Certificate in English Language Course
1) Course entry requirement(s) a) At least 10 Years of General Education b) 18 years of age b) A pass in our Internal Entrance Test
2) Course learning outcome(s)
This course learning outcomes are :
Language is central to students’ intellectual, social and emotional development and has essential role in all key learning areas. The learning experiences provided in this English
Language Course will assist students to become competent in English to use language effectively in a range of contexts. Competence in English will enable students to learn about the role of the language in their own lives, and in their own and other cultures. They will then be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings, to participate in society, to make decisions about personal and social issues, to analyze information and viewpoints, to use their imagination and to think on the meaning made with language.
3) Module synopses
This programme has 7 levels respectively;
(English Foundation)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking and Listening)
To gain confidence in practicing basic English language;
(Reading and Viewing)
simple words and short sentences;
(Writing and Producing Texts)
Practice basic writing.
Starter Level)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking and Listening)
confidence in practicing English language;
practice activities relating to real life, such as asking personal information, describe the place where they live, and talk about family;
Camford International College- 2010 (A1)
(Reading and Viewing)
simple text ranging from very short and simple passages;
providing variety of comprehension exercises, vocabulary work and discussion;
(Writing and Producing Texts)
includes variety of writing exercises ranging from very controlled and simple exercises such as word order and sentence completion to more
extensive pieces of personalized writing;
writing exercises relating to real life situations such as filling in a form;
spelling exercises providing practice such as double letter, contractions,
silent letters;
(Elementary Level)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking and Listening)
use spoken language for basic purposes of familiar topics;
describe familiar objects, follow and give simple directions and tell about personal experiences;
express own needs, likes and dislikes clearly; and
engage in simple conversations with peers.
Skills and Strategies
develop listening skills through engaging in activities which they need to listen attentively, e.g. information about class topics, & to follow basic instructions;
build a basic phonological skills, e.g. ability to adjust intonation, question statement, basic articulation of sounds in which students can develop composure and learn how to respond to and interact with spoken classroom communication appropriately.
(Reading and Viewing)
engage with the meanings of a variety of written and visual texts through daily shared, guided activities such as interpreting pictures, ordering pictures , etc;
follow and respond to simple stories read aloud;
join in with or read aloud parts of the texts;
recognise environmental print such as labels of instructions, read given texts such as short observations and recounts;
read simple books and view CD- ROM’s chosen.
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Skills and Strategies
use simple context to predict meaning in written texts, e.g. illustrations, labels and signs;
identify basic grammatical patterns in shared and guided reading, e.g. action verbs, words or group of words that tell , what, who, where, when, & how;
use phonological cues to decode written text, e.g. knowledge of the letters and their sounds to predict words (including initial, medial and final positions) and directions of print;
(Writing and Producing Texts)
engage in joint writing activities such as copying and labeling drawings;
contribute to a joint writing activities for audiences in their own class or other classes, parents or other family members; and
write simple text for themselves and / or an audience on familiar topics using pictures on their own choice of words.
Skills and Strategies
construct simple sentences effectively through assistance of word order, use of tense appropriate to text type, structure of noun groups and appropriate punctuations (capital letters & full stops); and
develop and practice basic skills of writing.
4. (Pre-Intermediate Level)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking and Listening)
use spoken language for a variety of purposes on an extending range of topics;
describe specific features of a familiar object, sequence real or imagined events in time order, express ideas and opinions; and
engage in a range of interaction, e.g. ask and answer questions in small group discussions.
Skills and Strategies
listen actively and responding, e.g. by asking specific questions to retrieve information from a speaker by participating in listening activities;
practice speaking clearly and varying voice of formal and informal situations, e.g. class presentations, conversation and class discussion; and
practice making effective contributions to class discussions on familiar topics and practice spoken presentation skills.
Camford International College- 2010 (A1)
(Reading and Viewing Texts)
read a variety of written and visual literary and factual texts in daily
shared, guided and independent reading activities for enjoyment and
information across an increasing range of topics.
Skills and Strategies
use context to predict meaning;
relate personal experience and knowledge to their understanding of written text;
work with grammatical patterns in shared and guided reading to enhance comprehension; and
demonstrate understanding of different texts/passages.
(Writing and Producing Texts)
practice joint and independent construction of a variety of simple text types on familiar topics for known audience, e.g. recount of personal experiences, simple procedures, description of familiar topics.
Skills and Strategies
read their own writing aloud to self correct and clarify meaning;
use illustrations with appropriate labels to support texts; and
build a range of handwriting skills.
5. (Intermediate Level)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking & Listening)
listen to a variety of speakers and respond with questions and comments that are relevant to the topic, e.g. asking for specific information after spoken presentation, asking for clarification about spoken instructions, commenting positively on a presentation made by peers, responding to video taped presentation; and
contribute extended stretches of talk to class activities, e.g. longer spoken presentations and expressing point of view; speak on an expanded range of topics to a wider range of audiences, e.g. students from other classes, assembly presentation, parents, etc.
Skills and Strategies
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listen with focus to select information; e.g. for a task or to relate partner’s experience to the class and to understand the viewpoints of others;
experiment with different techniques for speaking clearly with regard to listeners’ understanding;
contribute to and provide any opinion on familiar topics in class and small group discussions;
contribute to class discussion using a range of skills including questioning and rephrasing for clarification; and
deliver a spoken presentation using skills such as eye contact, visual aids, using clear and audible speech.
(Reading and Viewing Texts)
read a variety of written, visual literary and factual texts in daily shared, guided and in dependent reading activities, drawing on knowledge of other texts and personal experiences to bring meaning to reading.
