040615 - Hazleton Area School District

Teacher Name : Jennifer Smith
Subject : Direct Reading Instruction
Start Date(s): 4/06/15
Grade Level (s): K-2
Building : Arthur Street Elementary
Unit Plan
Unit Title: Beginning Decoding Skills
Essential Questions: What is the last sound of this word? What is this word that contains a consonant blend? What word do you get when you blend a vowel, consonant,
and “magic e”? What is this word that contains an r-controlled vowel? What does this story/workbook page say in braille?
Standards: 1.1.K.C; 1.1.1.D; 1.1.2.D; 1.1.2.E
Summative Unit Assessment:
Summative Assessment Objective
Students will1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of
2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
3. Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words
4. Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Assessment Method (check one)
____ Rubric __X__ Checklist __X__ Unit Test __X__ Group
____ Student Self-Assessment
__X__ Other (explain)
-Quick Phonics Screener
Objective (s)
Students willReinel, Mason, Montrell-Isolate
and say the last sounds in words
Paris-Read VCE words in isolation
and connected text
Darreany-Read words with rcontrolled vowels in isolation and
connected text
Gabriella-Know and apply grade
level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words in
braille/read with accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension
Students willReinel, Mason, Montrell-Isolate
and say the last sound in words
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, RhiannaRead words with consonant blends
in isolation and connected text
Paris-Read VCE words in isolation
and connected text
Darreany-Read words with r-
Materials / Resources
Assessment of Objective (s)
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-Using picture cards,
-show a picture to students
-identify the word, stretch it out with palm up, and
move palm across body to complete word
-students identify the last sound in word
Read text/students identify last sounds of words from
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhianna-Stretch out sounds in
words with consonant blends using magnetic
chips/sound boxes. Blend sounds into word using
magnetic wand. Read text/students point out words
with consonant blends.
Paris- Stretch out sounds in VCE words using magnetic
chips/sound boxes. Blend sounds into word using
magnetic wand. Read text/student points out VCE
Darreany-Stretch out sounds in words with r-controlled
vowels using magnetic chips/sound boxes. Blend
sounds into word using magnetic wand. Read
text/student points out words with r-controlled vowels.
Gabriella-Read story and workbook page in braille. Use
braille writer to write words/sentences.
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, RhiannaRead words with consonant blends
in isolation and connected text
Activities / Teaching Strategies
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-picture
cards, text
Formative-Teacher observation,
questioning, intervention logs,
sound boxes
Summative-Unit Test
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhiannamagnetic chips/wand, sound boxes,
Student Self - Assessment-Smallgroup discussion
Paris-magnetic chips/wand, sound
boxes, text
Darreany-magnetic chips/wand,
sound boxes, text
Gabriella-Reading story/workbook
pages, braille writer
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-Using picture cards,
-show a picture to students
-identify the word, stretch it out with palm up, and
move palm across body to complete word
-students identify last sound in word
Read text/students identify last sounds of words from
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhianna-Stretch out sounds in
words with consonant blends using sound boxes and
plastic sound chips. Blend sounds into word using
marker. Consonant blend worksheet
Paris-Stretch out sounds in VCE words using sound
boxes and plastic sound chips. Blend sounds into word
using marker. VCE worksheet
Darreany-Stretch out sounds in words with r-controlled
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-picture
cards, text
Formative-Teacher observation,
questioning, intervention logs,
sound boxes
Summative-Unit Test
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhiannasound boxes, plastic sound chips,
markers, consonant blend
Paris-sound boxes, plastic sound
chips, marker, VCE worksheet
Darreany-sound boxes, plastic
Student Self - Assessment-Smallgroup discussion
controlled vowels in isolation and
connected text
Gabriella-Know and apply grade
level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words in
braille/read with accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension
Students willReinel, Mason, Montrell-Isolate
and say the last sound in words
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, RhiannaRead words with consonant blends
in isolation and connected text
Paris-Read VCE words in isolation
and connected text
Darreany-Read words with rcontrolled vowels in isolation and
connected text
Gabriella-Know and apply grade
level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words in
braille/read with accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension
Students willReinel, Mason, Montrell-Isolate
and say the last sound in words
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, RhiannaRead words with consonant blends
in isolation and connected text
Paris-Read VCE words in isolation
and connected text
Darreany-Read words with rcontrolled vowels in isolation and
connected text
Gabriella-Know and apply grade
level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words in
vowels using sound boxes and plastic sound chips.
