Initial Public Health Case Reporting Domain Analysis Model Version 1.0 ● Draft Date/Time Generated: Author: 11/1/2015 9:55:34 PM AbdulMalik Shakir EA Repository : C:\Users\AbdulMalik\Documents\Clients\Active\Health Level Seven\PHER\Initial Public Health Case Report Domain Analysis Model.EAP CREATED WITH Table of Contents Initial Public Health Case Reporting Domain Analysis Model ................................................................... 4 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Background ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Initial Public Health Case Reporting Dynamic Model ............................................................................... 5 Use Cases ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 UC01: Patient Encounter ............................................................................................................................. 7 UC02: Laboratory Activity ............................................................................................................................ 7 UC03: Medication Activity ............................................................................................................................ 7 UC04: Reportable Condition Evaluation.................................................................................................... 7 UC05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting .............................................................................................. 7 UC06: Initial Public Health Case Reporting with Intermediary ............................................................... 7 UC07: Initial Public Health Case Report Follow-up ................................................................................. 8 UC08: Maintain eICR Reporting Triggers ................................................................................................. 8 Use Case Actors ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Association of Public Health Labs (APHL) ................................................................................................ 9 Care Delivery Organization ......................................................................................................................... 9 Electronic Medical Record System ............................................................................................................ 9 Laboratory Information Management System .......................................................................................... 9 Patient .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Pharmacy Information System .................................................................................................................. 10 Public Health Agency ................................................................................................................................. 10 Public Health Case Reporting Interrmediary .......................................................................................... 10 Reportable Condition Evaluator ................................................................................................................ 10 Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System .................................................................... 10 Responsible Provider ................................................................................................................................. 10 Use Case Activity Flows............................................................................................................................. 11 AF01: Patient Encounter ............................................................................................................................ 12 AF04: Reportable Condition Evaluation .................................................................................................. 13 AF05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting ............................................................................................. 14 AF07: Initial Public Health Care Report Follow-up ................................................................................ 15 Interactions .................................................................................................................................................... 16 Initial Public Health Case Reporting Static Model .................................................................................. 17 Static Model Classes ................................................................................................................................... 17 01: Suspected Case Report ................................................................................................................... 19 InitialPublicCaseReport .......................................................................................................................... 19 ReportSubmission ................................................................................................................................... 