2015 Student Experience Survey (SES) Questionnaire with Institution Specific Items FINAL Summary of key sample variables Questionnaire Variable name Brief description Key use points Detailed description (if applicable) Type = 1, student is COMMENCING Type = 2, student is COMPLETING Type = 3, student is neither commencing or completing (e.g., middle year, generic intro, present tense CEQ if required for institutional modifications). Introduction and screening/ Module 6 QUALNUM_S Number of Qualifications QUALNUM_S = 1 (one qualification in the sample) QUALNUM_S = 2 (two qualifications in the sample) Introduction and screening/ Module 2 / Module 6 / to calculate final course title E306 Institution code HEIMS or TEQSA institution code Module 5 filter E306C Institution Name Institution name Throughout survey E308A Course Course name for qualification 1 E308B Course Course name for qualification 2 <units> Naming variation Variation in what the institution call units Throughout survey <course> Naming variation Variation in what the institution calls a course Throughout survey CEQ1 CEQ statements flag CEQ1 = 1, student will be administered the CEQ rotation of statements CEQ1= 2, student will not receive the CEQ rotation of statements Module 6 Extraquota Extra populations flag Extraquota=1, additional population Module 5 Offshoreinter Onshore/offshore population offshoreinter=1, student is offshore offshoreinter=2, student is onshore Module 5 MonashExpop Extra postgrad pop 1=Onshore postgrad 2=Offshore postgrad Module 5 Wrs1 Wrs populations flag Wrs1=1, student will be administered the wrs questions Wrs1=2, student will not receive the wrs questions Module 5 Type EntryMode Student type Method of accessing survey 1. Link 2. Type-in 3. CATI 4. Postcard 5. Authentication 6. LMS Throughout survey / to calculate final course title Not used within survey routing ORDER OF QUESTIONNAIRE: INTRODUCTION AND SCREENING .............................................................................................. 3 1 MODULE 2: INCLUSION & LEARNER ENGAGEMENT ............................................................ 7 MODULE 3: TEACHING & EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ................................................... 9 MODULE 4: SUPPORT ............................................................................................................ 13 MODULE 1: DEMOGRAPHICS ................................................................................................ 15 MODULE 5: INSTITUTION SPECIFIC ITEMS.......................................................................... 18 MODULE 7: NATIONAL POLICY ISSUES ............................................................................... 18 MODULE 6: <COURSE> EXPERIENCE .................................................................................. 19 2 INTRODUCTION AND SCREENING *(ALL) confirm IF type=1 Congratulations on starting your current higher education studies in 2015. As a new student this year, we are very interested to know how things are going for you and how your institution is supporting you to achieve success in your <course>. If type=2 Congratulations on entering the final stage of your higher education <course> for 2015. As a student close to completing your studies, we are very interested to know how things have gone for you and how your institution supported you to achieve success in your <course>. If type=3 We are very interested to know how things are going for you in your current higher education studies and how your institution is supporting you to achieve success in your <course>(s). Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. Most people take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete it. If you need to take a break, you can press the ‘PAUSE’ button and close your browser. You can come back to the survey at any time and continue from where you stopped. If you need to go back to a previous question please use the ‘BACK’ button within the survey. (Please do not use the browser BACK button to go back to a previous question.) Please press the 'Next' button below to continue [PROGRAMMER: Please move ‘STOP’ button further away from ‘NEXT’. Text if ‘STOP’ is pressed should read ‘Thanks for your time so far. You can come back to complete your survey at any time before August 31.’ *(ALL) institution(11) Are you currently enrolled in a <course> at <E306C>? 1. Yes 2. No (GO TO TERMINATION SCREEN) (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION) PROGRAMMER NOTE: DISPLAY COURSE IN BOLD *(ALL) qualntit1 Our records show that you are currently enrolled in the following <course>(s): <E308A> <E308B> (DISPLAY IF QUALNUM_S=2) Is this correct? 1. 