Skills and Strategies
reflect on their own reading; and
use grammatical information in shared and guided reading, e.g. identify a clause as a complete message or thought expressed in words; noun-pronoun agreement; subject -verb agreement and links in written texts (e.g. conjunctions).
(Writing and producing texts)
engage in joint and independent construction of a range of text types, e.g. recounts of personal experience, procedures, descriptions of familiar people or things, information reports, basic explanations and written opinions;
respond to questions about their own writing form a variety of audiences; and
use headings to indicate topic of text.
Skills and Strategies
prepare for writing, e.g. by planning text structure into a framework such as matrix, flow chart or semantic map by taking notes from written texts;
use subject-verb agreement and noun-pronoun agreement in their own writing; and begin to proofread and edit their own text.
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6. (Upper Intermediate Level)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking and Listening)
listen for enjoyment and information;
engage in activities that involve many structured speaking situations, e.g. reporting, describing, recounting, explaining and interviewing;
listen and respond to a range of texts, e.g. respond to texts/passages, follow series of instructions in order to complete a task, listen critically to a spoken presentation from peers;
participate confidently in partner, small group and whole class discussion; and
speak to any audiences drawn from school or local community on a range of topics related to the school curriculum, personal and community interests.
Skills and Strategies
listen for main idea and specific information;
perform, giving consideration to voice and gesture to enhance meaning;
use tone of speech appropriate to the audience;
make constructive statements that agree/disagree the issue;
use group strategies; and
use a range skills to enhance spoken presentations.
(Reading and Viewing Texts)
read and respond to a wide range of written, visual literary and factual texts including formation and stories about other places, times and cultures in daily shared, guided and independent reading activities, make inferences about ideas in the text, e.g. respond to “why” and ‘how” questions.
Skills and Strategies
use a variety of self correction strategies to identify unknown words in more complex texts, e.g. sounding out, looking at word in context, pausing, reading on and referring back;
read fluently with expressions after preparation;
use grammatical information in shared and guided activities, e.g. identify adjectives and how they add meaning to nouns;
use variety of phonological strategies to respond to texts, e.g. use knowledge of syllables, word formation and common prefixes and suffixes when reading; and
use book handling and book knowledge skills with greater confidence, e.g. use tables of contents to locate information, choose factual text to find information.
Camford International College- 2010 (A1)
(Writing and Producing Texts)
jointly and independently construct a range of text types, e.g. narrative, procedure, response, recount, description and information report;
write for a chosen audience, write formal and informal letters;
jointly after a text to take into account different audiences; and
build knowledge of topic before writing by brainstorming and discussing to make reference lists in writing.
Skills and Strategies
prepare for writing, e.g. by planning text structure using correct format;
attempt to draft, proofread and edit their own writing;
use knowledge of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs to improve their own writing.
7. (Advanced Level)
Students will be provided with language opportunities to:
(Speaking and Listening)
listen for enjoyment and information to a variety of less familiar written and factual texts;
engage in a variety of structured speaking situations, e.g. reporting, describing, recounting, explaining, interviewing, entertaining and instructing;
listen and respond to a range of texts types, e.g. respond to literary texts read aloud or viewed, follow directions to a particular location, attempt to persuade other to a point of view;
participate in partner, group and class discussion on a variety of less familiar topics and summarise ideas;
address an audience drawn from the school and local community on a variety of less familiar and researched topics related to the curriculum; and
participate and reflect appropriately as an audience.
Skills and Strategies
listen critically to spoken presentations from a variety of speakers;
use tone of voice appropriate to the situations;
use group discussions skills, e.g. rephrasing to clarify meaning, guiding discussions by taking on the role of a group leader;
assume the role of a character in retelling and discussing a narrative;
use a range of skills to enhance spoken presentation, e.g. aids (such as posters, cards, etc.), effective body language and gestures.
Camford International College- 2010 (A1)
(Reading and Viewing text)
read and view a variety of more complex literary and factual texts, stories and information from other countries and times for sustained periods;
select a text for specific purpose, e.g. research a topic or to make something; and justify inferences made about a text read or viewed.
Skills and Strategies
use a range of self correction strategies when reading for meaning, e.g. rereading, reading on, pausing and sub vocalising;
read text aloud using, pause and emphasis;
use grammatical information in shared and guided reading activities, e.g. to identify words that serve possibility or probability or relationships signaled by conjunctions;
use a variety of graphological and phonological strategies to respond to texts, e.g. knowledge of homonyms and contractions;
use skimming of text to find key words in order to make brief notes for relevant information; and
use headings to locate information when scanning text,
(Writing and Producing Texts)
jointly and independently construct a range of texts for different audiences and purposes, e.g. descriptions, recounts, procedures, narratives, literary, sequential procedures, narratives, literary, sequential explanations, personal responses & expositions;
use a range of drafting strategies, e.g. note taking, planning, organising, headings, writing keywords, revising, final drafting, editing & proofreading;
write about both familiar and researched topics; and
work with a variety of forms, e.g. letters, diagrams, posters, multi media, etc.
Skills and Strategies
write well formed sentences using grammatical features that help to achieve the purpose of the text, e.g. reported and quoted speech in narratives, structure of noun group information reports, past tense in recounts, use of relating verbs in description, use modality in expositions;
use correct punctuations in published versions of their own writing; and
apply knowledge of spelling conventions and strategies to their own writing especially when attempting unknown or difficult words.
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4) Course schedule with modules and/or subjects
As per the Timetable attached
5) Scheduled holidays (public and school) and/or semester/term break for course
There will be a 1- week break for each semester (4.5mths)
6) Examination and/or other assessment period
There is an end examination for each completion.
7) Expected examination results release date
The result of the examination will be released 2 weeks from the date of examination.
Camford International College- 2010 (A1)