19 02: Patient Encounter .............................................................................................................................. 21 AdministeredMedication ......................................................................................................................... 21 EncounterDiagnosis ................................................................................................................................ 22 LaboratoryOrder ...................................................................................................................................... 22 PatientEncounter ..................................................................................................................................... 23 03: Care Delivery Facility ........................................................................................................................ 25 CareDeliveryFacility ................................................................................................................................ 25 CareDeliveryOrganization ...................................................................................................................... 26 ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem .......................................................................................................... 26 04: Provider ................................................................................................................................................ 27 Provider .................................................................................................................................................... 27 ProviderFacility ........................................................................................................................................ 28 05: Patient ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Patient ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 PatientGuardian....................................................................................................................................... 31 06: Reportable Condition ........................................................................................................................ 32 ReportableCondition ............................................................................................................................... 32 ReportableConditionSymptom .............................................................................................................. 32 Static Model Objects ................................................................................................................................... 34 Encounter Data .................................................................................................................................... 34 Encounter Data[Updated] ................................................................................................................... 34 Initial Public Health Case Follow-up ................................................................................................. 34 Laboratory Order ................................................................................................................................. 34 Laboratory Result ................................................................................................................................ 34 Matched Reportable Condition Trigger ............................................................................................ 34 Public Health Case Report ................................................................................................................. 34 eICR Reportable ConditionTtrigger Codes ...................................................................................... 34 Model Specification Page: 4 Initial Public Health Case Reporting Domain Analysis Model Introduction Purpose The purpose of this Domain Analysis Model (DAM) is to specify the information and behavioral requirements for submission of an electronic Initial Public Health Case Report (eICR) from health care providing entities to local, state, and territorial Public Health Agencies (PHAs). Background The content of this DAM is derived from an analysis of works conducted by the United States' Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework's "Public Health Case Reporting Initiative (PHRI)" and the "Minimum EHR Data for an Electronic Initial Case Report" published by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). The eICR DAM is a Platform Independent Model (PIM) intended to support the design of Platform Specific Models and the eventual design and development of Platform Specific Implementations. The DAM is specified in two major components a Dynamic Model and a Static Model. The dynamic model details the Use Cases, Actors, Activities Flows, and Interactions relevant to submission of an eICR. The static model details the information requirements of the eICR in the form of class and object diagrams with supporting class and attribute definitions. Model