2. Yes (GO TO DUMMYQUAL) No (GO TO qualntit2) (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION) 3 IF QUALNTIT1=2 *(COURSE NAME INCORRECT) qualntit2 Please indicate the full title of the <course>(s) you have enrolled in at <E306C> by correcting the following. <E308A> 1. 2. <Course> name is incorrect – the correct <course> title is <E308Ax> (, or) <Course> is correct as displayed (DISPLAY IF QUALNUM_S=2) (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION IF QUALNTIT1=2) IF QUALNTIT2=1 *(E308A CORRECTED) level1 And is <E308Ax> a… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A bachelors degree An associate degree An advanced diploma A diploma Another undergraduate course A postgraduate course (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION IF QUALNTIT2=1) IF QUALNTIT1=2 AND QUALNUM_S=2 *(COURSE NAME INCORRECT) qualntit3 Please indicate the full title of the <course>(s) you have enrolled in at <E306C> by correcting the following. <E308B> 1. <Course> name is incorrect - the correct <course> title is <E308Bx>, 2. <Course> is correct as displayed 3. Not enrolled in another qualification (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION IF QUALNTIT1=2 AND QUALNUM_S=2)) IF QUALNTIT1=2 AND QUALNUM_S=1 *(COURSE NAME INCORRECT) qualntit4 Are you enrolled in another undergraduate <course>? 1. Yes, the <course> title is <E308Bx> (or) 2. No, I’m only enrolled in one qualification (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION IF QUALNTIT1=2 AND QUALNUM_S=1) IF QUALNTIT3=1 OR QUALNTIT4=1 *(E308B CORRECTED) level2 And is <E308Bx> a… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A bachelors degree An associate degree An advanced diploma A diploma Another undergraduate course A postgraduate course 4 (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION IF QUALNTIT3=1 OR QUALNTIT4=1) *(CALCULATE THE NUMBER OF CURRENT QUALIFICATIONS) DUMMYQUAL DUMMYQUAL=QUALNUM_S IF qualntit1 = 1 (NO CHANGE FROM SAMPLE) DUMMYQUAL=2 IF qualntit3=1 OR 2 DUMMYQUAL=1 IF qualntit3=3 DUMMYQUAL=1 IF qualntit4=2 DUMMYQUAL=2 IF qualntit4=1 PROGRAMMER NOTE: IF NEW QUALIFICATIONS CAPTURED AT QUALINTIT2, QUALNTIT3 OR QUALNTIT4 USE E380Ax AND/OR E380Bx AT STARTED. IF TYPE=1 AND DUMMYQUAL=2 *(COMMENCING STUDENT AND TWO QUALS) started Have you completed <units> in both your <E308A> <course> and your <E308B> <course>? 1. 2. 3. Yes, I have completed <units> in both <course>s No, I have only completed <units> in my <E308A> <course> No, I have only completed <units> in my <E308B> <course> (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION) IF TYPE=1 AND DUMMYQUAL=2 PROGRAMMER NOTE: CALCULATE E308Aa AND E308Bb TO DETERMINE FINAL COURSE TITLES. CREATE DUMMY VARIABLE FCOURSE. Qualification criteria Definition E308Aa E308Bb Fcourse IF qualntit1 = 1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 1 One qualification, course name correct E308A - 1 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND DUMMYQUAL = 1 One qualification, course name incorrect E308Ax - 2 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualntit4=2 AND DUMMYQUAL = 1 One qualification, course name incorrect E308Ax - 3 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualntit2=2 AND qualntit3=1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 1 Two qualifications, new second qualification, both qualifications started E308A E308Bx 4 IF qualntit1 = 1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 1 Two qualifications, course names correct, both qualifications started E308A E308B 14 IF qualntit1 = 1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 2 Two qualifications, course names correct, only E308A started E308A - 5 IF qualntit1 = 1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 3 Two qualifications, course names correct, only E308B started - E308B 6 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualintit 2 = 1 AND qualintit3 = 2 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 1 Two qualifications, E308A incorrect, both qualifications started E308Ax E308B 7 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualintit2 = 2 AND qualintit3 = 1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 1 Two qualifications, E308B incorrect, both qualifications started E308A E308Bx 8 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualntit 2= 1 AND qualntit 3= 1 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 1 Two qualifications, new course name for both courses, both qualifications started E308Ax E308Bx 9 5 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualintit2 = 1 DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 2 Two qualifications, course name incorrect, E308Ax started E308Ax - 10 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualintit2 = 2 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 2 Two qualifications, course name 1 correct though course 2 not incorrect, E308A started E308A - 11 Two qualifications, course name incorrect, E308Bx started - E308Bx 12 Two qualifications, course name 2 correct though course 1 not correct, E308B started - E308B 13 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND (qualintit3 = 1 OR qualntit4=1) AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 3 IF qualntit1 = 2 AND qualintit3 = 2 AND DUMMYQUAL = 2 AND STARTED = 3 IF STARTED = 3 PROMOTE E308Bb TO E308Aa SO THAT THE ‘A SERIES’ QUESTIONS ARE ASKED IN THE DOUBLE COURSE SEQUENCES. IF TYPE=1 *(COMMENCING STUDENT) prevuni Before you enrolled in your current <course> had you ever undertaken any university or higher education studies (even if you didn’t complete the <course>)? 