Blend sounds into word using marker. R-controlled
vowel worksheet
Gabriella- Read story and workbook page in braille. Use
braille writer to write words/sentences.
sound chips, marker, r-controlled
vowel worksheet
Gabriella-Reading story/workbook
pages, braille writer
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-Using picture cards,
-show a picture to students
-identify the word, stretch it out with palm up, and
move palm across body to complete word
-students identify last sound in word
Read text/students identify last sounds of words from
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhianna-Students take turns
reading consonant blend word cards. Read
text/students point out words with consonant blends.
Paris-Student reads VCE word cards. Read text/student
points out VCE words.
Darreany-Student reads r-controlled vowel word cards.
Read text/student points out words with r-controlled
Gabriella-- Read story and workbook page in braille.
Use braille writer to write words/sentences.
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-picture
cards, text
Formative-Teacher observation,
questioning, intervention logs,
sound boxes
Summative-Unit Test
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhiannaconsonant blend word cards, text
Student Self - Assessment-Smallgroup discussion
Paris-VCE word cards, text
Darreany-r-controlled vowel word
cards, text
Gabriella-Reading story/workbook
pages, braille writer
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-Using picture cards,
-show a picture to students
-identify the word, stretch it out with palm up, and
move palm across body to complete word
-students identify last sound in word
Read text/students identify last sounds of words from
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhianna-Students take turns
reading consonant blend Silly Sentences. Consonant
blend worksheet
Paris-Student reads VCE Silly Sentences. VCE worksheet
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-picture
cards, text
Formative-Teacher observation,
questioning, intervention logs,
sound boxes
Summative-Unit Test
Darreany-Student reads r-controlled vowel Silly
Sentences. R-controlled vowel worksheet
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhiannaconsonant blend Silly Sentence
cards, consonant blend worksheet
Paris-VCE Silly Sentence card, VCE
Darreany-r-controlled Silly Sentence
card, r-controlled vowel worksheet
Gabriella-Read story and workbook page in braille. Use
braille writer to write words/sentences.
Gabriella-Reading story/workbook
pages, braille writer
Student Self - Assessment-Smallgroup discussion
braille/read with accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension
Students willReinel, Mason, Montrell-Isolate
and say the last sound in words
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, RhiannaRead words with consonant blends
in isolation and connected text
Paris-Read VCE words in isolation
and connected text
Darreany-Read words with rcontrolled vowels in isolation and
connected text
Gabriella-Know and apply grade
level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words in
braille/read with accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension
Students willReinel, Mason, Montrell-Isolate
and say the last sound in words
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, RhiannaRead words with consonant blends
in isolation and connected text
Paris-Read VCE words in isolation
and connected text
Darreany-Read words with rcontrolled vowels in isolation and
connected text
Gabriella-Know and apply grade
level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words in
braille/read with accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-Using picture cards,
-show a picture to students
-identify the word, stretch it out with palm up, and
move palm across body to complete word
-students identify last sound in word
Read text/students identify last sounds of words from
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhianna-Students take turns
picking a consonant blend star. The student writes a
vowel in the blank, says the sound of each letter, blends
them, and reads the word orally.
Paris-Play VCE word bingo. Student finds the VCE word
given. Read text/student points out VCE words.
Darreany-Play r-controlled vowel word bingo. Student
finds the r-controlled vowel word given. Read
text/student points out words with r-controlled vowels.
Gabriella-Read story and workbook page in braille. Use
braille writer to write words/sentences.
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-picture
cards, text
Formative-Teacher observation,
questioning, intervention logs,
sound boxes
Summative-Unit Test
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhiannavowel stars, transparency sheet
protector, markers
Student Self - Assessment-Smallgroup discussion
Paris-consonant blend bingo card,
bingo chips, text
Darreany-r-controlled vowel word
bingo card, bingo chips, text
Gabriella-Reading story/workbook
pages, braille writer
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-Using picture cards,
-show a picture to students
-identify the word, stretch it out with palm up, and
move palm across body to complete word
-students identify last sound in word
Read text/students identify last sounds of words from
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhianna-Students take turns
reading high-frequency words and consonant blend
story in Phonics Library book.
Paris- Student reads high-frequency word cards and
VCE story in Phonics Library book.
Darreany-Student reads high-frequency word cards and
r-controlled story in Phonics Library book.
Reinel, Mason, Montrell-picture
cards, text
Gabriella-Read story and workbook page in braille. Use
braille writer to write words/sentences.
Gabriella-Reading story/workbook
pages, braille writer
Formative-Teacher observation,
questioning, intervention logs,
sound boxes
Summative-Unit Test
Armoni, Dalays, Fredery, Rhiannahigh-frequency word cards, Phonics
Library books
Paris-high-frequency word cards,
Phonics Library book
Darreany-high-frequency word
cards, Phonics Library book
Student Self - Assessment-Smallgroup discussion