Specification Page: 5 Initial Public Health Case Reporting Dynamic Model The Dynamic Model portion of the eICR DAM describes the behavioral context for the eICR. It includes a description of: Use Cases Use Case Actors Activities and Activity flows Interactions Model Specification Page: 6 Use Cases The Use Case specification provides the conceptual context for the behaviors within scope of the eICR DAM. Although the scope of the eICR DAM is limited to Initial Public Health Case Reporting, the Use Case specification includes out of scope predecessor and successor Uses Cases in an attempt to provide the broader context for the eICR. Use Cases - (Use Case diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: UC03: Medication Activ ity Use Cases AbdulMalik 1.0 10/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 3:10:20 PM Care Deliv ery Organization Pharmacy Information System UC07: Initial Public Health Case Report Follow -up «extend» Responsible Prov ider UC01: Patient Encounter eICR Project Scope Patient «extend» Electronic Medical Record System UC02: Laboratory Activ ity Reportable Condition Ev aluator Public Health Agency UC05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting UC04: Reportable Condition Ev aluation UC06: Initial Public Health Case Reporting w ith Intermediary Laboratory Information Management System Public Health Case Reporting Interrmediary Reportable Conditions Know ledge Management System UC08: Maintain eICR Reporting Triggers Association of Public Health Labs (APHL) Figure: 3 Model Specification Page: 7 UC01: Patient Encounter The Patient Encounter use case encompasses activities related to the provision of healthcare services to a Patient by a Responsible Provider under the auspices of a Care Delivery Organization. The Patient Encounter use case contains optional Medication Activity and Laboratory Activity as use case extensions. All data collected during the provision of care services are record in an Electronic Medical Record System. UC02: Laboratory Activity The Laboratory Activity use case encompasses the activities related to the placement and fulfillment of laboratory orders as documented in a Laboratory Information System. Laboratory Activity is an optional extension to the Patient Encounter use case. UC03: Medication Activity The Medication Activity use case encompasses the activities related to the placement and fulfillment of medication orders as documented in a Pharmacy Information System. Medication activity is an optional extension to the Patient Encounter use case. UC04: Reportable Condition Evaluation The Reportable Condition Evaluation use case encompasses the activities related to evaluation of encounter data for the purpose of detecting the presence or absence of medical conditions (diagnoses, test results, test orders, and symptoms) that trigger the submission of an initial public health case report. The detection of reportable medical conditions can be a manual process performed by a Responsible Provider or an automated function performed by an Electronic Medical Record System. UC05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting The Initial Public Health Case Reporting use case encompasses the activities related to submission of an eICR by an Electronic Medical Record System to a Public Health Agency. The submission of an eICR may or may not include the participation of a Public Health Case Reporting Intermediary. UC06: Initial Public Health Case Reporting with Intermediary The Initial Public Health Case Reporting use case encompasses the activities related to submission of an eICR by an Electronic Medical Record System to a Public Health Agency including the participation of a Public Health Case Reporting Intermediary. The value added by the Public Health Care Reporting Intermediary will vary from implementation to implementation. The types of activities performed by the Public Health Care Reporting Intermediary include but are not limited to: eICR Routing Transformation of data structures used for the eICR Model Specification Page: 8 Translation of coded semantics used in the eICR Normalization or enhancement of patient demographic data UC07: Initial Public Health Case Report Follow-up The Initial Public Health Case Report Follow-up use case encompasses the set of activities conducted by the Public Health Agency as a consequence of having received an eICR. These activities include contacting the Responsible Provider and/or Care Delivery Organization to perform one or more of the following: acknowledge receipt of the eICR, confirm reportability of the case, request additional data, initiate investigation, contact tracing, or countermeasures. UC08: Maintain eICR Reporting Triggers The Maintain eICR Reporting Triggers use case encompasses the set of activities necessary for the development and ongoing maintenance of a list of reportable condition trigger codes used to match against. clinical diagnoses and lab orders and results to identify possible reportable conditions. An initial list has been developed by the Association of Public Health Labs (APHL) working