1. 2. 3. Yes, I was enrolled in a different <course> at <E306C> Yes, I was enrolled at another university or higher education institution No, this is the first time I have enrolled in a university or higher education <course> (PROGRAMMER NOTE: MANDATORY QUESTION IF TYPE=1) TS1 TIMESTAMP1 PROGRAMMER NOTE: ONLY DISPLAY QUALIFICATION NAME FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED IN TWO COURSES THROUGHOUT SURVEY. 6 MODULE 2: INCLUSION & LEARNER ENGAGEMENT *(ALL) inlerenintro *(ALL) adminintro The next questions are about how included and engaged you feel you have been in general with your current <course> studies. At <E306C> during 2015, to what extent have you… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) supsettle (48) Received support from your institution to settle into study? effenrolm (51) Experienced efficient enrolment and admissions processes? feelprepared (52) Felt prepared for your study? indorien (22) Felt induction/orientation activities were relevant and helpful? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Not applicable (ONLY DISPLAY FOR INDORIEN) *(ALL) qlovledu (15)a [Thinking about your <E308Aa> <course>,] o/Overall how would you rate the quality of your entire educational experience this year? 1. 2. 3. 4. Poor Fair Good Excellent IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) qlovledu (15)b And thinking about your <E308Bb> <course>, overall, how would you rate the quality of your entire educational experience this year? 1. 2. 3. 4. *(ALL) sense (50) Poor Fair Good Excellent At your institution during 2015, to what extent have you had a sense of belonging to <E306C>? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much 7 *(ALL) interactintro [Thinking about your <E308Aa> <course>,] i/In 2015, how frequently have you… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) partidiscus (53) workothers (54) interactoth (55) interactdiff (56) Participated in discussions online or face-to-face? Worked with other students as part of your study? Interacted with students outside study requirements? Interacted with students who are very different from you? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. Never Sometimes Often Very often IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) interactintrob And thinking about your <E308Bb> <course>, in 2015, how frequently have you… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) partidiscus (53)b workothers (54)b interactoth (55)b interactdiff (56)b Participated in discussions online or face-to-face? Worked with other students as part of your study? Interacted with students outside study requirements? Interacted with students who are very different from you? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. *(ALL) opploc (20) At your institution during 2015, to what extent have you been given opportunities to interact with local students? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TS2 Never Sometimes Often Very often Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Not applicable TIMESTAMP2 8 MODULE 3: TEACHING & EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT *(ALL) yeaedudintro *(ALL) qlteach (14) The next questions are about the quality of the teaching and learning resources provided to you. Thinking of this year, overall at <E306C>, how would you rate the quality of the teaching you have experienced [in your <E308Aa> <course>]? 1. 2. 3. 4. Poor Fair Good Excellent IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) qlteach (14)b Thinking of this year, overall at <E306C>, how would you rate the quality of the teaching you have experienced in your <E308Bb> <course>? 1. 2. 3. 4. *(ALL) tchintro Poor Fair Good Excellent During 2015, to what extent have the lecturers, tutors and demonstrators [in your <E308Aa> <course>]… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) tchactiveng (57) tchconlrn (58) tchclexpec (59) tchstimint (60) tchfeedbck (61) tchhelpapp (62) tchasschlng (63) Engaged you actively in learning? Demonstrated concern for student learning? Provided clear explanations on coursework and assessment? Stimulated you intellectually? Commented on your work in ways that help you learn? Seemed helpful and approachable? Set assessment tasks that challenge you to learn? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) tchintrob During 2015, to what extent have the lecturers, tutors and demonstrators in your <E308Bb> <course>… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) tchactiveng (57)b Engaged you actively in learning? tchconlrn (58)b Demonstrated concern for student learning? tchclexpec (59)b Provided clear explanations on coursework and assessment? 9 tchstimint (60)b tchfeedbck (61)b tchhelpapp (62)b tchasschlng (63)b Stimulated you intellectually? Commented on your work in ways that help you learn? Seemed helpful and approachable? Set assessment tasks that challenge you to learn? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *(ALL) qlintro. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Thinking of this year, overall how would you rate the following learning resources [provided for your <E308Aa> <course>]…? STATEMENTS (ROTATE) qltchspc (23) qlstdspc (24) qlonlmat (25) qlcompit (26) qltxtbook (27) qlequip (28) qllibres (29) Teaching spaces (e.g. lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, laboratories) Student spaces and common areas Online learning materials Computing/IT resources Assigned books, notes and resources Laboratory or studio equipment Library resources and facilities RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Poor Fair Good Excellent Not applicable IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) qlintrob Thinking of this year, overall how would you rate the following learning resources provided for your <E308Bb> <course>…? STATEMENTS (ROTATE) qltchspc (23)b qlstdspc (24)b qlonlmat (25)b qlcompit (26)b qltxtbook (27)b qlequip (28)b qllibres (29)b Teaching spaces (e.g. lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, laboratories) Student spaces and common areas Online learning materials Computing/IT resources Assigned books, notes and resources Laboratory or studio equipment Library resources and facilities RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Poor Fair Good Excellent Not applicable 10 *(ALL) stintro In 2015, to what extent has [your study/ your <E308Aa> <course>] been delivered in a way that is… STATEMENTS stdstruc (30) stdrelev (31) Well structured and focused? Relevant to your education as a whole? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) stintrob In 2015, to what extent has your <E308Bb> <course> been delivered in a way that is… STATEMENTS stdstruc (30)b stdrelev (31)b Well structured and focused? Relevant to your education as a whole? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *(ALL) expintro. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much [Thinking about your <E308Aa> <course>,] t/To what extent has your <course> developed your… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) expthink (40) expprbslv (41) expwrkoth (42) expconfind (43) expwriting (44) expspeak (45) expknowl (46) expwrkskill (47) Critical thinking skills? Ability to solve complex problems? Ability to work with others? Confidence to learn independently? Written communication skills? Spoken communication skills? Knowledge of the field(s) you are studying? Development of work-related knowledge and skills? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much 11 IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) expintrob And thinking about your <E308Bb> <course>, to what extent has your <course> developed your… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) expthink (40)b expprbslv (41)b expwrkoth (42)b expconfind (43)b expwriting (44)b expspeak (45)b expknowl (46)b expwrkskill (47)b Critical thinking skills? Ability to solve complex problems? Ability to work with others? Confidence to learn independently? Written communication skills? Spoken communication skills? Knowledge of the field(s) you are studying? Development of work-related knowledge and skills? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TS3 Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much TIMESTAMP3 12 MODULE 4: SUPPORT *(ALL) Introsupp *(ALL) carintro. The next questions are about your overall experience of the support services provided by your institution. During 2015, to what extent have you found careers advisors to be… STATEMENTS caravail (34) carhelp (35) Available? Helpful? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *(ALL) admintro. Had no contact Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much During 2015, to what extent have you found administrative staff or systems (e.g. online administrative services, frontline staff, enrolment systems) to be… STATEMENTS admavail (32) admhelp (33) Available? Helpful? