2: November 3, 2015 Questions and Answers 1. Q: Can Agencies propose the number of clients that they want to provide follow up services for? A: Yes, they can. Agencies must also describe the Follow-up Support Service Model(s) and specify the Activity Type (moderate or high support services) as described in the RFP Guidelines. 2. Q: Should Agencies develop their own evaluation plan? A: No. The City is developing an evaluation plan for the Hostels to Homes Pilot (the Pilot). That plan includes specific reporting requirements and indicators that will be shared with Agencies awarded funding through the RFP. 3. Q: Does the Infrastructure and Service Improvement Plan for the Emergency Shelter System Report No. CD2.2 give any indication of how many long term shelter users will need moderate versus high support services? A: No, it does not. However, the Report does describe the Housing First approach, which is an important element of the Pilot. 4. Q: Does the Infrastructure and Service Improvement Plan for the Emergency Shelter System Report No. CD2.2 specify which proportion of the long term shelter users are identified as youth? A: Yes it does. See Attachment 8 on page 48 and 49. 5. Q: Do you have a sense of how many Agencies will be funded to provide high support and moderate support services? A: No, however this will be determined during the RFP review and award process. 6. Q: Do you have a sense of the gender break down or overall make up of the 200 people that will be housed in the Pilot? A: Not at this time. However, the 200 people to be housed in the Pilot will consist of long term shelter users from various sectors in the emergency shelter system. 7. Q: Will clients be assigned all at once to Agencies awarded to provide Follow-up Support Services? A: No. The Pilot will begin housing individuals in November 2015 therefore Agencies can expect an incremental intake and assignment of clients. Agencies are encouraged to keep this incremental assignment in mind when recruiting staff. 8. Q: Who will be responsible for landlord recruitment? A: Recruitment will be the responsibility of housing workers overseeing the intake and assessment of clients into the Pilot. As outlined in the RFP Guidelines and Application, Agencies providing Follow-up Support Services will be involved in re-housing clients they are assigned to follow. 9. Q: Will the City provide feedback to Agencies that are not successful in the RFP process? A: Yes, if requested. 1 10. Q: Are you looking at collaborative models or partnerships for this RFP? A: Yes. As described in Section 8 (Partnerships and Collaboration) Agencies are encouraged to develop formal partnerships where it could be beneficial to their project. 11. Q: Any plans for the Pilot to be aligned with the Poverty Reduction Strategy that the City is developing? A: There isn't a specific reference to the Pilot in the Poverty Reduction Strategy (the Strategy), however both the Strategy and the Pilot aim to strengthen housing stability. 12. Q: Will clients in the Pilot have a choice about where they are housed? A: Yes, based on housing availability, clients will be offered as many options as possible. 13. Q: How will the 200 clients be selected from the larger list of long term shelter users for the Pilot? A: The eligibility criteria will inform the selection process. For the purpose of the Pilot, individuals identified in the Shelter Management Information System (SMIS) as having a length of stay in the shelter system of one year or longer with a break of not more than 30 days as of December 31, 2014 are eligible to participate in the Pilot. Furthermore, individuals must also consent to participate. Individuals will be deemed ineligible for the Pilot if they have already been housed; their whereabouts are unknown and they are inactive in SMIS; they are deceased; and if they do not meet residency requirements. 14. Q: Will Agencies be discouraged from focusing on a specific demographic in their proposal? A: No. 15. Q: If a client exits the Pilot and no longer wants support will the Agency be assigned another client to fill that gap? A: Yes, where possible. 16. Q: How will funding be allocated to Agencies providing Follow-up Support Services? A: Agencies will receive funding to support every client they are assigned for one year. The schedule for flowing the funding and specific details about how much each Agency will be awarded will be discussed with successful Agencies during the Award process. 17. Q: Do you have any idea how many clients will be assigned to each Agency? A: No. However, decisions about client assignment will be informed by Agency proposals, review and award process. 18. Q: Will Agencies be assigned clients based on geography or best fit? A: As outlined in Section 3 of the RFP Guidelines, the geographic location of the Agencies will be considered in assessing the RFP submissions. 19. Q: Can Agencies use the same staff they have hired from other City grants to provide Follow-up Support Services for the Pilot? A: No. Staff must be dedicated to deliver Follow-up Support Services to clients in the Pilot. 20. Q: Will Agencies have access to the relevant files of clients they are assigned to follow? A: Yes. 21. Q: Will the City be directly involved in the recruitment of Follow-up Support Services staff? A: No. 2 22. Q: Is there a benchmark to inform budgeting for staff per client ratio that could help Agencies? A: No. However, it may be helpful for Agencies to review the Infrastructure and Service Improvement Plan for the Emergency Shelter System Report No. CD2.2 referenced in the background section of the RFP Guidelines. 23. Q: Why does the RFP process have such a tight timeline A: Agencies have four weeks to prepare their submission, which is consistent with other RFP timelines. 24. Q: Can Agencies submit their proposals electronically? A: Submissions must be e-mailed in its entirety (including Application and Excel Budget form) to by the stated deadline and ensure that the email subject line is: AGENCY NAME- Hostels to Homes Pilot Follow-up Support Services RFP. 25. Q: How many copies of the proposal are required? A: Six hard copies are required. Agencies are encouraged to review the Submission Instructions in Section 1.5 of the RFP Guidelines. 26. Q: Will Agencies be permitted to show in-kind contributions in their submissions? A: Yes. See the RFP Guidelines for more information. 27. Q: Can Agencies leverage other existing internal services to support clients they are assigned to follow? A: Yes. Agencies are encouraged to highlight any contributions that could strengthen their proposal. 28. Q: Could we assume that the City will provide ongoing support to participants following the one year funding period? A: As outlined in the RFP Guidelines and Application, Agencies are expected to describe their discharge plan and sustainability strategy to support clients at the end of the Pilot. This will be explored in greater detail with the Agencies funded through this RFP. 29. Q: What is the word count in Sections 2 and 3 of the RFP Application? A: 500 word maximum. 30. Q: Does the RFP for Follow-up Support Services include Housing Help Services? A: The RFP is for the provision of Follow-up Support Services only. Successful Agencies will provide Follow-up Support Services to clients housed in the Pilot. 31. Q: Are housing allowances available for the 200 clients to be housed in the Pilot? A: Yes. These housing allowances are also portable. 32. Q: What tool is the City using to assess the support needs of individuals assigned for follow-up support? A: The City will be using an internal tool developed to assess the level of support needs. 33. Q: Will the assessment tool be shared with Agencies providing Follow-up Support Services? A: Yes, the assessment tool will be shared with Agencies funded to deliver Follow-up Support Services. 34. Q: Will the RFP funding cover program supplies? A: The RFP budget template includes the categories (e.g. salary and benefits, project supplies, travel) that should be included in the Agency proposal. 3 35. Q What happens if the client fires an Agency providing Follow-up Support Services? Can the client remain in their housing? A: Yes. 36. Q: What type of housing stock is available for the Pilot? A: Housing workers from the Pilot Housing Team will work to secure a range of options including units in the private market and supportive housing. 37. Q: Will clients in the Pilot have to pay housing insurance? A: Insurance premiums for the dwelling and contents are included in the shelter costs covered by Ontario Works for individuals who satisfy all the conditions of eligibility. 38. Q: Will clients be able to keep their housing allowance beyond one year? A: Yes. 39. Q: How are you working with landlords around housing people who use substances or are we working exclusively with Toronto Community Housing and housing providers who follow a harm reduction approach? A: Pilot housing workers will assist clients to secure housing that best meets their needs. This could include housing in the private market, supportive or subsidized housing. 4