with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO) and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). The list of reportable condition trigger codes is maintained using the Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS). Model Specification Page: 9 Use Case Actors Use Case Actors - (Use Case diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Use Case Actors AbdulMalik 1.0 10/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 2:04:59 PM 05: Patient + Patient + PatientGuardian Patient Public Health Case Reporting Interrmediary Public Health Agency Care Deliv ery Organization Pharmacy Information System 03: Care Deliv ery Facility Reportable Condition Ev aluator + CareDeliveryFacility + CareDeliveryOrganization + ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem 04: Prov ider + Provider + ProviderFacility Responsible Prov ider Electronic Medical Record System Reportable Conditions Know ledge Management System Association of Public Health Labs (APHL) Figure: 4 Association of Public Health Labs (APHL) Care Delivery Organization Care delivery organization (CDO) is a legal entity whose primary mission is the delivery of healthcare-related products and services. A CDO owns and operates one or more Care Delivery Facility. The CDO is the custodian of patient care documents maintained in one or more Electronic Medical Record System. Electronic Medical Record System A Electronic Medical Record System (EMR) is an electronic record of health-related information on an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff within one Care Delivery Organization. The EMR is the authoring device of the eICR. Laboratory Information Management System Model Specification Page: 10 A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), sometimes referred to as a Laboratory Information System (LIS) or Laboratory Management System (LMS), is a software-based laboratory and information management system with features that support a modern laboratory's operations. A LIMS maintain information concerning the status laboratory orders placed by clinicians. Patient A Patient is a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment. Pharmacy Information System A Pharmacy Information System (PIS) is a complex computer system designed to meet the needs of a pharmacy department. The PIS maintains information concerning the status of medication orders placed by clinicians. Public Health Agency A Public Health Agency (PHA) is a government entity responsible for some aspect of Public Health concerning persons in a particular geopolitical jurisdiction. Public health refers to "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals. The PHA is the recipient of a eICR and is accountable for its follow-up. Public Health Case Reporting Interrmediary A Public Health Case Reporting Intermediary is an organization that serves as a conduit between an EMR and PHA for the purpose of information exchange. Reportable Condition Evaluator A Reportable Condition Evaluator is a person or device with the capability to inspect a patient's electronic health record to determine the presences of medical conditions of interest to public health. Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System Responsible Provider A Responsible Provider is the member of the clinical team involved in the delivery of health services to a Patient that is ultimately accountable for the actions of the team. Model Specification Page: 11 Use Case Activity Flows Activities by Actor - (Activity diagram) A_1.1.1: Prov ide Health Care Serv ices A_1.1.2: Laboratory Activ ity A_1.2: Update Electronic Medical Record A_1.1.3: Medication Activ ity ActivityInitial Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: A_7.2: Participate in Public Health Case Follow -up Activities by Actor AbdulMalik 1.0 10/15/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 3:05:02 PM ActivityFinal Encounter Data: PatientEncounter 3: Electronic Medical Record System 1: Responsible Provider A_1.1: Prov ide Patient Care 4: Reportable Condition Evaluator A_1.3: Maintain Patient Encounter Data A_5.1: Reciev e Reportable Condition Observ ation A_5.2: Generate Public Health Case Report Encounter Data [Updated]: PatientEncounter Matched Reportable Condition Trigger: ReportableCondition Public Health Case Report: InitialPublicCaseReport A_4.2: Rev iew Encounter Data A_4.3: Match Encounter Data to eICR Trigger Codes [Match Found] 5: Public Health Agency eICR Reportable ConditionTtrigger Codes Initial Public Health Case Follow -up A_5.3: Reciev e Public Health Case Report A_7.1: Follow Up on Public Health Case Notification Figure: 5 Activities by Use Case - (Package diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Activities by Use Case AbdulMalik 1.0 10/24/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 2:36:50 PM AF01: Patient Encounter UC01: Patient Encounter AF04: Reportable Condition Ev aluation + A_1.1: Provide Patient Care + A_4.2: Review Encounter Data + A_1.2: Update Electronic Medical Record + A_4.3: Match Encounter Data to eICR Trigger Codes + A_1.3: Maintain Patient Encounter Data + ActivityFinal + ActivityFinal + ActivityInitial UC04: Reportable Condition Ev aluation + ActivityInitial «extend» UC02: Laboratory Activ ity «extend» UC06: Initial Public Health Case Reporting w ith Intermediary UC03: Medication Activ ity AF07: Initial Public Health Care Report Follow -up UC07: Initial Public Health Case Report Follow -up AF05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting + A_7.1: Follow Up on Public Health Case Notification + A_5.1: Recieve Reportable Condition Observation + A_7.2: Participate in Public Health Case Follow-up + A_5.2: Generate Public Health Case Report + ActivityFinal + A_5.3: Recieve Public Health Case Report + ActivityInitial + ActivityFinal + ActivityInitial Figure: 6 UC05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting Model Specification Page: 12 AF01: Patient Encounter The Patient Encounter activity flow is a realization of the Patient Encounter use case. The flow of activities include the provision of patient care by a responsible provider followed by an update of the patient's electronic medical record maintained by the electronic medical record system. Patient Encounter - (Activity diagram) 1: Responsible Prov ider 3: Electronic Medical Record System ActivityInitial Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: A_1.1: Prov ide Patient Care Patient Encounter AbdulMalik 1.0 10/23/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 2:32:17 PM A_1.1.1: Prov ide Health Care Serv ices A_1.1.2: Laboratory Activ ity A_1.1.3: Medication Activ ity A_1.2: Update Electronic Medical Record Encounter Data: PatientEncounter A_1.3: Maintain Patient Encounter Data ActivityFinal Figure: 7 Model Specification Page: 13 AF04: Reportable Condition Evaluation The Reportable Condition Evaluation activity flow is a realization of the Reportable Condition Evaluation use case. The flow of activities begins with a review of encounter data by a Reportable Condition Evaluator and subsequent attempt to match diagnostic and laboratory data to eICR reportable condition triggers. When a match is found the patient's medical record is updated to indicate that a match was found. Reportable Condition Evaluation - (Activity diagram) 3: Electronic Medical Record System Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: 4: Reportable Condition Ev aluator Reportable Condition Evaluation AbdulMalik 1.0 10/24/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 9:21:58 PM A_1.3: Maintain Patient Encounter Data A_5.1: Reciev e Reportable Condition Observ ation ActivityInitial Encounter Data [Updated]: PatientEncounter Matched Reportable Condition Trigger: [Match ReportableCondition Found] A_4.2: Rev iew Encounter Data A_4.3: Match Encounter Data to eICR Trigger Codes [No Match] ActivityFinal Figure: 8 eICR Reportable ConditionTtrigger Codes Model Specification Page: 14 AF05: Initial Public Health Case Reporting The Initial Public Health Case Reporting activity flow is a realization of the Initial Public Health Case Reporting use case. The flow of activities begins with receipt of a reportable condition observation by an Electronic Medial Record System triggering it to generate the Initial Public Health Case report (eICR) and submit it to a Public Health Agency. The flow of activities ends with the receipt of the eICR by the Public Health Agency. The submission of an eICR may include the participation of a Public Health Case Reporting Intermediary. The value added by the Public Health Care Reporting Intermediary will vary from implementation to implementation. The types of activities performed by the Public Health Care Reporting Intermediary include but are not limited to: eICR Routing Transformation of data structures used for the eICR Translation of coded semantics used in the eICR Normalization or enhancement of patient demographic data A_4.3: Match Encounter Data to eICR Trigger Codes [Match Found] Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Matched Reportable Condition Trigger: ReportableCondition A_5.1: Reciev e Reportable Condition Observ ation A_5.2: Generate Public Health Case Report ActivityInitial 5: Public Health Agency 3: Electronic Medical Record System 4: Reportable Condition Evaluator Initial Public Health Case Reporting - (Activity diagram) Initial Public Health Case Reporting AbdulMalik 1.0 10/24/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 9:22:15 PM Public Health Case Report: InitialPublicCaseReport A_5.3: Reciev e Public Health Case Report ActivityFinal Figure: 9 Model Specification Page: 15 AF07: Initial Public Health Care Report Follow-up The Initial Public Health Care Report Follow-up activity flow is a realization of the Initial Public Health Care Report Follow-up use case. The flow of activities begins with the Public Health Agency initiating follow-up activity. These activities include contacting the Responsible Provider and/or Care Delivery Organization to perform one or more of the following: acknowledge receipt of the eICR, confirm reportability of the case, request additional data, initiate investigation, contact tracing, or countermeasures. The activity flow ends with the participation