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *(ALL) acdintro. Had no contact Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much During 2015, to what extent have you found academic or learning advisors to be… STATEMENTS acdavail (36) acdhelp (37) Available? Helpful? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Had no contact Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much 13 *(ALL) supintro. During 2015, to what extent have you found support services such as counsellors, financial/legal advisors and health services to be… STATEMENTS supavail (38) suphelp (39) Available? Helpful? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. *(ALL) servintro Had no contact Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much At your institution during 2015, to what extent have you… STATEMENTS offsup (19) Been offered support relevant to your circumstances? englang (21) Received appropriate English language skill support? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Not applicable (ONLY DISPLAY FOR STATEMENTS OFFSUP AND ENGLANG) *PROGRAMMER NOTE: DISPLAY COURSE NAMES FOR ALL STUDENTS IN BA, BAb, NI, AND NIb. *(ALL) BA What have been the best aspects of your <E308Aa> <course>? <text> IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) BAb What have been the best aspects of your <E308Bb> <course>? <text> *(ALL) NI What aspects of your <E308Aa> <course> most need improvement? <text> IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) NIb What aspects of your <E308Bb> <course> most need improvement? <text> TS4 TIMESTAMP4 14 MODULE 1: DEMOGRAPHICS *(ALL) demointro *(ALL) yenrol(69) The next questions are about your current <course> progress and factors affecting your study. In what year did you first start your current <course>? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *(ALL) comlete When do you expect to complete your current <course>? 1. 2. *(ALL) campus(66) 2015 2016 or later Where has your study been mainly based in 2015? 1. 2. 3. 4. *(ALL) online(67)a Before 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 On one campus On two or more campuses Mix of external, distance and on-campus External/Distance [Thinking about your <E308Aa> <course>,] h/How much of your study do you do online? 1. 2. 3. 4. None About a quarter About half All or nearly all IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) online(67)b And thinking about your <E308Bb> <course>, how much of your study do you do online? 1. 2. 3. 4. None About a quarter About half All or nearly all 15 *(ALL) grade(68)a [Thinking about your <E308Aa> <course>,] w/Which number between 0 and 100 represents your average grade so far in 2015? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No results 0-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% IF DUMMYQUAL=2 *(TWO QUALIFICATIONS) grade(68)b And thinking about your <E308Bb> <course>, which number between 0 and 100 represents your average grade so far in 2015? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. *(ALL) astdintro No results 0-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% At <E306C> during 2015, to what extent have… STATEMENTS (ROTATE) astdliv(16) astdfin(17) astdwor (18) Your living arrangements negatively affected your study? Your financial circumstances negatively affected your study? Paid work commitments negatively affected your study? RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Not at all Very little Some Quite a bit Very much Not applicable [ONLY DISPLAY FOR ASTDWOR] *(ALL) considchg(71) During 2015, have you seriously considered leaving <E306C>? 1. 2. Yes, I have seriously considered leaving No, I have not seriously considered leaving PRECHINTRO IF CONSIDCHG = 1 CONTINUE OTHERWISE GO TO TS5. IF CONSIDCHG=1 *(HAVE SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED LEAVING) chintro Please indicate your reasons for seriously considering leaving your current institution in 2015. Select all that apply. STATEMENTS 16 chaexch(72) chasupp(73) chadsup(74) chbored(75) chpros(76) chdirec(77) chcommu(78) chfees(79) chwrkld(80) chexpec(81) chfamly(82) chfdiff(83) chgapyr(84) chgvtas(85) chgradu(86) chhealt(87) chreput(88) chmove(89) chbreak(90) chpwork (91) chopp (92) chwrkrp (93) chprsnl (94) chqacrn (95) chothof (96) chsocrn (97) chshgstd (98) chblnce (99) chtravl (100) chother (101) TS5 Academic exchange Academic support Administrative support Boredom/lack of interest Career prospects Change of direction Commuting difficulties Difficulty paying fees Difficulty with workload Expectations not met Family responsibilities Financial difficulties Gap year/deferral Government assistance Graduating Health or stress Institution reputation Moving residence Need a break Need to do paid work Other opportunities Paid work responsibilities