Summaries of 14 Labs - Geology1A-1

Harshang Sheth
Summaries of the 14 Lab
Lab 1: In this lab, we have to observe indentations on the rock with the help of magnifying lens.
The rock has long chains along and is fine-grained. We also determined the environment of the
rock which was oceanic classifying that it might have effected by the salt.
Lab 2: In this lab, we observed the reflection of the light of colored paper when put around each
specimen. We classified that the lighter rock was friable (easy to break down and reduce to
powder) and darker one was cemented. These types of rocks could be found in the environments
such as desert and beach, where large deposits of sands are found.
Lab 3: In this lab, we have to observe the physical characteristics and figure out the differences
and similarities between the specimens. Differences: Colors, Size, Cleavage & Similarities:
Hardness, and texture. The cementing agent found each of the sandstone specimens was FeSO4 .
Water made the sediment more compact in cementing.
Lab 4: In this lab, we measured the sand grain size; observe the color; and draw the shapes of the
grains with the help of microscope. The 1st sample’s grain size was fine-grained (small crystals)
and color was off-white. 2nd sample’s grain size was coarse-grained (large crystals) and color
was muddy. 3rd sample’s had fine-grained crystals in the rock and the color was dark off-white
color with black crystals.
Lab 5: In this lab, we observed the rocks by using the magnifying lens. The grains of sand in
each layer of the sandstones were about the same minerals. When classifying the quartz, feldspar
and bauxite specimens, the sand grains in the sandstone were made of the quartz. The sandstones
were not cemented together with the same cementing agent.
Lab 6: In this lab, the environment that the sediment in this rock was deposited in the
mountainous regions. There was a wavy surface on the top of the rock. There were oscillation
ripple marks exhibited on the rock because the pattern was symmetrical and parallel to each
other and seemed like it had back & forth movement. This type of sediment in the rock was
deposited from the beach environment.
Lab 7: In this lab, we compared the rocks 1-6 with sediments a-f and matched them by
performing some activities such as, reaction of a rock with dilute HCl acid. After matching the
correct rock with the true sediment, we described different environments of the sediments in the
rock that would have deposited.
Lab 8: In this lab, we measured the volume and densities between peat and coal. So, peat had
greater volume but lower mass and thus low density. While coal had less volume and low mass
and thus low density. Coal forms when organic matters such as wood or plants are burned.
Lab 9: In this lab, we observed different physical characteristics, environments and fragments for
the chert, jasper, agate, and rock gypsum. The different colors formed in the agate would have
formed by differential weathering.
Lab 10: In this lab, we got a whole big test tube that is needed to shake. Also, we had to observe
the grain size and layering in each specimen.
Lab 11: In this lab, we found the evidence- footprints, tracks, and body prints- that were left off
by the animals visited in that place. There were long strips dugged into it. Bioturbation means the
trace fossils the leaving behind of traces. For example, footprints, shifting, and burrows.
Lab 12: In this lab, we filled the shell the shell with the play doh and take the piece of the
changed play doh out of the shell. We observed that the shape and the cast were similar in shape
but they were inverted. The carbonization exhibits this rock in fossilization. There are couple of
methods of preservation such as, Rapid burial, and the possession of hard parts of remains of
plants and animals.
Lab 13: In this lab, when we visited the website we found out that the plant-looking structure
was actually an animal that locates at the deep-sea and don’t need sunlight to survive. Then we
observed the rock specimen which had biologic texture and some stalks were fossilized in that
rock. The rock represented the continental slope or rise environment.
Lab 14: In this lab, we generally described the grains in the light colored rock specimen by using
the magnifying lens. The grains were broken up and mixed as a mixture. Basically, we measured
the size of a few grains which was 5mm. The grains can be seen by the naked eyes. The breaking
up of the grains could have resulted by the weathering. When we put acid on the rock it reacted
because CO2 fizzes. There were some fossils observable in the darker grey rock that had
different types of shells.