of Responsible Provider in follow-up activities. Intial Public Health Care Report Follow-up - (Activity diagram) 1: Responsible Prov ider Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: 5: Public Health Agency Intial Public Health Care Report Follow-up AbdulMalik 1.0 10/24/2015 12:00:00 AM 11/1/2015 9:29:12 PM Public Health Case Report: InitialPublicCaseReport A_5.3: Reciev e Public Health Case Report A_7.2: Participate in Public Health Case Follow -up Initial Public Health Case Follow -up A_7.1: Follow Up on Public Health Case Notification ActivityInitial ActivityFinal Figure: 10 Model Specification Page: 16 Interactions Interactions - (Interaction diagram) :Electronic Medical Record System :Public Health Case Reporting Interrmediary opt Direct Communication opt Using an Intermediary Figure: 11 :Public Health Agency Model Specification Page: 17 Initial Public Health Case Reporting Static Model The static model portion of the Initial Public Health Case Reporting DAM defines classes that form the information content of the eICR and the objects that participate in inter-activity information flows. Static Model Classes The eICR static model classes depict the data content of the eICR as specified by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). Initial Public Health Case Reporting - (Package diagram) Figure: 13 Model Specification Page: 18 Initial Public Health Case Reporting - (Class diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Initial Public Health Case Reporting AbdulMalik 1.0 10/7/2015 12:00:00 AM 10/27/2015 4:09:49 PM Prov ider - Prov iderFacility is contact location for identifier: II name: EN.PN telecomAddress: TEL [1..3] 0..1 1..* - name: ST postalAddress: AD - name: EN.PN [1..*] telecomAddress: TEL [1..*] 1..1 ReportSubmission InitialPublicCaseReport is part of effectiveDateTime: TS - 1..* - PatientGuardian effectiveDate: TS.DATE is responsible for 1..* 1..* 0..1 is legally responsible for generates is triggered by 1..* Patient 1..* 1..1 1..1 PatientEncounter CareDeliv eryFacility ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem - - name: ST is location of identifier: II typeCode: CD postalAddress: AD 1..* 1..* 1..1 + - startDateTime: TS typeCode: CD presentIllnessHistoryText: ST reasonCode: CD is subject of 1..1 1..* 1..* is operated by 1..1 is operated by CareDeliv eryOrganization is part of - identifier: II name: EN.PN [1..*] telecomAddress: TEL [1..*] postalAddress: AD [1..*] birthDate: TS.DATE sexCode: CD raceCode: CD ethnicityCode: CD preferredLanguage: CD occupationCode: CD isPregnantIndicator: BL [0..1] deathDate: TS.DATE [0..1] is part of 1..1 - name: ST telecomAddress: TEL is part of 0..* - typeCode: CD - typeCode: CD effectiveDate: TS.DATE is a type of Package Foriegn Class is an indicator for ReportableConditionSymptom - typeCode: CD 0..* LaboratoryOrder EncounterDiagnosis Legend Class 0..* 1..* AdministeredMedication ReportableCondition 1..1 Figure: 14 - onsetDate: TS.DATE - typeCode: CD identifier: II Model Specification Page: 19 01: Suspected Case Report Suspected Case Report - (Class diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Suspected Case Report AbdulMalik 1.0 10/13/2015 8:11:56 PM 10/15/2015 12:17:55 AM 03: Care Deliv ery Facility:: ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem ReportSubmission generates 1..1 1..* - (2210-77) effectiveDateTime: TS is part of 1..* Legend InitialPublicCaseReport Package - Class (2210-11) effectiveDate: TS.DATE 02: Patient Encounter::PatientEncounter is triggered by 1..* 1..1 Foriegn Class Figure: 15 InitialPublicCaseReport Relationships Type Aggregation is part of Association is triggered by Source InitialPublicCaseReport Parent ReportSubmission PatientEncounter InitialPublicCaseReport Attributes Attribute Attribute Detail Conformance ID: 2210-11 Default Value: Source Mapping: 1: Date of the Report effectiveDate ReportSubmission Relationships Type Source Parent Model Specification Page: 20 Type Association generates Source ReportSubmission Parent ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem Aggregation is part of InitialPublicCaseReport ReportSubmission Attributes Attribute effectiveDateTime Attribute Detail Conformance ID: 2210-77 Default Value: Source Mapping: 2: Report Submission Date/Time Model Specification Page: 21 02: Patient Encounter Patient Encounter - (Class diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Patient Encounter AbdulMalik 1.0 10/13/2015 8:06:26 PM 10/18/2015 5:30:58 PM 01: Suspected Case Report:: InitialPublicCaseReport 04: Prov ider::Prov ider is responsible for is triggered by 1..* 1..1 1..1 1..* PatientEncounter 03: Care Deliv ery Facility:: CareDeliv eryFacility is location of 1..1 1..* + - 05: Patient::Patient (2210-62) startDateTime: TS (2210-49) typeCode: CD presentIllnessHistoryText: ST reasonCode: CD is subject of 1..* 1..1 is part of is part of is part of 0..* 1..* LaboratoryOrder - typeCode: CD identifier: II 0..