Personal reasons Quality concerns Received other offer from another university or higher education institution Social reasons Standards too high Study/life balance Travel or tourism Other reasons TIMESTAMP5 PROGRAMMER NOTE: SURVEY IS CONSIDERED COMPLETE AT THIS POINT 17 MODULE 5: INSTITUTION SPECIFIC ITEMS TS6 TIMESTAMP6 MODULE 7: NATIONAL POLICY ISSUES 18 MODULE 6: <COURSE> EXPERIENCE IF CEQ1=1 AND TYPE=2 *(COMPLETING STUDENT TO BE ADMINISTERED CEQ) CEQintro The next series of questions more closely examine your <E308Aa> <course> experience. PROGRAMMER NOTE: PLEASE DISPLAY ‘(Page 1 of 2)’ and ‘(Page 2 of 2)’ AGAINST FIRST LINE OF TEXT AT CEQINTROA / CEQINTROB TO INDICATE PROGRESS. ceqintroa Please answer this series of statements regarding your <E308Aa> <course>. Please indicate the extent to which you strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree or strongly agree with each of these statements. ceq101 ceq103 ceq106 ceq108 ceq110 ceq114 ceq115 ceq116 ceq123 ceq127 ceq128 ceq132 ceq139 ceq142 ceq143 ceq146 ceq149 The staff put a lot of time into commenting on my work The teaching staff normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was going The <course> helped me develop my ability to work as a team member It was always easy to know the standard of work expected The teaching staff of this <course> motivated me to do my best work The <course> sharpened my analytic skills My lecturers were extremely good at explaining things The teaching staff worked hard to make their subjects interesting The <course> developed my problem-solving skills The staff made a real effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in this <course> The <course> improved my skills in written communication It was often hard to discover what was expected of me in this <course> As a result of my <course>, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems My <course> helped me to develop the ability to plan my own work The staff made it clear right from the start what they expected from students Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this <course> RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree 19 IF CEQ1=1 AND DUMMYQUAL=2 AND TYPE=2 *(COMPLETING STUDENT TO BE ADMINISTERED CEQ AND TWO QUALIFICATIONS) ceqintrob Please answer this series of statements regarding your <E308Bb> <course>. Please indicate the extent to which you strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree or strongly agree with each of these statements. ceq201 ceq203 ceq206 ceq208 ceq210 ceq214 ceq215 ceq216 ceq223 ceq227 ceq228 ceq232 ceq239 ceq242 ceq243 ceq246 ceq249 The staff put a lot of time into commenting on my work The teaching staff normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was going The <course> helped me develop my ability to work as a team member It was always easy to know the standard of work expected The teaching staff of this <course> motivated me to do my best work The <course> sharpened my analytic skills My lecturers were extremely good at explaining things The teaching staff worked hard to make their subjects interesting The <course> developed my problem-solving skills The staff made a real effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in this <course> The <course> improved my skills in written communication It was often hard to discover what was expected of me in this <course> As a result of my <course>, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems My <course> helped me to develop the ability to plan my own work The staff made it clear right from the start what they expected from students Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this <course> RESPONSE FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TS7 Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree TIMESTAMP7 IF TYPE=2 OR 3 *(MIDDLE YEARS OR COMPLETING STUDENT OTHERWISE GO TO TS7) compsem And lastly, do you expect to complete your <course> at the end of this semester? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Not sure IF COMPSEM=1 *(EXPECTS TO COMPLETE COURSE) Pemail Congratulations on being so close to finishing your studies. You will be contacted again next year to take part in the Graduate Outcomes Survey and we would like to make sure we can stay in touch with you. Please provide a long-term (private) email address so we can contact you in 2016. This information will be held securely and will only be used for the purpose of sending you an invitation to participate in the Graduate Outcomes Survey. 1. Email address (Please specify_____) 2. Prefer not to provide email address 20 TS7 END TIMESTAMP7 Thank you for your feedback, which will remain confidential. It plays a significant role in enhancing Australian higher education. Please click the ‘NEXT’ button below to submit your survey. 21