nbps grade level portfolio assignment checklist grade 1

Language Arts Grade 1
Grade Level Rebecca Sitton Words
Use conventional symbols to write words
Say words to break them into syllables to spell them
Use some phonogram patterns to generate words
Attempt unknown words through sound analysis
Say words slowly to hear a sound and write a letter that represents it
Write some words with consonant letters appropriate for sounds in
words (beginning and endings)
Write a letter for easy-to-hear vowel sounds
Represent several sounds, including beginning and ending
Represent many short and long vowel sounds in words
Spell words with regular consonant-sound relationships and with
regular short vowel patterns correctly
Represent many consonant sounds or vowel sounds with letters
Attempt unknown words using known word parts
Construct phonetic spelling that are readable
Include a vowel in each word
Represent consonant blends and digraphs with letter clusters in
Use simple resources to check spelling (word walls, personal word
Sentence Structure:
· Use conventional sentence structure (noun + verb)
Parts of Speech:
· Use noun and verb agreement (I can)
· Use prepositional phrases (to the bus; on the bus)
· Use modifiers (red dress; ran fast)
· Write in past tense (I went home yesterday.)
· Write in present tense (I like…)
· Write in future tense (I’m going to go…)
Demonstrate knowledge of the use of the upper- and lowercase letters of
the alphabet
Capitalize I
Show awareness of the first place position of capital letters in words
Use uppercase letters in titles
Use a capital letter for the first word of a sentence
Use capital letters in the beginning position in a few familiar, known proper
Use periods, exclamation points, and question marks as ending marks
Notice the use of punctuation marks in books and try them in own writing
Read one’s writing aloud and think where punctuation would go
Short a, Short e, Short I, Short o, Short u
Beginning blends (br,cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, sm, sn, sw, tw, sh, ch, y, bl,cl,
fl, gl, pl,sl, sc, sk, sc, sp, st, th, wh, kn, ph)
Ending blends (-sh, -sk, -nk, -nch, -if, -th, -nd, -nt, mp, -lk, -st,
-ng, -ch, -ft, lp)
Long a, Long e, Long I, Long o, Long u
Suffix –ing, -s/es, -ed, -y, -le, -er, -est
Single consonant rule (vowel says its name)
Double consonant rule (vowel says its short sound)
Compound words
2 syllable words,
R controlled, soft c, soft g, au, oy/oi, ou/ow
Harcourt Stories
All students will be exposed to at least two stories from each unit of the Harcourt StoryTown for their
grade level.
After reading the story with the students during class, teachers will send the stories home with students
for them to share the stories with their parents. Selected questions as determined by the teacher at the
end of these stories will also be required homework for students.
Independent Reading
Students are expected to read for 30 minutes in class and 30 minutes at home on a daily basis
This reading will be at the students independent reading level
Teachers will use the IRLA to conference with students to determine when the student is ready to move to
a new independent reading level
Students need to have large quantity of reading at their independent level in order to become strategic