* EncounterDiagnosis - AdministeredMedication typeCode: CD effectiveDate: TS.DATE - typeCode: CD Legend is a type of Package Class 06: Reportable Condition: :ReportableCondition Foriegn Class - onsetDate: TS.DATE Figure: 16 AdministeredMedication Relationships Type Aggregation is part of Attributes Attribute typeCode Source AdministeredMedication Parent PatientEncounter Attribute Detail Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 39: Medications Administered (list) Model Specification Attribute Page: 22 Attribute Detail EncounterDiagnosis Relationships Type Aggregation is part of Generalization is a type of Attributes Attribute Source EncounterDiagnosis Parent PatientEncounter ReportableCondition EncounterDiagnosis Attribute Detail typeCode Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 37: Diagnoses effectiveDate Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 38: Date of Diagnosis LaboratoryOrder Relationships Type Aggregation is part of Attributes Attribute typeCode Source LaboratoryOrder Attribute Detail Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 35: Lab Order Code Parent PatientEncounter Model Specification identifier Page: 23 Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 36: Placer Order Number PatientEncounter Relationships Type Association is subject of Source PatientEncounter Parent Patient Association is responsible PatientEncounter for Provider Association is triggered by InitialPublicCaseReport PatientEncounter Association is location of PatientEncounter CareDeliveryFacility Aggregation is part of EncounterDiagnosis PatientEncounter Aggregation is part of LaboratoryOrder PatientEncounter Aggregation is part of AdministeredMedication PatientEncounter Attributes Attribute Attribute Detail startDateTime Conformance ID: 2210-62 Default Value: Source Mapping: 29: Visit Date/Time 30: Admission Date/Time typeCode Conformance ID: 2210-49 Default Value: Source Mapping: Model Specification Page: 24 presentIllnessHistoryText Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 31: History of Present Illness reasonCode Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 32: Reason for Visit Model Specification Page: 25 03: Care Delivery Facility Care Delivery Facility - (Class diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Care Delivery Facility AbdulMalik 1.0 10/13/2015 8:10:29 PM 10/18/2015 5:33:28 PM 02: Patient Encounter:: PatientEncounter CareDeliv eryFacility is location of 1..* 1..1 - CareDeliv eryOrganization (2210-68; 2210-84) identifier: II (2210-59) typeCode: CD (2210-71; 2210-87) postalAddress: AD is operated by 1..* 1..1 - (2210-72; 2210-85) name: ST (2210-73; 2210-86) telecomAddress: TEL 1..1 is operated by Legend Package Class Foriegn Class 1..* 01: Suspected Case Report:: ReportSubmission ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem generates 1..* - (2210-78) name: ST 1..1 Figure: 18 CareDeliveryFacility Relationships Type Source Association is operated by CareDeliveryFacility Association is location of PatientEncounter Attributes Attribute Parent CareDeliveryOrganization CareDeliveryFacility Attribute Detail identifier Conformance ID: 2210-68; 2210-84 Default Value: Source Mapping: 11: Facility ID Number typeCode Conformance ID: 2210-59 Default Value: Source Mapping: 13: Facility Type Model Specification Page: 26 Conformance ID: 2210-71; 2210-87 Default Value: Source Mapping: 15: Facility Address postalAddress CareDeliveryOrganization Relationships Type Source Association is operated by CareDeliveryFacility Association is operated by ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem Attributes Attribute Parent CareDeliveryOrganization CareDeliveryOrganization Attribute Detail name Conformance ID: 2210-72; 2210-85 Default Value: Source Mapping: 12: Facility Name telecomAddress Conformance ID: 2210-73; 2210-86 Default Value: Source Mapping: 14: Facility Phone ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem Relationships Type Source Association is operated by ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem Association generates Attributes Attribute name ReportSubmission Attribute Detail Conformance ID: 2210-78 Default Value: Source Mapping: 3: Sending Application Parent CareDeliveryOrganization ElectronicMedicalRecordSystem Model Specification Page: 27 04: Provider Provider - (Class diagram) Detail: Created on 10/13/2015. Last modified on 10/18/2015 Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Provider AbdulMalik 1.0 10/13/2015 8:04:26 PM 10/18/2015 5:34:21 PM Prov ider - Prov iderFacility (2210-63; 2210-90) identifier: II (2210-65; 2210-96) name: EN.PN (2210-64; 2210-95) telecomAddress: TEL [1..3] is contact location for 1..* 0..1 - (2210-66; 2210-97) name: ST (2210-67; 2210-98) postalAddress: AD 1..1 is responsible for Legend Package Class 1..* 02: Patient Encounter:: PatientEncounter Foriegn Class Figure: 19 Provider Relationships Type Association is contact location for Source Provider Parent ProviderFacility Association is responsible PatientEncounter for Attributes Attribute Provider Attribute Detail identifier Conformance ID: 2210-63; 2210-90 Default Value: Source Mapping: 4: Provider ID name Conformance ID: 2210-65; 2210-96 Default Value: Source Mapping: 5: Provider Name Model Specification Page: 28 Conformance ID: 2210-64; 2210-95 Default Value: Source Mapping: 6: Provider Phone 7: Provider Fax 8: Provider Email telecomAddress ProviderFacility Relationships Type Association is contact location for Attributes Attribute Source Provider Parent ProviderFacility Attribute Detail name Conformance ID: 2210-66; 2210-97 Default Value: Source Mapping: 9: Provider Facility/Office Name postalAddress Conformance ID: 2210-67; 2210-98 Default Value: Source Mapping: 10: Provider Address Model Specification Page: 29 05: Patient Patient - (Class diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Patient AbdulMalik 1.0 10/13/2015 8:05:24 PM 10/18/2015 5:35:03 PM Patient 02: Patient Encounter:: PatientEncounter is subject of 1..* 1..1 - (2210-21) identifier: II (2210-24) name: EN.PN [1..*] (2210-23) telecomAddress: TEL [1..*] (2210-22) postalAddress: AD [1..*] (2210-28) birthDate: TS.DATE (2210-17) sexCode: CD (2210-30; 2210-79) raceCode: CD (2210-80) ethnicityCode: CD (2210-35) preferredLanguage: CD occupationCode: CD isPregnantIndicator: BL [0..1] (2210-37) deathDate: TS.DATE [0..1] 1..* is legally responsible for Legend 0..1 Package Class PatientGuardian Foriegn Class - (2210-46) name: EN.PN [1..*] (2210-45) telecomAddress: TEL [1..*] Figure: 20 Patient Relationships Type Association is legally responsible for Association is subject of Attributes Attribute Source Patient Parent PatientGuardian PatientEncounter Patient Attribute Detail identifier Conformance ID: 2210-21 Default Value: Source Mapping: 16: Patient ID Number name Conformance ID: 2210-24 Default Value: Source Mapping: 17: Patient Name Model Specification Page: 30 telecomAddress Conformance ID: 2210-23 Default Value: Source Mapping: 19: Patient or Parent/Guardian Phone 20: Patient or Parent/Guardian Email postalAddress Conformance ID: 2210-22 Default Value: Source Mapping: 21: Street Address birthDate Conformance ID: 2210-28 Default Value: Source Mapping: 22: Birth Date sexCode Conformance ID: 2210-17 Default Value: Source Mapping: 23: Patient Sex raceCode Conformance ID: 2210-30; 2210-79 Default Value: Source Mapping: 24: Race ethnicityCode Conformance ID: 2210-80 Default Value: Source Mapping: 25: Ethnicity preferredLanguage Conformance ID: 2210-35 Default Value: Source Mapping: 26: Preferred Language occupationCode Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 27: Occupation Model Specification Page: 31 isPregnantIndicator Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 28: Pregnant deathDate Conformance ID: 2210-37 Default Value: Source Mapping: 40: Death Date PatientGuardian Relationships Type Association is legally responsible for Attributes Attribute Source Patient Parent PatientGuardian Attribute Detail name Conformance ID: 2210-46 Default Value: Source Mapping: 18: Parent/Guardian Name telecomAddress Conformance ID: 2210-45 Default Value: Source Mapping: 19: Patient or Parent/Guardian Phone 20: Patient or Parent/Guardian Email Model Specification Page: 32 06: Reportable Condition Reportable Condition - (Class diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Reportable Condition AbdulMalik 1.0 10/13/2015 8:07:17 PM 10/18/2015 5:35:17 PM 02: Patient Encounter:: EncounterDiagnosis is a type of ReportableCondition - onsetDate: TS.DATE 1..1 is an indicator for Legend 0..* Package Class ReportableConditionSymptom Foriegn Class - typeCode: CD Figure: 21 ReportableCondition Relationships Type Generalization is a type of Association is an indicator for Attributes Attribute onsetDate Source ReportableCondition Parent EncounterDiagnosis ReportableConditionSymptom ReportableCondition Attribute Detail Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 33: Date of Onset ReportableConditionSymptom Relationships Model Specification Type Association is an indicator for Attributes Attribute typeCode Page: 33 Source ReportableConditionSymptom Attribute Detail Conformance ID: Default Value: Source Mapping: 34: Symptoms (list) Parent ReportableCondition Model Specification Page: 34 Static Model Objects Static Model Objects - (Object diagram) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Static Model Objects AbdulMalik 1.0 10/21/2015 3:18:48 PM 11/1/2015 9:44:41 PM eICR Reportable ConditionTtrigger Codes Laboratory Result: LaboratoryOrder «trace» 06: Reportable Condition + ReportableCondition + ReportableConditionSymptom «trace» Matched Reportable Condition Trigger: ReportableCondition Encounter Data: PatientEncounter 02: Patient Encounter «trace» + AdministeredMedication + EncounterDiagnosis (from Static Model Classes) + LaboratoryOrder Encounter Data [Updated]: PatientEncounter 01: Suspected Case Report + InitialPublicCaseReport + ReportSubmission «trace» Public Health Case Report: InitialPublicCaseReport (from Static Model Classes) «trace» (from Static Model Classes) «trace» Laboratory Order: LaboratoryOrder Initial Public Health Case Follow -up Figure: 22 Encounter Data Encounter Data [Updated] Initial Public Health Case Follow-up Laboratory Order Laboratory Result Matched Reportable Condition Trigger Public Health Case Report eICR Reportable Condition Trigger Codes + PatientEncounter